What are YOUR goals?



  • mestupscout
    mestupscout Posts: 82 Member
    Goal # 1 is to lose 25 lbs by St. Patrick's Day
    Goal # 2 is to get to the gym a minimum of 2x per week
    Goal #3 is to complete the 30 Day Shred during this time

    I'm going to see it through this time!

    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] SW:209 lbs
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27]
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: 184
  • dsp0322
    dsp0322 Posts: 1 Member
    My number one goal is to get back on track with my routine-working out 5 times a week. I would also like to get back to running three miles per day, along with completing Hip Hop Abs. If I could lose at least 10 pounds, I would be HAPPY!!!
  • wabadabadoo
    wabadabadoo Posts: 43 Member
    I have been a member of My Fitness Pal since January 2012, so two years. When I joined I weighed 161 pounds and wanted to weigh 145. I got down to 153....... Briefly........ Since then have moved countries to somewhere where the lifestyle is ..... How can I put this..... Pretty liquid and now I weigh 174lbs !!!!!!!! Arrrrgggghhhhhh ! Now my goal weight is my old starting weight!

    I have NEVER succeeded more than a few days on any diet. I have chosen the 5:2 fast diet as so many people have said it worked for them and it does not involve tricky meal planning, preparation or wierd food. I have done lots of exercise since I was 30, am 41 now and have never lost weight with exercise.

    Goal # 1 is to lose 13lbs by St. Patrick's Day
    Goal # 2 is to complete the 30 day shred (with rest days)
    Goal # 3 do cardio... One hour dog walk, 30 minute run, Zumba class or equivalent 3 times per week.
    Goal # 4 to have at least 3 alcohol free days per week
    Goal # 5 to stick to an intermittent fasting diet

    Ok that's me..... Off we go!

    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] SW:174
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27]
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: 161
  • I'm not going to aim for a specific number as my issue is really being consistent and I can easily get discouraged if I don't see the numbers that I want... my goal is to have 3 cardio sessions per week... 2 strength training sessions and 1 yoga session per week. Also to at least track my food - 5 times a week

    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] SW:283
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27]
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: ???
  • My goal is to lose at least 10 pounds by 3/17. I am just getting into MyFitnessPal so this is a great way to jump in. I am hoping to lose 62 pounds but have decided to break it down into smaller goals. It's all about progress. Good luck to us all! :)

    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] SW:192
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27]
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: 182
  • Suezyq47
    Suezyq47 Posts: 199 Member
    My goal is to continue to workout 5-6 days per week and lose 15 lbs.
    Keep tracking everything I eat.
    Be fit enough to start the Insanity program I purchased ???? by May 1st (or sooner).
    To lose another 2 inches off my waist.
  • I LOVE St. Patty's Day and my goal is to lose 27 lbs. that is three lbs a week and I can absolutely do that! Cheers to a great goal! And here's to the Guiness at the end! But just two this year. :)
  • My goal is to lose 10-20 lbs by St. Patrick's Day. I have lost quite a bit since October 19th. I work out daily but I struggle with work schedules and sleep patterns.

    I go to a local fitness center 5 days a week. I do other exercises daily, depending on my schedules.
  • kaeybew
    kaeybew Posts: 4 Member
    First off, good luck everyone!

    My goals are:

    -workout (min 30 min)
    -log all food

    -Run 3 miles in 30 min (that's 15 min faster than right now!)
    -Do 10 real push ups
    -Stay under calorie goal at least half the time

  • bridgieNZ
    bridgieNZ Posts: 113 Member
    My goal is to loose 20lb, attend thy gym every weekday, and following a 12 week plan for learning to run, by week 9 I'm hoping to be able to run for 10 minutes without needing a rest. best of luck all

    Week1 (1/13 -1/20) sw 271
    Week9 (3/10- 3/17) goal 251

    Fyi the way you do dates hurts my brain lol
  • HBinOC
    HBinOC Posts: 78 Member
    Hi -My goals are
    1) to stick to a routine no matter what, at times my job gets rather stressful and I find "excuses" not to work out or eat healthy.
    2) 2 workouts a week - starting small, I used to work out 6 days but found when I got off track it was hard to get back on- which led to my 25lb weight gain this past year.
    3) Learn to make smoothies and incorporate into my diet on a regular basis. :) I am not a huge fruit fan and can't get past my coffee in the morning so I never really think I have the time for them. But they seem rather easy to make and are healthy so why not.
    4) Run Again !!! 2 years ago I participated in a 10 mile run in Disney it was great- now 2 miles on the treadmill is a killer :)

    I hope to lose 12lbs by the end of the 9 weeks, anything more is a bonus:) Feel free to add me and good luck to everyone!

    SW:(1/13-1/20) 165
  • redstanmenagerie
    redstanmenagerie Posts: 16 Member
    my goal is to simply stay on track with my eating without cheats till Patty's day! And hopefully I'll see the weight fall in the process.

    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] SW:202.5lbs
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27]
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: ???

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Kristink_Vaughn
    Kristink_Vaughn Posts: 29 Member
    My goal is to gain confidence in the way I look. I am doing two diet bets to also reach this goal. I also want to start running again (even if it means on a treadmill until the weather improves :( ). My biggest struggle is at home because I don't want to work out and I love to snack in the evenings! Hoping I can find motivation to just become healthier overall!!
    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] SW:158.8lbs
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27]
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: ?????
  • Suezyq47
    Suezyq47 Posts: 199 Member
    My goal is to continue to workout 5-6 days per week and lose 15 lbs.
    Keep tracking everything I eat.
    Be fit enough to start the Insanity program I purchased ???? by May 1st (or sooner).
    To lose another 2 inches off my waist.

    Forgot to post my stats:
    Waist: 38.0"
    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] SW:224 lbs
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27]
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: 209 lbs
  • alottahunnie
    alottahunnie Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone! This challenge is so timely as I am getting back on track and increasing my focus. My goal is to lose 20 pounds by St Patty's Day, which means 10 pounds by Valentines Day! To get there, I am committing to a Paleo/Primal diet, working out 6 times a week for 30 minutes, and staying within my calories on MFP.

    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] - 216
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27]
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: 196 (As long as I am out of the 200's, I'll be happy!)

    I really need help with keeping me accountable! I do great in the beginning and fall off quickly.
    GRUNO Posts: 98
    Yes, that's my puggle. She's 9 now but still kicking.
    GRUNO Posts: 98
    Seems like a lot of us have said we need help being accountable--especially with logging in to MFP. I'm going to add that as one of my goals. Log in daily and complete my food diary. It's so easy and really there is no reason not to. Avoidance--yep, that's me averting my eyes and pretending I didn't go hog wild over the holidays.
  • I gained twenty lbs after I got married almost 3 years ago, I lost half of it but it keeps creeping back up again....I need to once and for all get it back off!
    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] SW: 158.8
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27]
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: 140 lbs
  • LadyMontdore
    LadyMontdore Posts: 13 Member
    Hi - I'd love to join in. My first goal is to lose sixteen pounds by St Patrick's Day.

    Week 1 [1/13-1/20] 176 lbs
    Week 2 [1/20-1/27]
    Week 3 [1/27-2/3]
    Week 4 [2/3-2/10]
    Week 5 [2/10-2/17]
    Week 6 [2/17-2/24]
    Week 7 [2/24-3/3]
    Week 8 [3/3-3/10]
    Week 9 [3/10-3/17]: GOAL: 160 lbs

    To help me on my way I've signed up to a swimming challenge which will start tomorrow and end on the 17th of March. Over that time I aim to swim the length of the Bosphorus - 34.39 k or 21 miles. While I'd love to try this for real, I'll actually be doing it in my local pool using Swim Tag. To keep me honest here is the link that will chart my progress - http://www.swimtag.co.uk/publicChallenge.xhtml?userChallId=968 . I'm a bit scared that I might have bitten off more than I can chew I love a challenge and I'm half Irish so this one seems appropriate!
  • ScotinSeattle
    ScotinSeattle Posts: 62 Member
    Yes, that's my puggle. She's 9 now but still kicking.

    I have one too! His name is Otto...