First day of stronglifts 5x5... Lil help please?

Hi guys, first session today and loved it... Just found it a lil too easy as I am 6ft 6 and about 265-270lbs i did the weights the app mentioned which were 22.5kilo squat, 22.5kilo bench and 30kilo for the barbell rolls.
Couple of questions...

Can I up the kilos to what feels right or should i follow religiously... Dont get me wrong i may feel it tomorrow and will regret saying this but can i do it to either whats comfortable/ should I up it to my absolute maximum or should I plough on witht he set weight plan on the app?

2nd question... As i am so tall the rolls felt really hard to get the form right... The weights were to low and I felt I couldn't straighten my back properly for each lift... I bent my knees to try and get down a lil more but it just felt out of reach as I am so tall. Could I put the weights on some sort of step?

Apologies if these are ridiculous questions!


  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I just started last year and still consider myself a beginner. However here is my opinion:

    In the long run your form is very important in gaining strength and avoiding injury. The reason for starting with lighter weights and moving up slowly is to teach your CNS proper form. It is much easier to learn correct form than to unlearn bad form developed from doing things the wrong way. Learning correct form is much easier when the weights are light.

    I watch the form videos below frequently:

    SL A:

    SL B:

    In regards to the barbell row am only 176cm so do not have your height related issues. However I don't see a problem in picking up the bar from the rack instead of the floor if you need to. However ROM/flexibility may be something you should look into further.

    Good luck!
  • MickeS
    MickeS Posts: 108 Member
    Just in to show my support. This ^ and take your time to try getting i right from the beginning.
    Being kinda newbie myself I'm still struggling with finding correct form. Being impatient I took a quick look at some instructions and started lifting. Once the weights got heavy i had to go back and work on better form. That's still a working progress. Front squats is still killing my wrists so I've stayed at the same weight several workouts even if I've naild it. Just to get better form.
    Good luck to you!
  • gwhizeh
    gwhizeh Posts: 269 Member
    Another one for form. Do the light work, enjoy it, the weight will get heavy quick enough. And as mentioned, that's where you will want the best form. I have on occasion dropped weight also just to refocus on form. I say be patient. Good luck on your lifts!
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Don't suddenly add 80 kilos to the bar. Stick to the program.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    The empty bar start isn't strictly necessary. But it is helpful for learning form without injuring yourself. I also took it as a lesson in humility and in not comparing myself to anyone else in the gym. They're doing their program, I'm doing mine, and mine happens to start with an empty bar.

    And believe me, the weights start getting plenty heavy after a month or so.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member

    Can I up the kilos to what feels right or should i follow religiously... Dont get me wrong i may feel it tomorrow and will regret saying this but can i do it to either whats comfortable/ should I up it to my absolute maximum or should I plough on witht he set weight plan on the app?

    Enjoy the light weights for now and take the time to perfect your form.

    In the next few weeks, you'll be glad you did.

    None of the time you are spending now will be wasted, believe me!
  • 1Adamsk1
    Another evangelist for form. Those weights get very heavy, very quickly so take your time - slow your movements down, exaggerate the movements and really feel those muscles engaging - when you know what it feels like, and understand the mechanics of the exercise it'll help you deal with the heavier weights when they come.....and they'll be with you before you know it!

    Have fun.
  • scooterjay_wwis
    scooterjay_wwis Posts: 120 Member
    Mehdi Strongly suggest starting with the EMPTY BAR.
    I too thought that I could easily do more, but I did not give in, to temptation, and put on more weight.
    I started with the empty bar, and I'm glad i DID. My form is good, and YES, the weight got heavy soon enough. Be patient, and good luck. 5x5 is an awesome program!
    I'm almost a month in, and I'm LOVING IT.
  • tootoop224
    tootoop224 Posts: 281 Member
    I am in agreement with everyone else. Follow the program, perfect your form. At 5'8", I have no idea what you're talking about re: rows :) Good luck.
  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    I also personally view it as an ego check. If you can't ego check yourself in the beginning using just the bar, are you going to let ego get in the way and do heavier weight than you technically can by "fudging" the weight up and end up hurting yourself?