Herbs/Accupuncture for Thyroid/Hormones

Hi all-

I'm curious if anyone here has seen a naturopath for their thyroid issues. I recently began seeing one, and she ran a billion more tests than my endocrinologist ever had. It was confirmed that I had some hormonal imbalances- but even more interesting was that some of them actually contribute to thyroid deficiency. So my question to you guys is this: Has anyone seen a naturopath for hormonal issues (including low thyroid or high thyroid) and taken herbal supplements and/or done acupuncture? I, of course, believe that Western medicine is awesome, but I'm just interested in "dipping my toes in" to the alternative medicine pool.


  • epiphany29
    epiphany29 Posts: 122 Member
    I had a chiropractor assure me once she could cure my radioactive iodine induced hypothyroidism. She never did, but my back felt a lot better.

    I am not anti trying herbal/acupuncture. Just make sure both your western medicine doctor and your naturopath know EVERYTHING you are taking so they can be sure nothing is going to interact.

  • ashleyapplewhite
    ashleyapplewhite Posts: 83 Member
    I had a chiropractor assure me once she could cure my radioactive iodine induced hypothyroidism. She never did, but my back felt a lot better.

    I am not anti trying herbal/acupuncture. Just make sure both your western medicine doctor and your naturopath know EVERYTHING you are taking so they can be sure nothing is going to interact.


    No worries. I'm skeptical enough to 1) fully research anything suggested by the naturopath on my own and 2) run everything by my endo (although, he's the one who told me having high estrogen was totally fine (ITS NOT), and refused to run any further hormone tests on me. Ugh.
  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238
    I haven't tried acupuncture (but I want to). However, I did go to a natropath for a second opinion on my blood work. I found out I was hypothyroid (which I had always suspected) and also that I was lacking iron and vit d. I too have hormonal imbalances. Not a fun time, but at least it's treatable.
    I do think that many of the supplements she had me on I could have done without, but she was very knowledgeable and got me in the right direction for treatment and I do feel much better. She took my problem seriously when the others wouldn't. My main complaint is that my health insurance does not cover natropathic treatment. If they have you do a saliva test for your hormones, it can be kinda pricey, but worth it.
  • pinkfanatic68
    pinkfanatic68 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm interested whether or not kelp really helps thyroid function. I've read to be careful of soy products/supplements because they can lower thyroid function.