checking in

jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
Hi Ladies!

Just wanted to see how everyone's week is going so far?

I have been pre-logging my food for the day and it really seams to help. Obviously once I weigh my food I have to make minor adjustments but nothing too bad. My PT and I are going to train at his crossfit gym today for the first time and I am super nervous about it. I am always afraid to try new things. I hate being bad at things! It stops me from doing a lot of I am trying to fix that.

I set a goal for myself. I want to lose 2 pounds by the end of the month and then I can get my next tattoo. I have been up and down so much lately so I am not sure if it will happen. But I will give it a 100%...nothing more I can do.

How is everyone else doing?


  • Hey ladies!

    Well this is the longest I have been tracking my food and exercising and I feel unstoppable. I have been weighing myself daily and have lost 8 lbs since Dec.31 and I am being greedy because I feel like that isn't enough. I usually hear in the beginning it's much faster but we'll see. I started school again yesterday and feel pretty good about it no hard classed this semester (Sociology, BCIS, & Drama: Film Appreciation) for the same reason I don't want to stress too much like I have past semester and be a lot more focused on my weight lose goal. Today I am more concerned because Mrs. Flow has not paid her visit yet and was supposed to come yesterday, that is all I have been thinking about today and hope she is just running a little late because this is not the time. Other than that MFP has been great I have made new friends and everyone is so encouraging (wish the important people in my life were as encouraging as the ones here) but I look forward to actually logging in my food and exercise daily. Hope this attitude continues! Hope you all are doing great!
  • You will do great and even if you don't lose the 2lbs you should still reward yourself for working so hard!
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    So far my week is going really well. I started half marathon training and my semester started back up yesterday. But both days I have been back to my normal efficient self that slacked off over winter break. I also haven't been able to train for any race since last winter due to an injury and haven't trained for just a half (usually been marathons with halves worked in) in years. It's exciting and a little daunting at the same time!

    I'm also trying to lose 2 more pounds by the end of the month and have also been stuck lately. I think if I succeed I will get the massage my husband told me to get in........October!

    I'll be interested to see if you incorporating crossfit into your workouts gives you a little boost! What tattoo are you going to get BTW?

    have you tried prelogging before? I normally just pre log the food I bring to work as I know my bored hands are going to want to eat it lol
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    Things are going ok here. Workouts are going well. I've been a tad frustrated with my lack of weight loss lately so I'm tweaking my calories just a bit. Nothing too exciting honestly.
  • cstringfellow2013
    cstringfellow2013 Posts: 172 Member
    I weigh 5lbs less than I did at Christmas. Since, I've started pre-logging my food and measuring everything, I've noticed a real difference. The resistance level on my elliptical is up and so I've been feeling real good about my work outs. Tomorrow, I'll start using light hand weights while Ii'm on the elliptical to start working my upper arms.

    My husband and I have a kid-free weekend and we are going to friends house for dinner and drinks. I've already decided to work out extra and eat light to make room for those extra calories.
  • ELMunque
    ELMunque Posts: 136 Member
    I weighed myself last night, don't know why I did it at night, because I always weigh less in the morning... But I've lost 10 lbs since the last time I weighed!!!! (obviously I don't do it very often, because I'm afraid of the scale, it's scary) But for the first time since my surgery a year ago I am under 200lbs. I honestly never thought that 195 would look so good. Just 45 lbs to go!

    I'm painting my room this weekend. My husband hates me a little because I'm always re-doing a room in the house, but I really love doing it, and he is very good at humoring me, as long as we can afford it because I go all out. But I'm excited to see how everything looks in the end. So alls doing good here!
  • 1findlay
    1findlay Posts: 6 Member
    I am on my final 4lb to loosened it's very slow and feels like such hard work :(
  • Forever4me
    Forever4me Posts: 76 Member
    I'm so glad to hear everyone is doing so well! I hope the people that are struggling aren't being shy about asking for support.

    My week is going well. I've gotten my workouts in, tracked my calories, drank my water. A co-worker of mine who is also a MFPer has yanked me away from my desk to walk 30-45 minutes each day on our lunch break. another 250 calories! Love her! My one little NSV for this week is making time for a workout before the guy I've just started seeing brought me dinner (what a sweetie). Of course it meant having to push back the time he could come over and another shower and another "getting ready" session, but I'm so proud of myself for making me a priority. He was understanding and I think he's going to be very supportive and understanding - both with my workouts and cooking/eating healthy. (My ex-husband was not). Yay! Life is pretty good right now. :happy:
  • saarinencelery
    saarinencelery Posts: 4 Member
    I am doing ok, but the hardest thing is not turning to food when I am anxious. I am teaching a class on top of my job this spring and I get so nervous about public speaking -- I want to medicate with food. Fortunately, I have not gone overboard, but it's just tough when I am at home and feeling stressed, either about teaching or issues with my kids.
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    Doing okay here. Still trying to get back into the swing of things. My husband and I made a split decision on Saturday to join a gym. So far I have been twice, once to use the epliptical and weight machines and last night I went to Zumba. Hubby hasn't been yet, stuff keeps coming up and he knows I really need it. My husband watched the kids last night, but took them to a store after dinner....which is fine until I remembered last night while I was showering that they should have had a bath. And tonight we are supposed to all go to the gym together so hubby and I can sign up for some goal-reward thing at the gym while the kids try out the kidzone. Sooo.....hopefully that doesn't take too long or else the kids won't be bathed until Friday.....which would be 6 days since the last bath. Ugh. We are gonna have to work out a schedule.

    I think I am doing okay food-wise. Need to drink more water.

    I am happy to hear some of you are doing so well, keep up the great work!
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    i'm doing good this week...Been logging on MFP for a month now. I'm down 7.6lbs. Very excited since I lose weight slowly! My initial goal was to be -10lb by 2/14. I may hit it sooner!! :)

    Like all of you have mentioned, I find it easier to pre-log and track breakfast and lunch then I know how much i have left and what I can make for dinner /snacks.

    Hope you all have a great day...tomorrow is Friday yay!
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I am on my final 4lb to loosened it's very slow and feels like such hard work :(

    I just want to comment on this one. I know you aren't the only one who mentioned this week may have been tough so I've addressed two below. Only 4 pounds?! That is so amazing. Legit awesome! It is hard work but you know it will be worth it. It doesn't matter if it takes you four weeks, four months, or however long. Just keep going. Slow and steady will win the race at this point and you will feel SO PROUD when you see that number on the scale!! Work hard, not hard work :) Keep going girl - you got it!

    @saarine... - good job not turning to food when you are anxious. That truly is something that is so hard to do. So many of us use food to medicate or to celebrate, which is so counterproductive. It's hard to overcome a fear, but every week (or however often you teach) you are one step closer to overcoming it for good. I'm really proud of you.

    @MrsG31 - my daughter should have got a bath/shower last night. By the time we got home from the gym, settled down, etc it was too late for it. Woke her up early this morning - which actually works out better for her hair..... lol. In any case, *kitten* happens. it always will. Your kids might smell or something for a day lol but you are getting your workout in! Iti will be hard to get into the routine but keep going! You will only smooth things out from here. THere are bumps for sure, but don't stop. And Kudos to your husband for letting you go.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    A couple people also mentioned pre logging - I started "half" doing this and then today I entered what I'm anticipating for dinner because I"m so excited. Don't laugh - it's just oatmeal with pb and a strawberry protein shake. BUT seeing everything entered, I already feel super full/satiated and I am still going to the gym and my calorie exercises will be uploaded. This is so helpful for me to either meet or exceed my claorie goal.... and to see if I can enjoy some air pop popcorn or an extra bite size snickers :)
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member

    @MrsG31 - my daughter should have got a bath/shower last night. By the time we got home from the gym, settled down, etc it was too late for it. Woke her up early this morning - which actually works out better for her hair..... lol. In any case, *kitten* happens. it always will. Your kids might smell or something for a day lol but you are getting your workout in! Iti will be hard to get into the routine but keep going! You will only smooth things out from here. THere are bumps for sure, but don't stop. And Kudos to your husband for letting you go.

    We made it work- thank goodness for crock pot meals! I had called the hubs and told the realization of the un-bathed children, so we made a plan and it worked! When I walked in the door around 5:15pm, he had already give the 5 yr old a shower. I washed the 2 yr old while hubs made out plates. We ate dinner, got ready, and all went to the gym together!

    Only downside? We got home with the kids right around 8- which should be bedtime routine. But both the kids wanted a snack, so they ended up in bed a little later than usual.

    We have a unusual, not normal weekend ahead of us, but we are def gonna have to make out a schedule.
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    OMG I am sooo glad tomorrow is Friday!! This week work wise has just been horrible. Ugh.
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    A couple people also mentioned pre logging - I started "half" doing this and then today I entered what I'm anticipating for dinner because I"m so excited. Don't laugh - it's just oatmeal with pb and a strawberry protein shake. BUT seeing everything entered, I already feel super full/satiated and I am still going to the gym and my calorie exercises will be uploaded. This is so helpful for me to either meet or exceed my claorie goal.... and to see if I can enjoy some air pop popcorn or an extra bite size snickers :)

    I have prelogged before...but never stuck with it. this week i have stuck with my plan and changed it as i weighed my food. like for lunch yesterday i prelogged 5 ozs of chicken but it was 4.9. i know not a huge difference....but thats just what i do. i like prelogging all day...especially for dinners like i am having today. i was able to squeeze in 3 pieces of bacon with dinner....makes me happy!!!!
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    OMG I am sooo glad tomorrow is Friday!! This week work wise has just been horrible. Ugh.

    you too? it was the never ending week from hell for me! this year has kind of sucked actually and we are only 17 days in to it.... lol!!!
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    Hey everyone!

    It's been a good week. Found a lot of great routines on youtube and spend 2 nights trying them out. I'm SORE today but in a good way. Stayed within my calorie goals all week and even managed to fit a half glass of wine in a couple times.

    I worked extra hard all week because last month was my hubby's 50th birthday and I booked us a room in New Orleans for tomorrow night. I KNOW I'm going to eat probably too much and drink a few calories too. But, we also always do A LOT of walking, I sure wish I had a fitbit or some type of pedometer. My birthday is coming up, that's what I'm asking for!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!! :flowerforyou:
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    Jill-yeah I hear you! Work pretty much always sucks. We are chronically understaffed and everyone is so stressed out.

    How was everyone's weekend? Mine was good-nothing exciting but good. Sundays are my splurge day-went a little overboard though! Had Chinese for lunch and then DH got Mexican for dinner. Chimichanga! OMG, so good.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    So hard to come back to work on Mondays!! I feel bloated and haven't slept well in close to a week. I'm tired, a little crabby... and it's Monday. Not off to a great start but I'm looking forward to my workout tonight to kind of re-set myself.

    I have to say I'm looking forward to this weekend already lol. We have been trying to conceive for about 6 months though and I've had some early pregnancy symptoms making me optimistic - but I won't know anything until Friday at the earliest. Must say, if I'm not pregnant I fully look forward to enjoying some wine!!

    I was down a few pounds going into the weekend, and even though I didn't go over my calories any day (Friday I MAY have gone over by about 200 according to what I figured... but that's one day out of how many...) and I'm up 3.5 pounds from Friday. So frustrating. Hope it's from the bloat.

    Carrie - I was just talking to my coworker about Chinese food. I told her Saturday night I wanted an at home date night with the hubs to get Chinese food and sit on the living room floor and eat it and have someone watch the kiddo for a couple hours lol. Sounds so good!!