Welcome Friends



  • AKcanookie
    AKcanookie Posts: 230 Member
    hey ya'll -

    how great to read about everyone and our common goals! Life is certainly throwing us some curve balls but we do have the choice to push back, hard!

    I'm Carol, from near Nashville, Tennessee. Native of Kentucky, rabid fan of University of Kentucky basketball. Feel free to add me as your friend if you like.

    I've been type 2 diabetic for a long time and had to start insulin this past week. I'm on my way to becoming a daily exerciser and dropping 50 pounds by the end of September. I want to get off this medicine and stop worrying about this disease 24/7. I'm 58, an avid knitter & spinner of yarn, animal lover, wife, Nana to 3 cute grands. Have the same hubby I picked out in 1975. I do office work at a local university to support my yarn habit. It's a half mile walk from the parking garage to my office, luckily enough. :D

    I am using My Fitness Pal to both hold myself accountable and to pay it forward by encouraging others. Life can be so much better when we are healthy and feel good, and we deserve as much of that as we can get. I have always been a comfort eater, addicted to sugary stuff and potato chips, guilty of always having a candy bar stashed somewhere in case of 'emergencies' , no self discipline in sight - but I am changing all of that now while I still can. No more guilt, no more stash, I am free and in the moment now.

    I have been gathering friends and mentors here to motivate myself into a new way of thinking and living that is positively the best it can be. So I thank you all for being part of this group and hope I can encourage you as well.

    I have been using www.Pinterest.com to search out ideas for meal planning, fitness gadgets, playlists, all that sort of thing - it's a good resource. There's no reason a meal or a fitness routine should ever be boring! By all means, let's share the good and the setbacks, the tasty recipes and the little things that help in the day to day effort.

    Let's all get moving so we can feel better, stand / sit taller, and tell tales about how fat we USED to be!

    Hello Nashville,
    I am type 2 insulin dependent also (insulin for approx 1 yr), the oral meds for T2 damaged my liver & had to resort to insullin. The doc finally convinced me by asking me - why would you not want to take something your body used to make itself? .. been following the DASH method and have reduced my insulin use by more than half in a little over a month. Best of luck to you with your weight loss challenge. Good group here, nice folks. Feel free to add me.

    Marni (Canookie) - from Alaska
  • Longbowgilly
    Longbowgilly Posts: 262 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I am Gillian, (gilly) I was originally from England but moved to New South Wales in Australia in 2006.
    I have struggled with my weight for way too long and recently since moving to Australia have had to deal with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.:grumble:
    I love my traditional archery and also throw a double bit axe for fun, that freaks some people out but it really is great fun and nobody messes with me when I am walking around at our club with a 32 inch long axe!!
    I think this group will have a ball keeping each other focused and keen.:flowerforyou:
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Hey all, I just got the invite for the group and I'd like to stay to introduce myself properly but I'm currently procrastinating a huge pile of marking that's due for tomorrow >.<

    So, for now I will say: hi all, hope you're enjoying your Sunday!

    So, following on from the last post! Hi all, I'm Squidge, 27 from Sussex in the UK. I'm a psychology teacher, teaching 6th form (16-18). I'm married, have one cat (Dave), two rats and a dog called Woof.

    It's a great idea to get everyone together here and I'd love to make some new friends here - although please, if you're making FR's please have a look at my profile, I don't aim to have loads of friends - instead I aim to have a support network of people with similar interests and sense of humour!

    I've been using MFP for almost 2 years now, in fact my 2 year anniversary is in 2 weeks! I've lost 20Ibs so far and am aiming to lose a further 20Ibs, I've been messing about with the same 5ibs for about 8 months now so I'm going through a real psychological process of re-committing to the cause! Guess the one thing I've learnt: the race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself.
  • jpilley
    jpilley Posts: 78 Member
    Squidge (Paws) -

    I love your last reminder to us all: "The race is long, and in the end, it is only with yourself."

  • mkteach
    We Are The Champions! Great name for a new challenge group of winners!

    Hi everyone, I'm Mel, a happily married lady who is about to turn 50 this month. I live in the mountains of the Northwest. Like Jeanine, I retired from teaching this last year and have gained 30 pounds. What is that all about? I guess our careers kept us on our feet and being retired we've become less active. It's time for me to take charge and make a change for the better…
    I am now tracking every step and tracking my food intake via MFP. I'm motivated to make my retirement as active as possible. Thankfully, my health is good and I'm up for the challenge. So here is to getting off our bums and losing that weight!
  • velocityc6
    velocityc6 Posts: 2,137 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Seems I am way out numbered by the ladies. I'm 58 rapidly approaching 59, happily married to my childhood sweetheart for 38 years with 2 wonderful sons. I joined MFP to get my bad eating habits under control. My weight since around 1995 had been averaging 225 and when I let myself go all the way to 250. Along the way I've done various diets, low carb, South beach , etc. Lost down to a LW of 204 but gained it back when I started eating bad again. I started to get serious the week after of labor day as I was feeling bad and the Drs. could not find the answer. My wife and I have been going to Planet Fitness for about 3 years but never changed the eating habits and did not get intense with the workouts. I now go at least 5 or 6 days a week and am also training for my first 5K ( 2/8/14). Although I really don't understand the whole macro thing I do try to eat at a deficit. I have cut down on portion size but still eat mostly the same foods I was before. My ticker says 30 lbs but it probably should be 38 as I did not want to tip the scales until 3 weeks into my journey. The ultimate goal is 190 and no more blood pressure or cholesterol meds. I work as an IT Director so plenty of stress on a weekly basis. I love Nascar, bowling and golf. If you need support I will help anyway I can.
  • jpilley
    jpilley Posts: 78 Member
    Welcome Velocity:

    We need some men in our lives! Glad to see you come onboard - this is NOT a "girls only" group. All we ask is that you come with an attitude of COMMITMENT. I am sure we will provide plenty of INSPIRATION for you - cause "girls just wanna have fun." Champions come in all shapes and sizes and you gonna find quite the variety here in the group.

    Looking forward to you taking this journey with us - so let's get moving!

  • Longbowgilly
    Longbowgilly Posts: 262 Member
    I love the diversity we have in this group, so many different lifestyles, places etc.
    very happy that this is a group now, sometimes the main board can be a bit "childish" if you know what I mean :noway:
  • pam4413
    pam4413 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello everyone my name is Pam. I am currently at work so I will fill everyone in later.
  • Sheil38
    Hello Champions!

    I will be 50 this year. I have a neurological disease so I have good days and bad days. The older I get the harder it is for me to move. I keep on going, I do spend some days in bed, I try to walk depending on my strength. I seem to be struggling with losing weight but like all of you I am up for the challenge with some support! I am really happy to be here and part of this group!
    Thank you All for the support,
  • pam4413
    pam4413 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello Champions one and all. Let me introduce myself. My name is Pam and I am an over eater and have been most of my life with the exception of the times I didn't eat at all. Last spring I lost 30 pounds and last summer I gained 25 aaah. If I did it once I can do it again, right? I could go into many excuses for my gain but in the end it is still because I over eat the wrong things.
    I am excited to be a part of this group. In 7 months I will be 60 and at the beginning of 2014 I committed myself to lose 48 pounds, Together we can do this. my exercise mainly consists of aerobics by way of zumba. I may not dance very pretty but it sure is fun. Most of the individual in the class are over 60 and laugh a lot.

    I am a mother of 4 and grandmother to 9 with another one on the way. Two of my children and 4 grandchildren live within walking distance, one lives across town and one 1900 miles away. Last year my husband and I celebrated our 40 year anniversary. I was fortunate to be a stay at home mom and now I work at our local community college as a software trainer.

    Thanks for all who have joined if there is anything I can do for you please let me know.
  • highhopes54
    Hello champions!

    I just joined MFP and am grateful to have found this group. I am 54 in a few weeks time and need to lose 40lbs at least.
    My weight is the result of eating way too much, even healthy eating needs portion control but I don't seem to get that, plus I live with a teenager so it's not always the healthiest possible :)

    Now that I am older exercise is way harder, harder to move, harder to find things that the knees can do.
    I am really excited to be along on this journey with all of you and wish everyone the very best.

    Rose from Melbourne, Australia
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    It was a grey day in July 2012 here in England. OH decided we should go into town and buy some dog bicuits and call at the local coffee shop for a coffee and a muffin. Great idea. I am always up for that (the muffin, not the dog biscuits).

    Off we go. I am walking round and suddenly I caught sight of someone in the shop window. Just for a second I register a very round sort of person. But wait, no it can't be. I am not that big. This is not me. Very near to tears I keep looking at myself in the various shop windows. I look awful. I still have the muffin though. I think now I need two. I do use common sense though and stick with one.

    On arriving home feeling very down I go upstairs to take a very critical look at myself in the mirror. No, I am not that big. Now don't get me wrong, I am not slim but I am not that big. I have seen photographs of myself but the camera always adds 10lbs so I have been told. So, it must be the shop windows that makes me look fatter than I am. I take a pair of trousers out of the closet, hold them up and gaze critically at them. These do not fit the size I think I am. They are far too big for me. But no, they fit. Depression sets in. Now I can either stress about it, or I can do something about it. But I have tried so many times to lose the weight before and if I am lucky, last one day.

    I have a bright idea. There is an app for everything and being a bit of a gadget freek maybe I could make this fun. I find many apps, one of which I download and start playing with. No, this is not for me. Too complicated. I would never stick with it. Then, there it is. Myfitnesspal. I download it and start to play. Soon I am addicted to it. But wait, what is this? I can make friends with people. We could help each other along the way.

    Most of the friends I made then are still with me and they are the best friends anyone could ever wish for. They have got me to where I am today. I am so very grateful to them for everything they have done to encourage me.

    Anyway, to cut a long story short, I have gone from being a person who didn't see a fat person in the mirror to a much slimmer, more confident and contented me who may not look the same to herself in the mirror as she does to everyone else, but at 62 years of age and a UK size 12 and US size 8 I am happy with the way things are going.

    I still go out and have a coffee and muffin or shortcake biscuits and eat too much chocolate at weekends but now I know how to control the weight and I am now a very happy bunny.

    Anyway, that is my story. My name is Jean and I am 62 years old. I need to lose about 19lbs and I am hoping this group will give me the push I need to get it done.

    Good luck to everyone.
  • elaine5181
    elaine5181 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone. I will have been a MFP member 2 years this April. I did really well my first 7 months and lost 30 pounds. I continued to lose 3 more pounds and maintained this weight till just this past fall. I give a lot of create to my success to MFP.

    I had lots of stuff going on in my life this fall and I did not take as good of care of myself as I could have. Gained 14 of the pounds back again. ): Why after working so hard to lose the 33 pounds I am not sure. This all happened while I continued to work out faithfully 3 - 4 times a week.....mainly spinning, love spinning!! The weight gain no doubt would have been much more had it not been for this.

    I have had a very hard time trying to refocus myself to tackle this recent weight gain. I would try for a week or two and then get sidetracked again. I really think I am back on track this time. It feels different then the last few attempts. My new MFP .......mostly from this group have been so very supportive and have help motivate me to stay on track.

    I will be turning 60 in a couple of months. Have been married for 37 years, have two adult children, son and a daughter plus 2 grandchildren. My family is without a doubt my reason to remain active and healthy.

    I am excited to restart my weight loss journey with my We are the Champions pals. Please add me as a friend. I need lots of support as I start to get myself back on the road to successful weight loss.
  • humptydumpty26
    Good morning everyone

    My name is Cheryl, but at the moment my handle name of Humptydumpty suits me rather well! I live in the UK and I work in mental health. I seem to have spent my life on a weight loss journey, many ups and downs on the way. Many of you I know will no exactly what I mean.......

    Well here I am again 56lbs to lose!!! Oh my goodness it kinda seems impossible, but, I have already read some inspirational stories on MFP, wow! and double WOW!!! And now finding all of you, yes Champions is such a good name. I thank JP for starting this group and I thank each and everyone of you, because I know you will be there as I take each step into a fitter slimmer world.

    Humpty x
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    Humpty I love your name.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    I turned 59 in Oct., and have been on MFP for a little over 3 years. I lost 65 lbs in about 18 months, then sort of stalled out, gained a few, and would like to drop another 10. I've increased exercise over time, but have also increased calories which obviously isn't working.
    I burn 300-500 cals most days, walking dogs, gardening, jogging a little, dancing in the living room, doing jumping jacks and even kickboxing on occasion.
    I teach guitar and piano, I drink a little wine almost every night, and I love to cook. And eat. Oh, how I love to eat, lol. Lately I've been snacking at night and simply must get a grip on that issue!
    Great group here! I'll check in as often as possible. Wishing everyone a wonderful journey!
    :smile: jb
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    I'm Kathy, age 60.5, married 24 years--1 son, widowed by my first husband in 1986--1 daughter who has given me a 1 grandchild. My husband and I have 4 male dogs: big (65 lbs.), bigger (72 lbs.), large (85 lbs.), and soon to be jumbo (90 lbs. and 8 months old).

    Start weight: 255
    Current weight: 201
    Valentine's Day goal: 190
    August goal weight: 160ish
    UGW: 125-140

    I'm a former gymnast and was also a gymnastics/cheerleader coach off and on for decades from preschool to adult. It took its toll on my body. In spite of having scoliosis with other complications and 2 knee surgeries on my left knee, I never have and never will let that stop me for long. I bought myself a 15'x15' trampoline last May. I love it! Believe it or not, I can still do back handsprings on it as well as some other tumbling skills. I'm planning to get some pics or a video soon. I just got more injections by my orthopedist yesterday--one in each knee and another epidural--to help with my pain levels. My left knee and my neck still bother me the most.

    I just made some changes yesterday:

    1) I reset my weight loss ticker to 0 because I realized that I haven't lost any weight that has actually stayed off of me since March 28, 2013, when I finally hit ONEderland. I was 200.7 yesterday and 201 today. :grumble: I had gotten down to 191 before Thanksgiving. But it turns out that I didn't lose it because it has found me again and has come back to haunt me. I used to weigh 255. And at 5' tall, I used to be Miss 5x5 literally. I have been under extreme stress since October 2012. It finally has eased up somewhat.
    2) I will be in the bed by midnight every.single.night. I've been going to bed around 2-3 a.m. Can't continue that.
    3) I belong to EveryMove and am in a challenge there, too. I have to work out 3 times a week.
    4) I have a Fitbit and have not been using it to its full potential. That will change beginning today.
    5) I WILL NOT SPEND ALL DAY ON THE COMPUTER! No offense to y'all, but please don't send me any friend requests right now. I just cut 11 friends. I have too many to keep up with properly now. I spend way too much time on this blasted computer and am trying to change that (I think I have a computer addiction problem lol). So, by adding even more friends, it will negate my new goal that I just started yesterday. I hope you understand.
    6) My high school class is having a reunion mid August. I'd love to be down another 40 lbs. by then.

    Glad to meet all of you. WE CAN DO THIS!
  • 50something14
    50something14 Posts: 5 Member
    Greetings from Germany -- where the food and drink are great and I've got the extra pounds to prove it! I've been logging food eaten through another site off and on for some time but I heard about mfp and wanted to try it out for a bit. Notice that writing down what I eat daily seems to at least help me make better choices… Cheers to all and best of luck reaching your goals here.
  • tishgo
    tishgo Posts: 5
    hi ive lost gained and lost i have a lovely family. just need a lot of support xx:smile: