
I would love an accountability group! Can we set a goal or standard for daily nutrition and exercise and report each day on if we met it?


  • zgolub
    zgolub Posts: 90 Member
    HI. I am a new mom! (first baby, now 3 months old).
    I had a c-section and am only now really starting to feel comfortable with working out intensely...although so hard to find time to get away from baby to do that.
    I have 5-7 lbs to lose to get back to my pre-baby weight and 10lbs to lose after that to get to my goal weight.

    I am breastfeeding exclusively. Not sure exactly how many daily calories to consume to lose weight but also not diminish milk supply. I am aiming for about 1700 a day now and will see how it works.

    I'd like to excersize 4 times a week. With 2 30 min jogs and calisthetics the rest of the time.

    I will update next mon/tues whether I fulfilled my goal.
  • Alex1021
    Alex1021 Posts: 4 Member
    My name is Alex I had my beautiful daughter Lillian a little over two years ago... I am in the Navy and on deployment which ended in July I had almost reached my goal of 145 I was at 147 at the end of the deployment and since have gained so much weight I am now at 174.6 pounds and so unhappy with it. Yesterday was my first day back in the gym in months and although I am not sure exactly what I should do to drop all of this weight I decided that I would just do cardio to lose the weight and then worry about toning once it is off... I am not a fitness buff at all and I am not dieting but I am recording my calorie intake and trying to keep my meals homecooked (no fast food) and smaller portions... yesterday I did 3 miles on the treadmill in 46 mins and burned 456 calories mostly just walking at a 3.5 on an incline mixed with very little running... would love to get some tips and advice on this working out idea.. and other ideas to try out.
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 683 Member
    Id love to join your accountability goal and this group im a mum of 3 and I struggle by myself so I think this could be the motivation I need
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 683 Member
    I eat 1600 calories a day I work out 1 hour 5 days a week as a minimum and that's what ive been doing since yesterday
  • I would love to actively participate in this accountability group. Group participation keeps me motivated. I'm just getting started, again! But I'm in for the life changing experience!
  • I like the way you think! Let's agree to something that we can be accountable to.
    COFFYBROWNY2K Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Moms, I have 2 year old twin boys and need to get my body back. I am currently 175 with a goal weight of 150 dream weight of 135 :). I use MFP with my Fitbit Force. It seem to be going well. I started Jan9 so its still early. I try to get 10 steps a day and at least 30 very active minutes.
  • lettice84
    lettice84 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Ladies! I am also a new mom of a 5 month old who is demanding more and more energy everyday. My goal weight is 150lbs, which means I have 50lbs to go. I would love all the help and encouragement I could get to reach my goal, and will do the same. :)
  • shelbyhousehead
    shelbyhousehead Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am not a new mom....in fact, I am 55 years old and will be 56 in about 4 months. I exercise at least 5 days a week and I try my best to eat healthy. I want to join this accountability group because I like being motivated. I post my foods (usually) and my exercise on my facebook page to help keep myself motivated. I like to dance and I try to be very active. I am determined to be healthy!
  • Hi, My name is Joni. I am a mom of a beautiful 3 year old little girl. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. I think this group would be a great way to keep myself on track. I am ready for a change!
  • Lovely_77
    Lovely_77 Posts: 1,116 Member

    Hey hun, well I have done so much research and tried so many things myself and been to nutritionist when I was pregnant because of gestational diabetes and now am taking medical classes and diet and nutrition is part of those. There is a ton of science that goes into eating etc and that only unfortunately gets more technical when trying to lose weight. You must diet to see good results, especially once you are closer to your goal. The more you have to lose the faster you will lose it. But if you dont diet this is a different eating habit than just a lifestyle, than you will be working out and not seeing many results after awhile and that kills motivation. Diet is 80% of weight loss, exercise etc is only 20%. You can decrease so many more calories consumed than you can burn working out. Also, try to throw in some strength training it doesn't have to be lifting weights right away but at least try to add lunges, squats and other resistance/strength exercises as research and people have shown that those who do strength training with cardio loses fat faster and longer than those who just only do cardio, plus you have plateaus you got to think about here. If you run 2-3 times a week and do the rest of the week strength training with at least one rest day you will see better results AND you burn calories longer as well. I am doing T25, it is cardio and strength mixed in one, 5 days a week for only 25 mins. For all mothers who have little time on their hands I suggest this workout. Good luck.
  • Alex1021
    Alex1021 Posts: 4 Member

    Thank you for all of the great information.