Introduce yourself

Welcome to the group! Feel free to say hi and introduce yourself/your goals :)


  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member

    I’m Anna. I completed the C25K trainer last summer, I went from 0 running to 5k in just under 8 weeks. After graduating I was running about 4x’s a week from 2-7miles. Due to illness winter, holidays, etc. I lost some endurance. I currently run about 2-3 days a week, 2-4miles depending on time. I completed two 5k races in October & a virtual ugly sweater one in December. This year so far I have two 5k’s coming up. In March I have Run or Dye & May Rugged Maniac (this one has me a bit worried). I am also going to enroll in a half that I want to do in June & another one in October, so I need to make sure I am ready for these half’s as well as any others that may come up.
  • I want to do a half marathon by the end of this year! Never been into running much. But hopefully I can keep up with it
  • coccolino30
    coccolino30 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi, I want to do a half marathon on 25th of April and at the moment I can jog for 40 min without stopping. I am a beginner so I don't know if I'm going to be able to run the whole race but I want to train anyway. I have done 3 - 5.6 k this week :)
  • I haven't been running since this summer, so what do I do? Register for a half marathon in June! Duh!

    I'm excited though. I've done a few 5k's in the past and I feel like a new challenge will help motivate me and kick start me out of the plateau I've been in since July.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Hi there I have been running for years but take a month or so of at a time I world love to do a 1/2 marathon this year before I turn 40
  • kelz09
    kelz09 Posts: 4
    Hello folks, I have completed a zero to 5k running clinic and race, and am running my first 10k race in one month. End of April I will be doing a Tough Mudder course and again in June - the June course being the tougher of the two due to elevation and steep terrain. Have lots of pounds to shed and miles to run to be ready for these challenges this year and could use all the training tips and encouragement possible! MFP and this group look like they could be super helpful for that! Good luck to everyone this year for success meeting your goals, and lots of fun along the way!
  • kelz09
    kelz09 Posts: 4
    Hi Anna - good luck with your races. I'm trying some that also have me a bit worried. Ok, maybe more than a bit. Fear is a good motivator at the moment!
  • zLeaDr
    zLeaDr Posts: 6 Member
    Hello . . . I joined the Y in November and started a schedule of daily classes Monday to Saturday. These are about 50-55 minutes, and I'm usually in the first or second class each morning (step, kickboxing, other cardio/sculpt, etc., varies by day). I also got a Fitbit Zip for Christmas and have been tracking my activity both on MFP and Fitbit (synchronized accounts). The Y doesn't schedule classes on Sunday, so when I saw this group, I thought this might be an opportunity for me. I've posted a new topic "Newbie Questions" to understand how to implement the posted plan. If any group members have ideas or thoughts on technology or apps I might use for the distance and signaling the interval durations, please post answers. Thanks!
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hi Anna - good luck with your races. I'm trying some that also have me a bit worried. Ok, maybe more than a bit. Fear is a good motivator at the moment!


    Thank you & good luck w/yours as well. Fear is a huge motivator. But I know we can do it. We will leap, claw, climb & get it done.
  • tigerjane81
    tigerjane81 Posts: 39 Member
    Perfect timing with the group!
    I'm running my first half marathon on April 12. I just started getting serious with my runs - I got hit with back-to-back-to-back illness from Thanksgiving through new year's and only recently have gotten my energy and ability to breath easily back.
    Running doesn't come naturally to me, I have to fight through for every mile. I've raced 5k's and 10k's, but this will be my longest distance. My training is currently 1 short run and 1 longish run during the week, 1 or 2 full body workouts during the week, and i do my longest run on the weekend. I also do a hot bath with epsom salts whenever I get a chance, very important ;)

    Looking forward to hearing how everyone is doing and their advice along this journey!
  • Hello! I used to run regularly a couple years ago on average 5-10 kms a couple days a week. I was in an accident last year and gained some weight from being inactive, I just got cleared last week to start running again! So my fiancé and I made a commitment to each other to run a half marathon in June! I am optimistic that I can train in time, I have never raced before so this would be a huge accomplishment! I have a bit of "issue" I suppose as I work in the middle of nowhere and its very cold and snowy until April and then the bears come out so I will be mostly treadmill trained with my only outdoor runs being on one week out of every month when I am home in beautiful Victoria BC.

    I would love to have some people who can help support me and of course I will return the favor! Accountability and motivation are key! Also if anyone has any tips about mostly treadmill training I would appreciate it, as I think that's going to be my biggest issue going from treadmill to track.
  • Lillyloooo
    Lillyloooo Posts: 174 Member
    My half marathon is march 23rd !
    Need to get done serious training done !
  • lakegeorgewendy
    lakegeorgewendy Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all. I'm Wendy, 47 and live in upstate NY. Used to run a bit, but never totally found my stride. Now I am back. Planning to do a 10k and a 10 miler this summer and a half this fall. Also planning a full marathon next year! Love to have some company to cheer with along the way!