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  • londonjuju
    londonjuju Posts: 11 Member
    You're welcome! You can do it!!!! :)
  • Hbestrn
    Hbestrn Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone! My husband and I decided to do this together and we are on Day 4 of The Plan. So far I have lost 6.2 lbs., which I find surprising since my cycle started yesterday. I have had a nasty headache for the majority of the time so far, unfortunately, the peppermint tea has not relieved it. Other than that my energy is up in the mornings, I have woken up before my alarm on a few occasions, which is very rare for me. I have other issues that I hope that this lifestyle change will ease or eliminate for me such as: sciatica, polyneuropathy, IBS, severe foot pain and migraines. I can't do much exercise yet but I am very hopeful that will change with the weight loss.

    My dear hubby wants to lose weight, have more energy and eliminate a new (but persistent) onset of indigestion/ heartburn. He has lost 3.6 lbs and hasn't had to take Tums in the middle of the night.

    Looking forward to a healthier year in 2014!
  • ppearson2007
    ppearson2007 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I was happy I found this group, and I hope it is active (I see a new introduction from today, so there is hope!) I'm 'back on Plan" since mid-December. After about 10 days (and a 12 pound loss!) I got very sick and fell off the plan. I basically stayed off through the holiday and now want to get back to it. I gained a few pounds back, and I found it very easy to slide back into the "sugar stupor!" Geez, that stuff is just poison I'm sure! I'd like to connect with other "Planners" and share successes, challenges and other good things. I use MyFitnessPal as well as Fitbit. I hope to hear from a few of you - I will do my best to answer you right away.

    Onward through the journey to a better me!
  • Hi All,

    My name is Kelly and I am half way through Day 2 on The Plan, was reading through all of the preceding posts and am a little concerned that everyone seems to disappear after a short time, has anyone has continued success with The Plan? Lost 2.2 after day 1, and am feeling pretty good at the moment, not loving the flax cereal but I forced it down this morning :)
  • bry8iyze
    bry8iyze Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Bee, I went through almost 2 weeks of stalled weight loss.I didn't test anything new during that time and still could not see the scale move! I went back to square one and removed everything I'd tested the week before stalling. I also reread the book. I saw Lyn genet mentions Xanthan gum as a reactive food additive. I'd added an organic natural dressing, everything had been tested seperately EXCEPT the xanthan gum! I removed the dressing and went back to home made, or oil and vinegar. Bam! That was it. The amount was so small it was not registering as a gain, but it completely halted my progress! Xanthan gum is made from a black mold that infests broccoli and cabbage family plants so if you are sensitive to molds, make sure you test it. I've found it in EVERY commercial salad dressing except Newman's Own Olive Oil Vinaigrette. It's an additive in many other sauces as well. I would avoid until you test!
  • bry8iyze
    bry8iyze Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Kelbaj,
    I am still part of the group but no lnger actively testing new foods. I basically ruled out what was reactive and have eliminated those things from my diet. I no longer drink the huge amounts of water, or do the low salt diet, but I pay attention to how I feel if I add a new food. So I would say it's become a way of life to avoid processed foods, to cook my own foods and avoid my inflammatory foods. I don't feel the ravenous hunger I used to feel, my aches and pains are much reduced. Its been a year since I started on the plan so I'm thinking of doing another 21 day plan where maybe I can ;test some new foods. Overall I'd say it's helped me more than any other diet but the cleanse and testing phase are pretty intensive so you have to be into it. But once you get through it you have a whole knew way of dealing with life. If I do have an inflammatory food, I have a ton of "safe" foods now to follow it with for a few days. But I don't keep such a tight rein anymore.
  • hi there,

    thank you for your response, that is encouraging. I too am learning very quickly in the plan about how to listen to my body, its amazing that I haven't done that before!!!! Am now on day 5 and have lost 4.5 lbs which I am really pleased with. Have not been hungry and have had literally no cravings which is amazing considering how much sugar I ate over Christmas!! Thick I reacted to hummus yesterday as I had a gain of .8, but also had goats cheese so am retesting that again today....hope it not the cheese as it's delicious! Overall am very impressed so far and feel empowered, would recommend to anyone :)
  • londonjuju
    londonjuju Posts: 11 Member
    Hi. I'm still on The Plan, but I'm not testing. I've been able to maintain a 5-7 lb loss since the Fall. The actual menu is not really my taste, so I eat pretty plainly most of the week. A couple of days a week I'll eat out and I follow those days with friendly days. I'm reactive to tomato sauce, green and red peppers, blue cheese, and pizza dough. I've cut out pop completely, drink a lot of water, and drink red wine a few nights a week. It can be boring, but I was having a hard time keeping my weight where I wanted it. Steak, chicken, lean hamburger patties,and lamb are fine, as are eggs (occasionally).I eat avocado with unsalted potato chips almost everyday. I would like to add some more diversity to my meals and plan to soon. Good luck to everyone!
  • gdelegal
    gdelegal Posts: 2 Member
    I started The Plan on Sunday. Down 2.8 pounds. Started at 134.8, this morning at 132.0. Trying to get to 125-127 range. I am 46 and have stalled on all sorts of diet and exercise programs in the last five years. I am crossing my fingers that this one will be the trick, as my body has clearly changed in the last five years. I am an avid walker and do light weights. Haven't exercised this week, though. Plan to use that as a "test" once I get a few more foods under my belt. I am enjoying the Plan but it is A LOT of work! Looking forward to learning from you all here!!
  • Hello!

    Just starting day 2 on the plan and found this group, which I'm sure will be a godsend since the book leaves a lot of unanswered questions.

    I just did about 7 weeks of my own elimination diet (no diary, wheat, corn, soy, nightshade, citrus or eggs) to get at the root cause of chronic eczema (which is greatly improved, but not gone.... yet). I was winging it until a friend told me about this book she heard about, The Plan. I downloaded it immediately from Amazon and since I was ready to start introducing foods anyway why not give the plan a try? It has the kind of structure I was looking for and I'm so excited to learn how my body reacts.

    I've already lost about 8 pounds on the elimination diet, so I was doubtful I'd lose much on. But after day 1 I'm down .6 pounds! And the food is surprisingly good and filling.
  • littledianelittle
    littledianelittle Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! Is anyone still doing TP? I am on my 2 journey and searched for a group and found this.
  • rubygyrl
    rubygyrl Posts: 3
    Hi everyone! I am starting the Plan today after almost two weeks following The Virgin Diet. I liked the Virgin Diet but felt there was something missing. TP seems more specific. I just finished my first breakfast. If anyone has any advice on Flax Granola please let me know. There was no way I could consume 1 c of what that recipe produced :)
  • londonjuju
    londonjuju Posts: 11 Member
    I don't love it. I've been doing this off and on for several months. I add cinnamon, raisins and coconut milk and, while I don't love it, I do like it enough.
  • rubygyrl
    rubygyrl Posts: 3
    I added some more seeds and cranberries and put my blueberries in it. Much better!!
  • karyngaffaney
    karyngaffaney Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all --
    I am on day 10 of The Plan. I actually started it 17 days ago. After day 6, I was at a cabin for 4 days, without control over my food, and I have also had to add in a few 'safe' days after reactive days.

    I have been gluten free for a year and a half. I had a tremendous improvement in my physical well-being once gluten free, but still have days where I feel really bad. I started the plan because I suspect there is more that I am reactive to.

    For those of you struggling with the flaxseed granola. As mentioned by someone else, I find the golden (lighter) flax to be a more pleasing taste. But I liked it best when I had mixed both light and dark. Also, I have found that sometimes I didn't cook it for long enough, and that it doesn't taste as good.

    I am very pleasantly surprised with how much I like the recipes. I am not an adventerous eater, and I do not enjoy cooking. I have had good success with the recipes.

    I lost 7.4 lbs by Day 6. Then gained 7 back while at this cabin. Ugh. Now have been back on the plan four days, and am down a total of 4.4 lbs.

    I did not lose from yesterday, which was supposed to be a 'safe' day. I am wondering what it is in my safe day that I am reactive to. I think it may be zucchini.

    Glad I found this community!
  • nordyshper
    nordyshper Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am turning 65 this year I have slowly gained weight especially after a cruise. I also have lupus so inflammation is a problem. I started the plan on Tuesday of this week but experiences such a terrible migraine headache that I slept all day yesterday and ate only a few grapes in the evening. I feel better today but my husband has urged me to take a break from the plan as he was concerned about how terrible I felt yesterday. If anyone can give me feedback on their experiences I would appreciate it
  • Hi everyone,
    I just got the book and im planing to finished reading it by the end of the next week and start thr plan the following week. Im happy to find this community > i would live to get as much information as possible before I start The Plan.
  • Wow that sounds really nice, I can wait to start The Plan
  • I am on day 5 of The Plan and so far I've lost 3lbs which is more than I've lost on any of the many diets I've tried in the past 2 years. Since perimenopause started in my mid 40's, I've gained 30 lbs while eating healthy and exercising 3-5 days a week. Nothing has worked to rid me of this plump midsection I suddenly developed. I also have hypothyroid, pernicious anemia, and adrenal fatigue - so basically I am a hormonal mess. After the first 2 days where I felt horrible, my energy and drive has started to re-emerge. I have high hopes that The Plan will help me to find a way to feel better and lose the unwelcome extra weight and inflamation.
  • eater111
    eater111 Posts: 1 Member
    I am considering starting TP with my husband in a few days.i also want to get rid of the fat in my midsection as well as the 12 pounds I've gained in the last two years, despite eating the same amount and exercising regularly. Is anyone still reading this group? I'd love to share experiences and results.