Started recently or starting soon?

Randyamc Posts: 365 Member
Today will be day one for me. Anyone want to join me on this little jaunt down the path of fitness? lol

If you haven't started recently, how are you liking it so far?


  • AddiesHK
    AddiesHK Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck to you man. I am going to start the beginner level on monday. Taking this week off after finishing insanity last week.
  • FitWithVic
    FitWithVic Posts: 65 Member
    Hiya, day one for me today, how did you both get on?
  • FitWithVic
    FitWithVic Posts: 65 Member
    Just fin day 5, installed the warm up so included that today. I can see this routine easily fitting into my life, just need to improve my eating and I should see great results!
  • ithink2020
    ithink2020 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm going to start using the YAYOG DVDs on 1/13. I'm currently recovering from a bronchial infection and a nasty viral infection that almost put me in the hospital. I'm taking the next two weeks to recover, before stressing my body with a new workout routine.

    My plan is to use the DVDs in "mini" Periodization blocks. Starting with Novice and progressing through the Adv. DVDs.

  • FitWithVic
    FitWithVic Posts: 65 Member
    I hurt my knee when running and got bogged down with Xmas & NY but back to it this week and on week 3, realised I missed it so glad to be back on track. Going to start training for a half marathon soon and combine that with the yayog but towards race day going to taper down the yayog. Let's see how it goes!