Ab Ripper X

groundhawg Posts: 121 Member
My husband and I originally started with P90X back in the day, but with different jobs now we switched to P90X3. Any ways, he asked me today if I wanted to start doing Ab Ripper X on what is supposed to be our rest day. He is worried that his core isn't getting enough exercise. I haven't been through all the videos yet, so I cant tell, does the core start getting more work? I kind of want my rest day to be my rest day, but it is only fifteen minutes.... What do you guys think?


  • Moonblood
    Moonblood Posts: 199 Member
    I am on Week 3. Week 1 I felt I wasn't getting enough ab work in, so I do Ab Ripper X on my rest day. It's not very long and feels satisfying. During the 60 second breaks on The Warrior DVD I also incorporate some moves from Ab Ripper X to get a little more core in.
  • xgains
    xgains Posts: 3 Member
    I personally agree with you guys and I'm actually doing X2 Ab Ribber and The Original Ab Ripper (alternating each weekly) at least 3 days a week. As long as it took to develop the core I am pretty scared of letting the progress go...but that just might be me.