Early Bird Challenge Week 2 of 4

Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
Week 2 Early Bird Challenge

As you continue to prepare for the upcoming Zombie Apocalypse you should keep up with your cardio training using your choice of fitness classes like Zumba or kickboxing, or a home routine of your choice: P90x, Insanity, Jillian Michaels etc. Share your routine with your teammates and keep trying new ideas. As always, your routine should be fun and challenging, preferably with some combat training elements and should be an minimum of an hour per week. 

For this Week:

1.Choose a Strength Training Routine
If you have begun a strength training prior to this challenge, carry on and feel free to share what you are doing with your teammates. Otherwise, now is a good time to choose a routine appropriate to your fitness level and goals. In many cases, equipment is optional. You can use your own bodyweight in exercises like squats, planks, lunges, step ups, pushups or pull ups or you can use resistance bands or you can even make your own dumbbells out of soup cans and milk jugs. See Notes and Links below for more information. Start slowly, and only once you feel comfortable and have researched each exercise's proper form.

2.Get Your Core Ready
Whether or not you start the weight training this week, you should get your core ready. As we discussed last week, having a strong core is important in both defensive moves (running, climbing, crawling) or offensive moves (stabbing, swinging, bludgeoning, kicking, stomping). This Rotisserie Workout from Scooby's Workshop can be done everyday and can be modified for all fitness levels. Complete it at least twice during the next week.


You rotate around like a rotisserie making two complete revolutions doing the following exercises for 45 seconds each, adding weight if they are too easy for you:
right side plank
left side plank
front plank

Notes and Links
A good weight/resistance training routine will:
1. Become progressively more difficult. Keep challenging your muscles by slowly increasing weight or resistance. 
2, The right starting weight depends on the exercise. Choose a weight that tires the targeted muscle or muscles by the last two repetitions while still allowing you to maintain good form. If you can’t do the last two reps, choose a lighter weight.
3. If you are a beginner, watch a video tutorial, like the ones listed below, to make sure you have correct form. 

Here are just a few of the many beginner routines that are found online for free. Choose one you are comfortable with. I listed some links and equipment required to help you get started.

From Scooby:Beginning Workout Plan
Requires Pullup Bar (or a place to do pullups)

From Bodybuilding.com 
Allpro Beginners Routine Requires Dumbbells and a Barbell 
Beginner's Weight Training Routine (Requires Access To Gym)

From Nerdfitness:
Beginner Bodyweight Circuit Workout No Equipment
Advanced  Bodyweight Circuit Workout No Equipment

From Fitnessblender:
100+ Strength Training Videos Most Require Dumbbells or Resistance Bands

These are all popular programs that you can look into and all of them have groups here on MFP.
Strong lifts 5x5 
Wendler's 321
Starting Strength

Helpful Books
New Rules of Lifting
Convict Conditioning (No Equipment Required)
You Are Your Own Gym (No Equipment Required)


  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Cool! Week two.

    I do the Nerd Fitness rookie level strength training routine three times a week at the moment. I started out with the beginners body weight exercises and progressed on to the rookie exercises. I started with 3lb weights and yesterday I bought my first set of cast iron adjustable dumbbells! I was so excited to workout this morning. I'm now up to 14lbs for squats and 13lbs for one arm rows! Plus, these weights are solid - great for bashing in zombie brains.

    I really enjoyed Kelli's cardio kickboxing from last week, so I'm going to keep doing that - thanks Cindy! :flowerforyou:

    So I just have to do this Rotisserie challenge twice to complete this weeks challenge - is that right?

    Thanks, Inky
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Cool! Week two.

    I do the Nerd Fitness rookie level strength training routine three times a week at the moment. I started out with the beginners body weight exercises and progressed on to the rookie exercises. I started with 3lb weights and yesterday I bought my first set of cast iron adjustable dumbbells! I was so excited to workout this morning. I'm now up to 14lbs for squats and 13lbs for one arm rows! Plus, these weights are solid - great for bashing in zombie brains.

    I really enjoyed Kelli's cardio kickboxing from last week, so I'm going to keep doing that - thanks Cindy! :flowerforyou:

    So I just have to do this Rotisserie challenge twice to complete this weeks challenge - is that right?

    Thanks, Inky
    Correct. Sounds like you are already killing it!
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Correct. Sounds like you are already killing it!

    Thanks, Cindy :flowerforyou:
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    So I'm going to try out the NerdFitness advanced one because I'm Team Michonne and Michonne takes no prisoners, beyatch!

    Going to sort out Week 1 first though, haha. I'll do this one in a couple of days' time after recovering from the Hell that sounds like the first week of the Early Birds!
  • AndreaM000
    AndreaM000 Posts: 8 Member
    For my normal weight training I do Body Pump at my gym two times a week. It has an amazing atmosphere and great music.:flowerforyou:
  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    I do T25 everyday. Today was total body circuit, lots of squats, lunges, planks and push-ups
  • jillebee44
    jillebee44 Posts: 64 Member
    Feeling good so far this week!! Went to a BodyPump class (cardio/weights class) and a BodyAttack (straight cardio/aerobics class) this week so far. Going to get in a straight cardio day with the core workout today and going to do a FitEdge class tomorrow (interval cardio/strength class). I will take the weekend off to allow my body to rest, but will be doing the core one more time on Saturday.
  • drsusana
    drsusana Posts: 37 Member
    I did 3 Fitness Blender workouts this week! Love those workouts!
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    I do Workout of the Day, which is a class dedicated to strength training using bodyweight as well as cardio to help you lose weight. I also tried out NerdFitness's workouts, I love them!

    If you guys wanted to know what I did, look on the Team Michonne board! :)
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Scooby is great, I love him! I'd heard about Scooby's Workshop, but never visited before this week. I love the rotisserie. I didn't manage to do it last week, but I'll definitely do it this week. I did my nerd fitness workouts and cardio kickboxing though. Looking forward to week three!
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Ok, so I've tried Scooby's rotisserie a couple of times now. I can't hold the positions for 45 secs each, but I'll build up to it. No way am I ready to bop to the music like he does in the video. He makes it look so easy! :laugh:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Ok, so I've tried Scooby's rotisserie a couple of times now. I can't hold the positions for 45 secs each, but I'll build up to it. No way am I ready to bop to the music like he does in the video. He makes it look so easy! :laugh:
    He does make it look easy. He's hilarious. I can't hold them all for 45 seconds yet either.
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Ok, so I've tried Scooby's rotisserie a couple of times now. I can't hold the positions for 45 secs each, but I'll build up to it. No way am I ready to bop to the music like he does in the video. He makes it look so easy! :laugh:
    He does make it look easy. He's hilarious. I can't hold them all for 45 seconds yet either.

    Thanks Cindy :flowerforyou: