Week 2 weigh in



    CULTIVATE140 Posts: 22 Member
    Ultimate Weight Range: 150-170 lb// 68.3-77.1 kg

    Beginning of January: 233.5lb // 105.9kg
    Beginning of April: 220 lb // 99.8 kg

    Total Loss so far: _0.00__

    1.06.14---- 233.5lb // 105.914kg
    1.13.14---- 233.5lb// 105.914kg
    # of work outs this week: 1
    # of 7hour+ night sleep: 2

    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    # of work outs this week:
    # of 7hour+ night sleep:
    Edited by CULTIVATE140 On January 6, 2014 12:50 am
  • jenabee610
    jenabee610 Posts: 29 Member
    I am loving reading everyone's posts and am so proud of all you lovely peeps. The first week is always the toughest for me. I struggled with finding my healthy alternatives again. I got so used to eating poorly for the past several months and now I am trying to break the habits. Not always the easiest thing.

    SW 194.2
    CW 194.2
    GW for challenge: 174.2.
    UGW 140 or more depending on how I feel once I get to that point.

    Coolchick...thanks so much for bringing up the NSV. You have definitely been an inspiration to all of us. Keep up the amazingness!

    I didn't show a weight change, but I've decided to start tracking my inches too. Like you said, sometimes there are other reasons for a weight gain or no change at all. Everyone just needs to keep in mind the little accomplishments they have made every week. For me it's been keeping up with my exercise routine. I did my five days this week of 30 minutes or more.

    Thinking about next week's goals...I'd like to eat at least one serving of fruit or veggies with every meal.

    Everyone keep up the amazing work. You are all doing so well and I love, love, love how supportive everyone is. We are all in this together.
  • lilmidnightwolf
    lilmidnightwolf Posts: 39 Member
    I lost a little over 1 lb this week. I started at 167.2
    End of this week: 166
    Slow progress but good progress!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I did my weigh-in yesterday but due to mandatory overtime at work, I did not get my weigh-in at the usual time or on the usual scale.

    My home scale says I now weigh 242...but I think a 5 lb. weight loss in a week is extremely unlikely. I'm going to go with 246 as my weight for now and will re-update when I get my next YMCA weigh-in this coming Saturday. (That would be a 1 lb loss)

    I did go over on calories a couple days but I'm doing much better at "planning" when I know a meal is going to be higher-cal (i.e. trimming down at other meals and adding exercise). I had a dense calorie lunch today but I'm getting ready to go to the gym now. :bigsmile:
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 218 Member
    SW: 162.5
    CW: 155
    GW: 145

    Okay, so yes, 7.5 lbs. lost this week. No, that's not typical or even remotely likely for me. It's also TOTALLY unfair for all of you who were diligent about staying under your calorie goals and working out most days, and then didn't see much movement on the scale. I really feel kind of guilty about this! It appears I lost my Christmas spike (three weeks of untracked feasting) in only one week. I knew it would come off fairly quickly once I got back to my normal routine, but figured it would take 2-3 weeks. I came down with a cold yesterday, so part of that is likely being a little dehydrated.

    From here on out, it'll be back to my more usual .5 - 1 lb./week, because now I'm back to working on the "old" fat. My goal for this week is to do better on staying within my calories. Because of this fast drop, I'm adjusting my goal weight for the challenge. If I hit it, I'll make my ultimate goal weight.
  • chickidee87
    chickidee87 Posts: 63 Member
    SW : 532lbs
    CW : 527lbs
    GW : 515lbs

    Lost 5lbs, yay! Also started the 30 Day Shred today, and was surprised I could do the entire video!Joined a gym yesterday and have my first strength training meeting with a personal trainer on Tuesday. Super excited. Hope everyone elses week went well! We can do this!
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 218 Member
    Lost 5lbs, yay! Also started the 30 Day Shred today, and was surprised I could do the entire video!Joined a gym yesterday and have my first strength training meeting with a personal trainer on Tuesday. Super excited. Hope everyone elses week went well! We can do this!
    Wow - great week Chickidee! Both scale and non-scale victories. Way to go!
  • grandy1000
    SW : 306 lbs
    CW : 301.4 bs

    4.6 lbs lost last week... MFP is helping a lot...
  • JoyLaine
    JoyLaine Posts: 110 Member
    I make an exercise appointment with myself & set the alarm on my phone. It works 9 out of 10 times for me.
  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    SW: 203.5
    CW: 200.6
    GW: 191.5
    Loss so far: 2.9 lbs.

    I followed my Mediterranean style diet this week, and it really did wonders. No processed foods during the week at all. Just fish, hummus, veggies, fruits, nuts, etc. I was under calories most days because the healthy fats combined with the nutrients from my diet made me feel satisfied. On Friday I went to the movies and had some sips of Coke and some popcorn, but it wasn't very appealing. I think this is a diet style I can actually follow.

    Small Victory of the Week: I got up and moved most days of the week. I wasn't feeling very well some of the days, but I moved for 30 minutes anyway. My diet was also very on point. I have never eaten that well before.

    Focus of the Week: My schedule is getting a little busier this week, so my focus is to be prepared with my food choices so that I'm not tempted with bad foods because I let myself get hungry. I will plan my meals in advance and make my meals in advance if I can.
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    SW 130 Jan 1
    128 Jan 4
    127.5 Jan 12

    GW 118

    Sticking with the diet plan and exercise plan. Guess its working, down 2.5 so far. Feels slow since I had the initial drop and then nothing unti today but feel thinner with clothes feeling less tight!
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    SW : 532lbs
    CW : 527lbs
    GW : 515lbs

    Lost 5lbs, yay! Also started the 30 Day Shred today, and was surprised I could do the entire video!Joined a gym yesterday and have my first strength training meeting with a personal trainer on Tuesday. Super excited. Hope everyone elses week went well! We can do this!

    Way to go! Keep up the great work lady!
  • Fodao
    Fodao Posts: 63 Member
    SW: 237.6
    CW: 235.4 (-2.2)

    GW: 218.6

    My Fitbit registered, for this week, 14 workouts for a total of 534 active minutes (nearly 9 hours!)

    So far so good. I was aiming for -1.5 a week, so this is a bonus. Be interesting to see what happens next week.

    Best day this week was yesterday, when I got out for a winter hike with my friend and his daughter. I chalked up 8 miles (in 2.75 hours) altogether for the activity.

    A lot of the other activity for the week was based around a few 1.5 - 2 hour walks with a friend who's trying to get back into shape after her baby arrived. Lesson takeaway: exercise goes by in a snap if you've got someone to talk to while you do it...

    Can't wait to see what next week brings!
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    Boo...I stayed the same 182.2
  • kikalique
    kikalique Posts: 52 Member
    I also lost no weight this week. But I will appreciate the NSV (4 good workouts in the week, no cheating, stayed below my calorie intake, generally feeling better) and just work towards next week. Also, I am inspired to take some "before" pictures so weeks like this I can see some result.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    OK I was able to use the "good" scale at the Y yesterday after my workout so I'm calling this my "official" weighin for last week. Down 3! I've now dropped my first 20 pounds :bigsmile:

    SW when I joined MFP: 264
    CW: 244
    GW for the 90 days: 235
    FGW: 150 (*or* 160-170 if it's muscular/toned...I'll revisit this when I get a lot closer to goal...)
    HOPEPATRICK74 Posts: 54 Member
    I am still at 150 as I was on Friday, at least I didn't gain anymore this weekend. So that mak me 4 lbs up. I need to work harder this week.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I am still at 150 as I was on Friday, at least I didn't gain anymore this weekend. So that mak me 4 lbs up. I need to work harder this week.
    I took the liberty of peeking at your food diary.

    First off the good: You are pretty consistent at staying under on total calories. You only had two days where you exceeded out of the 7 from Monday through yesterday. :flowerforyou:

    Now what I see as the bad: You skip quite a few meals. I think in the long run this will tempt you more to overeat when you are eating because you're starving. Out of the 7 days, you ate all 3 meals 4 out of the 7. Since you have your tracker set up to show the meals and a morning/afternoon/evening snack, I'm assuming your plan is to try and "graze" with 6 small meals rather than 3 big ones and a snack here and there. If that's the case, Wed. was the only day where you did eat 5 times. (4 times on Mon/Thur/Sat/.)

    I wasn't able to see your exercise diary so I have no idea what you did in terms of workouts. I also have a sedentary job (cubicle dweller) and I have been able to get in my 30 minutes daily just about every day of the week by doing 10 minutes in the office gym for my first break, 10 at lunch (I get 1/2 hour) and 10 on 2nd break. Sometimes I don't get in ALL thirty but most days I do. If you have an office gym, I encourage you to take advantage of it! :smile:

    Another good small change I've made that really does seem to have made a difference is: Whenever I can I take the stairs. I was getting winded climbing 4 flights of stairs in October. I no longer am.

    I also park farther away from the front door so I walk farther to get into the office.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    SW : 532lbs
    CW : 527lbs
    GW : 515lbs

    Lost 5lbs, yay! Also started the 30 Day Shred today, and was surprised I could do the entire video!Joined a gym yesterday and have my first strength training meeting with a personal trainer on Tuesday. Super excited. Hope everyone elses week went well! We can do this!

    Way to go! Keep up the great work lady!
    Nice! Way to go...
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    SW : 306 lbs
    CW : 301.4 bs

    4.6 lbs lost last week... MFP is helping a lot...