
vahine03 Posts: 214 Member
Now I know we all have friends and even friends within other groups but I believe having friends within this group will help you with a couple of things. 1) It'll help you keep updated with the group and 2) Help each other and keep each other accountable. There are couple disadvantages with having or being a part of a...somewhat large group. There are way too many people to look over for and keep track of and also it's easy to hide or feel like you could slip away. I don't want that for anyone.

So I'd like everyone to make a friend. Send friend requests, introduce yourselves, find common grounds. It's not required but definitely recommended.


  • LKGashinski
    Hello. I'm Laurie and I just joined MFP today. Thought I'd join a short-term challenge online to help keep me accountable.

    A few stats: 5'3" and 160.6 pounds. Goal by St. Paddy's: lost 10 pounds. Plan: walk for 1 hour daily every morning with neighbour, attend fitness classes (mixed weights/cardio/stretch) 3/weekly minimum, eat breakfast and lunch, stay hydrated and sleep 8 hours per night.

    I am a teacher, a Canadian, a mom and wife and a vegetarian.

    Better get to bed so I can get up early for that walk tomorrow!

    I look forward to getting to know the members of this group. Laurie
  • bridgieNZ
    bridgieNZ Posts: 113 Member
    Hi all, a short term challenge sounds like a great idea, I joined MFP awhile ago and did well for me but I've gotten complacent in the last several months. I'm keen to try again. Last time I didn't do community and friends part but I think these could be really helpful for staying on track so anyone feel free to add me.
  • tailgatezoo
    Hi everyone...Doug from Mississippi...Been back from Afghanistan a few months, but have gained most of the weight I lost...Was on track while I was away, but now I'm Disgusted with myself.... Stress eating, bad choices and no exercise. Ready to do the deal and make the commitment...
  • redstanmenagerie
    redstanmenagerie Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everybody, I just joined actively to this site (I signed up for an account a while back) and this is the first group I joined. I joined because I wanted to start a short term goal group plus Hello Patty's Day, I love the holiday haha. Would love to find a place I can be held accountable to stay on track, nothing like a bit of peer pressure.

    I'm a total emotional eater and my only goal right now is to try to stay on track to my eating habits I need to form. No diet cheats till Patty's day! I'm not setting myself a short term weight goal because I've found that it just causes me stress to keep up with the goal and then makes me turn to emotional eating thus counter productive. Would love to make a few friends here and thanks for the chance to join.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • HBinOC
    HBinOC Posts: 78 Member
    Hi- I live in MD, stress eat and lose my momentum easily due to work pressure. I am ready to focus on me this year!
    Feel free to add me and good luck everyone with their St. Patrick's Day goals!
  • pinkerbell17
    pinkerbell17 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello all!!! My name is Julie and I am a mom to three wonderful and active boys, wife and photographer in Ohio. I used to be part of a terrific group with the ladies of the PTO at my son's school but everyone has moved away. We did a biggest loser challenge every quarter and without that, I have gotten really lazy about my accountability - but no more!!! Short term goals are great for me so this group is perfect, especially since I am a proud Irish girl and love St Patty's Day!!! :)

    Feel free to add me :)
  • Kristink_Vaughn
    Kristink_Vaughn Posts: 29 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Kristin. I have been using this app for a while on and off, I'm hoping this time it sticks! I 24 and will be married to my high school sweetheart a year in March! I am definitely a stress eater, a perfect example is my wedding. I weighed more on the day of my wedding than I have ever weighed, but thankfully when I gain weight I gain all over so it's not as noticeable. Since then I have lost a little over 20 pounds, and I am hoping to lose more. My motivation is that we are discussing having a baby, and I want to be in The best shape possible so that I can go into my pregnancy healthy. This is my first group with this app and I am looking forward to being motivated by others and their stories. I am also involved in 2 diet bets so I am using money as motivation! I can't wait to see the results at the end if this for myself and everyone involved! Feel free to add me.
  • ScotinSeattle
    ScotinSeattle Posts: 62 Member
    Morning all! I'm Lynne, orginally from Scotland now living in Seattle. Married, no kids, 2 dogs and a bird!

    Gained a lot of weight in the past year, at least 40lbs..that on top of the 10 I was already over brings it to 50. I'm at my heaviest weight ever!
  • cara818
    cara818 Posts: 15
    Hi everyone! I'm Cara. I live in Texas and am an engineer for an oil service company. I've been bigger my whole life but I"m built like my father (I blame him!) plus I'm tall. My mom put me on my first diet when I was in 4th grade and I've been up and down ever since. Probably about 4 years ago I lost about 60 lbs and then I got really sick and have gained it all back. I"m working with a doctor now to lose weight and try to fix some of the problems! I'm at one of my heaviest weights I've ever been right now. With my doctors help I"m cutting out meat and dairy for a while.

    I joined this group because I think a short term goal will be really good for me. I tend to over think long term goals and I need to focus on the short term a lot more!
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    Hi I'm in!
    I've been around for a couple of years always looking for a few new friends to be losers with.
    let's do this thing.
  • vahine03
    vahine03 Posts: 214 Member
    Nice to meet you all! While reading every single post, I couldn't help but wish we could all work out together. I'm at my best when I have a buddy with me. I'm competitive. I'm thinking that the most of us would be, right? =P I wish I could be able to push you in that way because it is the best way I know how. Other than that, I'm not savvy in Fitness and Health. I can share my own experiences but not everyone is the same.

    Anyways, I never thought to introduce myself. And for those who don't care to post, go ahead and read over the posts other have posted and befriend them, sending them invites and such. THANKS!

    My name is Mahea. Probably sounds like a weird name. haha. I'm 24, been overweight my whole life, now seriously wanting to do something about it. I'm 5'6 and the heaviest I've ever been was 227-229 lbs. Though, only until after I've gotten surgery to remove my gall bladder, I wanted to make the change. Lost about 50 lbs. I had the luxury to feel strong, alive, and active. I was only 174, but that made a huge difference. Today, I want to feel that way again. That's definitely a goal. I already feel strong, but also lazy. haha. Hopefully joining crossfit will help me as well. =)
  • redphoenix64
    redphoenix64 Posts: 47 Member
    HI my name is Denae.
    I have just returned to MFP since my coworker left. Her and I did this together so I agree that you need people to motivate you and keep you going. I am glad to be part of this group and hope that I can be a motivator to someone.
    GRUNO Posts: 98
    Hi all, I work in a law office and sit almost all day, every day. I've been heavy since I was around 15 or so. I have older brothers and grew up eating what they ate and it really caught up with me when I was in college. At 22, I'm guessing I weighed somewhere around 275. On my own I quit all fast food and soda and took up walking as exercise. I lost about 100 pounds--and kept most of it off for about 5 years. But after getting married and working a sedentary job that takes up most of my time, I slipped back into old habits and let the weight creep back up. At one point, I was back up between 250 and 260--at 5'9", and wearing a size 20-22.

    In January 2012, I made a decision to start exercising. That was my only goal. I wanted to choose and stick with an exercise program. For two years, I have consistently worked out 3-4 days per week and usually more. Slowly, I made changes to my diet--cutting out the things that helped me lose the first time: fast food, snack food, sweets and calorie laden drinks. I've lost over 40 pounds and am down to a size 14-16. But like Mahea, I no longer feel that sense of accomplishment. I feel like being around 200 is my new "fat" weight and I'm not content to hover at that mark anymore.

    My goals are to tighten up my diet--I really did let loose over the holidays. And to up the intensity of my workouts. I'm married, have two dogs, no kids of my own, but my 18 y/o niece is currently living with us along with my mother-in-law.
  • LadyMontdore
    LadyMontdore Posts: 13 Member
    Hi all - I'm loving reading all your stories.

    I live in Scotland and I'm self employed, working from home. I lost a lot of weight ten years ago but it has crept back on (plus some). Part of my problem is that I am self employed and work from home so on a bad day I might only ever move from my desk to the fridge and not a lot further. I got a fitbit for Christmas so I'm using that to motivate myself to get out of the house and MOVE!!! My other problem is that I am a stressy eater and drinker - so if things are going badly with work/life I take refuge in the fridge and a bottle of wine. DH doesn't drink much so we've made a deal not to have any alcohol in the house (though I reserve the right to have a nice glass of red when I'm out. :) )

    I used to log my food on MyPlate but since I got the Fitbit and found I could sync it with MFP I moved over here - so it's still all a bit new to me. Anyone can feel free to add me - my diary is open to friends.
  • kimjutjor
    kimjutjor Posts: 387 Member
    I am Kim and live in rural Oklahoma, work a desk job, have 2 kids in college, and this year I turn 50 in October and plan to be at my ideal weight for my birthday. I lost a lot of weight in 2013 and still have a bit more to go, but I am serious about this and don't see anything stopping me. I have the food portion in good order and doing better on the exercise, but need to ramp it up still. I think for me the logging on MFP is all critical. It makes you think about what you are eating, it educates you on calories and nutrition, and it holds you accountable. I weigh and measure all food whenever possible so that I learn portion sizes and don't live in a world of food fantasy. Started off in a size 26 and now wearing a size 14 and boy does it feel good to make this progress. But size 14 is nowhere near where I want to be, so I continue on with my lifestyle changes. Good luck to all!
  • scarletspy
    scarletspy Posts: 170 Member
    I'm Theresa and I'm from Scotland. I've been overweight my whole life and decided to do something about it a couple of years ago. I've been using mfp off and on since then and I've lost almost 60 lbs so far. I'm turning 30 later in the year and I'm determined to make big changes before then. I'm a vegetarian and I like to bake. In the past couple of years I've stayed making custom cakes. I suffer from social anxiety which makes sites like this a great tool for me because I have trouble attending groups like weight watchers. I have 3 cats, a puppy and no kids although it doesn't always feel like it :)

    Feel free to add me and good luck to everyone!
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    HI! I've lost 60 lbs before using MFP, then got pregnant (which was a surprise to everyone because my other son is 14 years old and the doctor had told us we have 0.4% chance of ever having children!) After having the baby, I've regained a lot of the weight back, now I'm here to re-lose the weight and more. I want to get healthy so I can keep up with my family, they love downhill skiing, swimming, travelling. hiking... and I just can't keep up right now, I'm always tired. So feel free to add me as a friend, I'm looking forward to losing this weight!