Ways to lose weight

lizzybarron Posts: 13 Member
I have been trying to lose weight for a year now, and everytime I lose weight, I fall back into my original habits. My real problem is my eating. I exercise regularly through school and netball and I go to the gym, but I eat all the wrong foods and too much. Now I have started to cut out most carbs and extra fat and sugar. Maybe 1 piece of bread a day. It is quite hard for me because I work at a bakery. But I want to talk to other people about their weightloss stories :) So please come and join me xx


  • TBarron784
    TBarron784 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for starting this group. I saw the Topic in Community Groups and automatically clicked, then I get in here and see we have the same name. I would suggest that you remember it is our responsibility to chase our health. This can be a life or death story. Every thing you read on this site is about Ways to lose, motivation etc, so don't wait for people to come to you. Be proactive. Read blogs, posts, articles and we also need to blog and post (just as your doing) just don't depend on one thing and let your "disease" dis ease the negative voices in your head, tell you no one cares, no one joins my page etc. Stay positive and grateful for all of the information that we can get on this page and all over the web. There is not one answer, no quick fix. Its a one day at a time, lifestyle change. As you read throughout this page and the web you will see that its a matter of calories in and calories out and more specifically how you take your calories in and how you burn them off and that is just as individual as all other aspects of life. Like choices in careers, music, movies, spouses etc. Find what works for you and the only way is through trial and error. Don't think of the errors as failures think of them as directions to the right way. One Love Trisha
  • seh139
    seh139 Posts: 6 Member
    I'll join in :)
    Always need some extra motivation. So far so good this year... slowly chipping away at the block (me...)
    Like Trisha said there is no quick fix, take it one day at a time and the best thing is to get back into your healthy lifestyle even if you do slip up. No one is perfect and everyone slips. Make very small changes often and you'll be surprised how they become your lifestyle... You can do it! We can do it... one day at a time! :)
  • rcaissie2012
    rcaissie2012 Posts: 37 Member
    Good morning ladies! I hope you don't mind me joining in. I am a lifetime memeber of Weight Watchers gone very wrong. I always found that the meetings or groups on line where the strong pts of the program. I have about 50 lbs to lose to be happy and where I want to be. That still wont bring me back to my lifetime memeber weight but its where I will be happy.

    My name is Rachelle and I would really like to help motivate and get motivation here.
  • abbylbrown23
    abbylbrown23 Posts: 344 Member
    Hello beautiful ladies I would love to join you guys in this lifestyle change. I know exactly how you feel Lizzy. I was doing so good before the holidays and now that they have come and gone I am having troubles getting back motivated. Hopefully this group we can encourage each other.

    I am Abby by the way :) I try to make it to the gym at least 5 times a week. As you can see by my diary if you add me I am not a health nut by any means, I eat junk food and fat but I try to stay under my calories.

    Feel free to add me!
  • abbylbrown23
    abbylbrown23 Posts: 344 Member
    Thanks for starting this group. I saw the Topic in Community Groups and automatically clicked, then I get in here and see we have the same name. I would suggest that you remember it is our responsibility to chase our health. This can be a life or death story. Every thing you read on this site is about Ways to lose, motivation etc, so don't wait for people to come to you. Be proactive. Read blogs, posts, articles and we also need to blog and post (just as your doing) just don't depend on one thing and let your "disease" dis ease the negative voices in your head, tell you no one cares, no one joins my page etc. Stay positive and grateful for all of the information that we can get on this page and all over the web. There is not one answer, no quick fix. Its a one day at a time, lifestyle change. As you read throughout this page and the web you will see that its a matter of calories in and calories out and more specifically how you take your calories in and how you burn them off and that is just as individual as all other aspects of life. Like choices in careers, music, movies, spouses etc. Find what works for you and the only way is through trial and error. Don't think of the errors as failures think of them as directions to the right way. One Love Trisha

    Very well put Trisha!
  • rcaissie2012
    rcaissie2012 Posts: 37 Member
    I am not sure what issues you ladies are having with following but one of my biggest issues is getting in my water. I have actually decided today that I will set an alarm on my phone to remind me every 2 hours to drink my water. I am hoping it works. The funny part is that for 3.5 years I was VERY sick and the last year of the time all I did was drink water and now, forget it.

    I am hoping to exercise at least 4-5 times a week for 45 mins minimum. I am wondering if you guys would like to start some mini challenges amongst ourselves? I will even track them if you would like.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,632 Member
    I'd love to join in, I just started last monday and I changed a lot in a week, I now weight and measure everything that goes into my body. its not hard but different for now. I also try and do zumba 4 times a week and go to my little gym at my place 3 times a week. I'm getting use to it but I have to remember to take it a day at a time. one small step. sometimes I even have to just go an hour at a time. but what I enjoy on here is getting to talk to others who are doing the same thing as my self. We all understand its hard and we need the support
  • abbylbrown23
    abbylbrown23 Posts: 344 Member
    I am not sure what issues you ladies are having with following but one of my biggest issues is getting in my water. I have actually decided today that I will set an alarm on my phone to remind me every 2 hours to drink my water. I am hoping it works. The funny part is that for 3.5 years I was VERY sick and the last year of the time all I did was drink water and now, forget it.

    I am hoping to exercise at least 4-5 times a week for 45 mins minimum. I am wondering if you guys would like to start some mini challenges amongst ourselves? I will even track them if you would like.

    When I work I drink water fine, its on weekends I have issues. What I have done is brought a big 48oz water bottle to work and I try to drink one every 2 hours. Then I just keep refilling.

    I think my biggest issue is to stop eating when I am full. I eat because something tastes good not because I am hungry.

    I'd love to start a mini challenge!
  • woodsk24
    woodsk24 Posts: 2 Member
    Having these groups and the support for motivation is a huge deal...especially for me. If I don't have the encouragement and support from others, than it is EXTREMELY difficult for me to stay on track to lose weight. I was working out for 6+ weeks prior to Christmas and I was doing really well with eating good and exercising 5-6 days a week. But to no avail was I seeing much for results...which was really frustrating. So of course once all of the Holiday food made it's presence I caved. Now, I'm struggling to get back into the swing of things...and after finding myfitnesspal I've found it has been awesome so far.

    I see some of you posted that you have difficulties getting in your required daily amount of water. I find it easiest to drink water from a straw...I keep a big cool gear container next to my desk/computer and I'm constantly sipping on it and before no time it's empty and I have to refill. I used to just drink out of a water bottle, but I find I drink more with the container having a straw. Hope this idea helps. And I do the same on weekends! I just fill it and carry it around the house with me...or I have a few sitting out, one in the kitchen and one in the living room. And if I'm in the vehicle I always have one sitting in the car.
  • leekat14
    leekat14 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Lizzy! I feel you because when you're feeling down in the dumps, there really no where to turn to for motivation. So awesome that you have started this. I recently got back into running and slowly getting there. I'm also trying to eat right and lose all this baby weight from my last child, which she is now 2 and a half. Motivation is key and I do get down in the dumps because I workout alone a lot.

    Nice to meet you all!
  • i try and try every year this is the year im going to do it need to stay motivated :)
  • abbylbrown23
    abbylbrown23 Posts: 344 Member
    i try and try every year this is the year im going to do it need to stay motivated :)

    YOU ARE!! Together we will encourage each other. I find it is a lot easier when you have friends going through the same as you and encouraging each other.

    Hopefully this group will do great things together!!
  • rcaissie2012
    rcaissie2012 Posts: 37 Member
    I agree! And there is no more use of the work " TRY " instead its " WE WILL" we can do this and positive thinking helps.

    My favorite saying is........ " If You Want It Bad Enough"
  • mandifriesen
    mandifriesen Posts: 35 Member

    My name is Mandi,

    I am 26 and overweight! I'm looking for someone to be there to support me! I am 255lbs and I have got to the point in my life that I'm tired of being tired, not feeling good and not being able to shop for something that I see at the store and think it so cute cuz I know there is no way it would fit :(! So I have been a member on MFP for a while and its been like a yoyo I would be tracking everything and I would see the pounds coming off and then it was like I was starving myself and I would start eating like i was before and drink pop ( like up to 4 cans a day :( ). Now I'm back to wanted to get back to losing again!!!!! i know i can do but I need the support! My husband does support me but its not enough! I need positive support from anywhere i can get it!!! I have had people on here "supporting me" but stop chatting or deleted me off their friends list! So if there is anyone in the same spot as me, feel free to add me! I'm ready to be done with this being over weight business. The more we support each other is better!

    I am looking for other people that share my need for support. so we can do this together and lose!
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member

    Thanks for starting this group, I hope it is a active, straight forward exchange of ideas and support to help motivate each of our difficulties with weight loss.

    I have been on MFP for a while and I have had a steady weight loss - not like down a hill but like down stairs. There are times when you plateau, you may be losing inches. I say this because at times when that scale does not move we can get discouraged, don't let that waylay you. Come to this group or any of the forums, MFP is pretty supportive :smile:

    While I still have more weight to lose and hope to get to 150 by August, I won't be greatly disappointed if I don't. Now I am trying to expand my diet, by adding more meats and vegetables and trying some new cooking techniques - not because I am tired of the way I have been cooking I just want to make sure I have a wide variety of options once I complete my weight loss lifestyle. I also need some motivation to continue working out, I signed up with a trainer to develop a weight regiment for myself and hope that works out the way I envision.
  • Hi, my name is Lauren. I'm 24 and currently 194 lbs. This is my 8th day in a row working out at the YMCA.! I take classes there b/c I feel like it is easier to stay on task then if I were to self-direct. I'm hoping to lose about 50lbs by next New Year's which is only 1 lb a week if I keep at it! I'm really excited to find a support group here on MFP.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • blakesmom429
    blakesmom429 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Tabatha and I am 33. Right now, my current goal is to weigh 145-157 pounds. It is going to take some time, but I can and will do it. I have been trying to lose weight for about the past 9 months. I had my gallbladder surgery in April and decided that I was going to become healthy after that. I was doing really well until the holidays hit. I stopped exercising and decided that I was going to eat what I wanted to when I wanted too. Most of the time I wasn't even hungry and I would eat. I gained most of that weight back. On January 1st I weighed 270 pounds. I have started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I missed 1 day and today is day 12 of completing the workout. I have been eating 3 meals a day and not snacking at all. I have also only had 1 can of pop since Jan 1st. I am trying to drink only water. It has worked well. My only problem is I am having trouble drinking enough water. I currently am drinking about 1/2 of what I should be a day, according to my weight. Also, I don't have any way to track my calories burned during my workout. I note that I do the workout in the comments section of the exercise on MFP. As soon as I get my taxes back this year, I am going to buy a calorie tracker to see how many I burn during my workout. I can't wait to see that number, it will be exciting.
  • lizzybarron
    lizzybarron Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks so much for going my group and helping me stay positive:) I have just restarted My Fitness Pal and I am going to stay on it so that I can communicate with awesome people like you! xx LIzzy
  • lizzybarron
    lizzybarron Posts: 13 Member
    I am not sure what issues you ladies are having with following but one of my biggest issues is getting in my water. I have actually decided today that I will set an alarm on my phone to remind me every 2 hours to drink my water. I am hoping it works. The funny part is that for 3.5 years I was VERY sick and the last year of the time all I did was drink water and now, forget it.

    I am hoping to exercise at least 4-5 times a week for 45 mins minimum. I am wondering if you guys would like to start some mini challenges amongst ourselves? I will even track them if you would like.

    I would love to start mini challenges! my biggest issue is that i eat way to many carbs. I work in a bakery where we can take free food whenever we want. Do any of you lovely ladies have any advice on how to ignore the temptation?