Can we get this group geared up and going again?
Kinda dropped the ball on you guys the last couple years - lots has happened in my life but I won't go into that. I want to recycle the enthusiasm we had when this group started and begin fresh. Are there any members still hanging around willing to give it a go?
March Madness
Spring is just around the corner and we will be wanting to bring out those shorts and T-tops. I think it might be time to kick it into high gear and make some plans and set some goals for the upcoming month. Consider taking the time and responding to this post with your own stats. Let's restate our weight issues first of…
Can we get this group geared up and going again?
Kinda dropped the ball on you guys the last couple years - lots has happened in my life but I won't go into that. I want to recycle the enthusiasm we had when this group started and begin fresh. Are there any members still hanging around willing to give it a go?
Lowering tryglicerides
Hi there. This is what I will be following, according to the doc to lower my tryglicerydes. All my other counts are normal. My tryglicerydes are 233 which is high but doesn't warrant medicine as my other counts are normal. 1,500 calories a day 30-60 grams fat 170-240 grams carbs 25 grams fiber 55-95 grams protein It's…
Still Here!
Last 10 days really busy at work. Couple outta town visitors. Shoveling still more snow. Put it all together and I have not checked in recently. Mindful of the motto of this group -- "not promises but commitments" ... I'll be back! Regards, Bill
I blew it! I went and had a Jimmy John's Turkey Sub (mayor and provolone cheese) and a LARGE chocolate chip cookie and a medium sprite! I only have 115 calories to go for the rest of the day. Nice going me!! No more! I am only allowing myself an out meal with my husband once in a while. Lunch has to be healthy and easy.…
Really trying to lose this weight!!
Okay, I am doing this!! It's hard but I'm going to eat just three meals a day and two snacks!! No salty and surgery snacks either. My snack is either going to be fruit, yogurt, or a shake with almond milk, ice, fruit, veggies of some sort, and perhaps a bit of honey :) I might even buy some Weight Watcher's ice-cream like…
March Madness - Challenge Day Seven
You may think today is a day of rest - it is not. It is a day of reflection. Your challenge for today is to look back through this week's daily challenges and to try to incorporate as many of these challenges into one day. A summary of the daily challenges: 1. Drink your weight in water today. 2. Cut your current weight in…
March Madness - Challenge Day Eight
Ok - so are we ready to sweat? Have you blown the dust off your workout shoes? Gonna have several of you with restrictions due to medical conditions so do your best to modify the challenges or come up with something to replace it with. Bottom line is that you DO SOMETHING to move your bottom! Today's challenge - find the…
March Madness - Challenge Day Six
Today's challenge is to eat your daily allowance of FIBER. Make sure you do NOT exceed your calorie and carb allowances for the day. Most of us do NOT meet our recommended allowance of fiber each day. IMPORTANT NOTE: Increase your fluid intake for the day as fiber absorbs water and you can easily become dehydrated or…
March Madness - Challenge Day Four
Posting this EARLY as it may take a trip to the market....... Eat a rainbow for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Include the colors - RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, PURPLE. Color additives do NOT count. Good luck with the blue and the purple. jp
March Madness - Challenge Day Five
If it's round eat it - if it's square leave it there! Think healthy. Note: Sorry guys - pizza and cookies are excluded. jp