Week 2 weigh in



  • anitbit
    anitbit Posts: 8 Member
    SW 171
    CW 170.6
  • lhinds85
    lhinds85 Posts: 65 Member
    SW: 209

    I'm happy I didn't gain this week. Its my TOM so I'm pretty sure that next weigh in I will show a loss.
  • SW: 184.6
    CW:181.0 (-3.6 lbs.)
    GW: 170

    I didn't make my exercise or water goals last week. It was my fault as I was tired and kept telling myself that "I will do it tomorrow" and well tomorrow came and went with me not exercising or drinking enough water. It's a new week and I'm going to meet my goals no matter what!!!

    Second Week Goals:
    Exercise: Pilates 3x
    Water: 8 cups a day
    Food: eat less sugar
    Water is the pain in my neck too. You had a nice weight loss despite not being right on target. Keep it up!
  • Iratherbefit1
    Iratherbefit1 Posts: 20 Member
    I woke up a bit lighter today! yay me...

    sw for challenge :178
    CW: 176.4
    GW for challenge: 166

    My actual goal is to get my body bad to 20% or less and then work from them. Everyone in this group helps keep me focused, and I THANK YOU ALL.

    for those that are working out and coming out under their daily calorie intake, keep in mind that not eating enough can be problematic just as eating too much is a problem.

  • jgablin
    jgablin Posts: 23 Member
    Hello all. I joined the group late, so this is my first weigh in. Four lbs lighter. Refrained from sweets and tried eating better. Goal this week is to add exercise. Any tips on the best ways to fit working out in with an extremely busy schedule?

    If you can, park far from the entrance to your building. Take stairs instead of elevator. Stand at your desk when on the phone. Do leg lifts, crunches while sitting. Walk during lunch. Do an exercise video after work at home (on the tv). Hope this helps!
  • jgablin
    jgablin Posts: 23 Member
    Great job everyone!
    Forgot to post my week's goals!

    SW 178
    CW 174

    Very happy with my loss as I really stuck to consciously eating right and preparing foods that are good for me (and the family). Biggest thing I stopped: alcohol. Not even a glass of wine.

    This week: plan on continuing on eating healthy, portion control and stopping the non-thinking eating. Walking up to 2.5-3 miles a day, if my back doesn't give out on me!

    Challenge this week: going out to dinners twice this week. I know I'll have a glass of wine.
    How to overcome challenge: eat less during the day to enjoy dinner out. Go dancing one of those nights to burn it all off! :wink:
  • deeksha_s
    deeksha_s Posts: 79 Member
    Hello All,

    Here's my 1st week measurement :

    Following are my details :
    Start weight : 66.7Kg (147.048 lbs)
    Goal weight : 60 Kg (132 lbs)

    1st week weight : 66.4 Kg (146.3)

    Total Loss : Not even a pound.
    Exercise : I hardly exercised this week, Just regular housework and daily 20-30 minutes of walk. Having non-co-operative family sucks. My in-laws have been tempting me with fried snacks, high fat sweets. My ghee intake has increased substantially. Their theory is ghee/butter/oil is required for better functioning of body. If only I could exercise well to burn it off.
  • sassymc86
    sassymc86 Posts: 91 Member
    well considering that's not too bad you have pretty much lost one pound!
  • CulturedCowgurl
    CulturedCowgurl Posts: 136 Member
    SW 168
    CW 168

    Glad I did not gain but the scale also has not moved. I did have a few rough days where I know I just was eating too much. I will check my inches later to see if there is any progress there.
  • I am excited to see the progress everyone will make this week!
  • Hello all. I joined the group late, so this is my first weigh in. Four lbs lighter. Refrained from sweets and tried eating better. Goal this week is to add exercise. Any tips on the best ways to fit working out in with an extremely busy schedule?

    If you can, park far from the entrance to your building. Take stairs instead of elevator. Stand at your desk when on the phone. Do leg lifts, crunches while sitting. Walk during lunch. Do an exercise video after work at home (on the tv). Hope this helps!

    Thanks so much for the ideas!!! :smile:
  • CulturedCowgurl
    CulturedCowgurl Posts: 136 Member
    SW : 532lbs
    CW : 527lbs
    GW : 515lbs

    Lost 5lbs, yay! Also started the 30 Day Shred today, and was surprised I could do the entire video!Joined a gym yesterday and have my first strength training meeting with a personal trainer on Tuesday. Super excited. Hope everyone elses week went well! We can do this!

    AWESOME!!...& congrats on that Personal Trainer.
  • I am excited to see the progress everyone will make this week!

    So am I
  • kamikazikelli
    kamikazikelli Posts: 23 Member
    Well, I only lost 0.6 pounds. So that's a bit disappointing. But it was a rough week. This week is going to be better. I have started biking to school and work, which is uphill part of the way, so that should get me in pretty good shape. I'm also hitting the gym 3 times a week. It's possible I'm going to start going more. I just have to get motivated to get up. I did go 5 days without sodas, until I made a rum and coke this weekend. This week, my goal is to go 6 days without soft drinks and possibly go without drinking. I only drink on the weekends, but I tend to drink high-calorie drinks. Good Luck everyone!

    SW: 180.6
    CW: 180
    90 day GW: 165
  • I started this challenge late but i have still seen progress!

    starting weight (1/5)- 145 lbs
    current weight (1/15)- 142 lbs -- loss of 3 pounds in 10 days!
    90 day goal weight- 130 lbs
  • Well, I only lost 0.6 pounds. So that's a bit disappointing. But it was a rough week. This week is going to be better. I have started biking to school and work, which is uphill part of the way, so that should get me in pretty good shape. I'm also hitting the gym 3 times a week. It's possible I'm going to start going more. I just have to get motivated to get up. I did go 5 days without sodas, until I made a rum and coke this weekend. This week, my goal is to go 6 days without soft drinks and possibly go without drinking. I only drink on the weekends, but I tend to drink high-calorie drinks. Good Luck everyone!

    SW: 180.6
    CW: 180
    90 day GW: 165

    my problem is drinking too. i bartend some nights and its super hard not to drink. i do vodka club, or captain and diet coke. i cut out all the beer and sweet drinks. it really does help!