
Does anyone use this and if so which one and why? I don't know much about them, but often see people mention them on MFP. But the free fitbit app seems the same as MFP, so whats the point,im confused?!
Also saw someone mention they have a Fitbit Ultra and want to buy a Fitbit Forces, but just went on the Fitbit website and those don't even appear to exist? I am probably missing something, but what's it all about and more to the point....AM I MISSING OUT?!?! ;-)


  • helend78
    helend78 Posts: 8 Member
    The fitbit force is new and only out in the US atm and I think the ultra is the older one so i don't think its about anymore. I have the One and love it, really keeps me motivated to keep going although I don't use the site as much as others particularly the food side of it as its quite geared to American foods rather than UK ones but you can sync it with mfp so I do that
  • nessaj
    nessaj Posts: 74 Member
    I have the fitbit zip and love it. I can credit it with helping me to drop 5.6kg since early Jan when I got it. I'm unable to end the day if all my goals aren't green (that'll make sense if you've looked at the site) so am pushing myself to keep going with exercise. I sync it with mfp as the fitbit app doesn't have a UK food database so log food on here and then sync in my activities from the fitbit app. Hope that helps a bit :-)
  • slr90
    slr90 Posts: 212 Member
    I have a fitbit one :) I sync with mfp and don't generally use fitbit dashboard. I like that one is discreet but I can check how I'm doing at anytime :)
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,866 Member
    The fitbit is magic. It motivates you to move more, counts your calories, works out your TDEE for the month, lets you know if you are on track with your calories and keeps you motivated. I know exactly if I am on track with calories in vs calories out. I have the fitbit One which sinks to my Galaxy Tab and to MFP.

    I used to have the Ultra but that is the older model and not sold any more. The Force is very new and not out in UK yet.
  • Karen_LM
    Karen_LM Posts: 61 Member
    I have the Fitbit One since christmas. I am still sorting it out. It counts what you do all day, steps, flights of stairs (includes hills, great for me in a hilly town) total distance, calories burned. If you move steadily (a purposeful walk, vs the walk i walk to get my kid to school) it counts as 'active' or if you run 'very active' and credits a higher calorie burn for that.

    If you wear it during something like an aerobic class you can just leave it as is, or you can log that in to be counted as that kind of activity (i havent done that so cant say any more). There can be problems, since you wear it all day, with it miscounting time spent in the car, or on public transport. I spend little time on either, but there is much discussion on their forums about how to delete that by entering it as an activity with low calorie burn. I think most people dont have problems, but some few do.

    The forums at Fitbit often recommend using My Fitness Pal for food tracking as the database is better and the two can talk to each other. I dont think the Fitbit app can be used alone, it reads and displays the data off your Fitbit, which is too small to display much.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    I have the Zip and love it. It's just stolen 157 calories from me for lack of exercise, so I'm going to go out for a long walk to get it back.
  • louisemallas
    louisemallas Posts: 59 Member
    I have the flex and I find it really motivates me for tracking my steps. It links in with MFP and will give me extra calories for activities I haven't registered on MFP. For example, I record my elliptical trainer but no longer record general walking as it's difficult to measure how fast I'm going but the flex does that for me. I know I am getting crappy sleep at the moment and it monitors that too; I can see how many times I have woken up during the night and prove it to my husband who doesn't believe me (not that I seem to be able to do anything about it, mind.......). The flex lets you set an alarm so that it buzzes to wake you at whatever time you want and you can change it to monitor your calories if you want instead of steps. When you've achieved your target steps for the day (you can set them depending on your goals), it buzzes and flashes - like a little congratulations - it keeps me more motivated to achieve them.

    If you like gadgets that give you lots of information, as I do, then it's for you but it won't be for everyone. You don't need it, I lost all my weight before getting one for Christmas but I like the extra motivation and information. That's just me.
  • spg71
    spg71 Posts: 179 Member
    Waiting for the polar loop myself.
  • tinz75
    tinz75 Posts: 912 Member
    I have the fitbit ultra, it's quite old now but one of the most motivational fitness gadgets I've ever owned.

    If anyone uses a fitbit my profile is come and say Hi

    I use endomondo to track my exercise, Fitbit feeds directly into that, and then Endomondo feeds into MFP to adjust my calories, exercise and so on.

    Endomondo profile is at
  • hannydeee
    hannydeee Posts: 155 Member
    I used to have a Fitbit Ultra, but then lost it and the kind Fitbit team sent me a Fitbit One as the replacement. Both excellent. I prefer the One because of the bluetooth capabilities - so much easier now I can sync with my iPhone to see how I'm doing during the day rather than having to delve between my breasts to look at the Fitbit display!

    Anyhooo... I would definitely recommend getting the Fitbit One or Zip. I would personally avoid the wristband type ones (Flex, Force) as if you are someone who likes to gesticulate while talking this could present issues in accuracy!
  • Smallbluepebble
    Smallbluepebble Posts: 49 Member
    I have the One and I love it! I got it just after xmas with some vouchers I'd received. Truthfully, I thought that all I wanted was a pedometer but I heard about the fitbit & did some research.

    I'd really struggled with a weightloss plateau for a couple of months and couldn't figure out what the issue was - turned out I was undereating by a good 200-400 calories a day as my activity level was off... I changed up my calorie allowance and religiously wear my fitbit at all times (except in the shower!) and the weight has started to come off again slowly.

    I have mine linked to MFP and I know you can link to map my fitness/walk/run and endomondo to capture your activity. I make darn sure that all my daily targets are met each day (and have been known to jog round my garden in my jamas to meet my step/distance goals) and that my calorie output is "in the zone".

    I honestly think that without my fitbit pointing me in the right direction, I would still be struggling with a plateau and would be getting more and more disheartened... It motivates me to move my harris and it helps show me that doing so will help me get where I want to be. It won't do it for you - it's not magic, but it does work if used properly.

    Hope this helps!
  • nomesw84
    nomesw84 Posts: 101 Member
    I recently got a fitbit zip and I love it!

    I found out that I was underestimating just how active I was during the day. I assumed that working in an office would mean I came in under the 10,000 steps I wanted to be doing by a lot. I found I was doing 8,000 most days and have now added in an extra bit of walking in the morning/evening to get it up to where I want to be.

    I get the tube every day and worried that it would count steps when I'm on there but it doesn't at all, I check the first few days and it was the same when I got off as when I got on.

    I add any other exercises in on MFP and as long as I get the time and duration correct it adjusts my fitbit dashboard to match what I have entered.

    Found it's a really useful too to have along side MFP as it encourages me to move more!
  • SusanKing1981
    SusanKing1981 Posts: 257 Member
    I have the zip and it's my new best friend! I have bought my boyfriend one for Christmas and can't wait to "race" him!
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Sorry to barge in on the post but whats the difference between the zip and one and all the others in fact lol, Iv been looking into them and im getting so confused are some better than others.
  • ursiestar
    ursiestar Posts: 45 Member
    I have fitbit zip and I must admit I don't really know how to use it. I only have an i-phone to sync it to but haven't sussed it, so it's interesting that so many love this gadget... Any information for on how to use wld be much appreciated.. Apologies if I am jumping in here x
  • SusanKing1981
    SusanKing1981 Posts: 257 Member
    The zip is the basic model, and is cheaper. It doesn't count flights of stairs or monitor steps. It was enough for me!
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    I have the flex and I find it really motivates me for tracking my steps. It links in with MFP and will give me extra calories for activities I haven't registered on MFP. For example, I record my elliptical trainer but no longer record general walking as it's difficult to measure how fast I'm going but the flex does that for me. I know I am getting crappy sleep at the moment and it monitors that too; I can see how many times I have woken up during the night and prove it to my husband who doesn't believe me (not that I seem to be able to do anything about it, mind.......). The flex lets you set an alarm so that it buzzes to wake you at whatever time you want and you can change it to monitor your calories if you want instead of steps. When you've achieved your target steps for the day (you can set them depending on your goals), it buzzes and flashes - like a little congratulations - it keeps me more motivated to achieve them.

    If you like gadgets that give you lots of information, as I do, then it's for you but it won't be for everyone. You don't need it, I lost all my weight before getting one for Christmas but I like the extra motivation and information. That's just me.

    I am same as this. Got mine for Christmas too,I like the way my flex makes me see how inactive I am if I don't go out for a walk. Housework and gardening just don't burn much now I am at goal. Also as I expected it shows me I don't sleep well enough!
  • mrsjobba2
    mrsjobba2 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm curious about fit bit. My weight loss has plateaued and I'm considering getting a fit bit to help.
    I've found this on amazon - is it ok? Can you sinc this with mfp - I'd really appreciate your help / advice before splashing out!
  • sussexbythesea
    sussexbythesea Posts: 1,335 Member
    Yes it synchs so you record your food on MFP and the exercise cals earned by fitbit get taken off your mfp allowance . The price has come down since Christmas too which must mean the Fitbit Force will be available in UK soon. My diary is open if you want to look and see how it works for me. I am on maintenance btw
  • perfectflightisbeingthere
    I'm another flex lover! I like gadgets though anyway so probably not for everyone, but motivates me to keep active outside of my workouts. I use it get at the NEAT part of BMR + NEAT + EAT = TDEE. I use a HRM for EAT, flex for NEAT. They seem to have sorted out the connectivity issues lately and it works really nicely with MFP. I aim for 10,000 steps a day outside of any workout.....