Disney Princess Half



  • Coast to Coast- woo hoo! My best friend is doing the Tink and Princess too. Good for you.

    thanks for the encouragement. =)
  • Kasbec
    Kasbec Posts: 1 Member
    The Princess Half in 2013 was my first half. I was absolutely terrified, as I kinda forgot about training until I was driving down for the race! I had no idea what to expect, and I wasn't even sure I could finish. By the time I lined up at the starting line, though, I felt perfect. Runners of every speed were there, and everyone was having so much fun that it was impossible to be too scared. Throughout the entire race people and characters were cheering you on, and Disney did a wonderful job of making it magical. I signed up on a whim, but, because of my amazing experience there, I have finished two more half marathons and am training for a fourth (and many more to come!). It is a race for anyone, so I wouldn't be worried at all. My biggest advice would be to not have a finishing time in mind, especially if it is your first half. Not only is it very hot, there are huge crowds of people, many people stop running in the middle of a course, and part of the magic is in stopping for character photos and slowing to look at the attractions along the run. Hope this helps!
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    Waivers and Corral placements are UP!!! Keep in mind they have put 10 more corrals in this year to space things out - so if you used to be in A you may be as low as E!!! So don't spazz (like I already did. Twice.)