


  • melzielkie
    melzielkie Posts: 90 Member
    Hi All,

    My name is Michelle and I will be thirty in March. By my birthday I had a few goals that I wanted to complete. I wanted to quit smoking by my 30th bday. I quit in early Dec. I also want to lose 12 lbs by my bday. By the end of 2014 I want to run a 1/2 marathon.I started using MFP a few years ago and lost about 40lbs using the site. I have gained and lost the same 5 lbs over the last year. I would like to lose about 20lbs to reach my goal. I am very busy with work, three children, a husband, and a dog. Since I quit smoking and have found that I gained a few pounds. In my eyes, this is worth it.

    My biggest issue is night time eating. If I could overcome this, I now I would see better results on the scale.

    My issue is night time eating too so I feel your pain! My sweet tooth kicks into overdrive at night!
  • knitwithpurpose
    knitwithpurpose Posts: 20 Member
    To Karen, I'm 5"1" and understand the difficulities of being short and trying to eat within the proper calorie range. Its true that we women of small stature don't need as many calories, but its sure hard to make others understand that. Hopefully this challenge will help you with motivation and it looks like it will encourage all of us to try something new. We can all do this together.
  • brdgt
    brdgt Posts: 20
    Hi All,

    My name is Michelle and I will be thirty in March. By my birthday I had a few goals that I wanted to complete. I wanted to quit smoking by my 30th bday. I quit in early Dec. I also want to lose 12 lbs by my bday. By the end of 2014 I want to run a 1/2 marathon.I started using MFP a few years ago and lost about 40lbs using the site. I have gained and lost the same 5 lbs over the last year. I would like to lose about 20lbs to reach my goal. I am very busy with work, three children, a husband, and a dog. Since I quit smoking and have found that I gained a few pounds. In my eyes, this is worth it.

    My biggest issue is night time eating. If I could overcome this, I now I would see better results on the scale.

    Michelle - I recommend Hal Higdon's Half-Marathon training programs - I've used them twice and I think they are great at helping you avoid injury while training:
  • brdgt
    brdgt Posts: 20
    My name is Ebonie. I work full time outside of the home. I turned 30 in December and did not reach the goals that I set out for myself but i'm still on my way. I want to run a 5k by November, and I have a pair of jeans i want to get into by summer. I do cardio at the gym when i can, I also have some Shaun T dvd's I utilize at home, and zumba on the wii when my toddler is napping. I'm thinking about doing T25 haven't decided yet. Having a great network of folks with you on your journey always makes it easier. Lets do this!

    Ebonie - I started running with the Couch-2-5K program and now run three times a week:
  • Nikki_G30
    Nikki_G30 Posts: 72 Member
    Hey there!

    My name is Nicole, I'm 5'2" and 31. I work full time outside the home. I have been on MFP since 2012 but started using it consistently in 2013. I am a gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian. I lost about 15 pounds over the last year and am trying to lose the last 5 - 10 pounds. I workout daily and love running, snowshoeing, hiking with my husband and our dog, snowboarding, and my fitness classes at the gym (spin and a crossfit type class). As of late, I am struggling with my eating. Not quite sure why but quality food just doesn't sound as good as junk food. I am looking forward to getting to know all of you during this challenge. I am on here daily so feel free to add me!
  • Diegosmother
    Diegosmother Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Lisa and am 5'2" and 42. I work full time at a very stressful desk job, which means I sit all day and probably stress eat all day on top of it. I've used MFP inconsistently over the last year, but have realized I need to keep on track and hold myself accountable. I really love food, and it's been my downfall over the last few years.
    I realy enjoy this tool and the support that other people in similar situations have. I am getting ready to run a 5K in March and an 8K in April, so have started the couch to 5K at the beginning of the month, I aso am married and have a young daughter so my free time seems minimal! I'm really trying to fit this in. I'm excited to try these challenges.