Too Much Too Soon?

irish606 Posts: 7 Member
First time post. Here's my quandary/problem/Issue. Two years ago i got to my top weight of 226. My blood work was jacked up and I felt like crap. I began running even though I detested the idea. I began watching what I ate, limiting my carbs, somewhat. I went from running a half mile to running two half marathons this year. My weight went down to 210 and but my goal was 205. It was frustrating because I found the only way I could get to it was starving myself and then I would bounce up to 210.

Anyway, i ran a half this fall and really hurt my back. I weighed 213 and my chiro suggested i lose some weight if I wanted to continue running (I want to run a marathon this summer) as it was hard on my back, knees, etc. He suggested Atkins, which brings me today.

Began Atkins on Monday with a beginning weight of 216. I have been following it to the best of my ability/limited knowledge and am seeing great results. I am already down to 209 and I have not been hungry at all. But my concern is that the accepted view of slow weight loss being best. Am I going too fast? Am I eating enough? Or is my metabolism pretty high already because of running and Atkins is exactly what I needed? Any guidance is appreciated.


  • lisajacobsen1428
    I just started Atkins 9 days ago and am already down 8.9 lbs and feeling good! I had what is known as 'Atkins flu' the first week (that dragging, zero energy, feels like a flu coming on thing), but now that my body is changed over to burning the right stuff, I'm good :)

    Here is an article you might want to read... I know the Scandinavian people are much healthier/fitter than the typical north American, so I loved reading this...

    Good luck!
  • irish606
    irish606 Posts: 7 Member
    This link is a joke, right? If not, you should do some reading on ol' David Duke.
    I just started Atkins 9 days ago and am already down 8.9 lbs and feeling good! I had what is known as 'Atkins flu' the first week (that dragging, zero energy, feels like a flu coming on thing), but now that my body is changed over to burning the right stuff, I'm good :)

    Here is an article you might want to read... I know the Scandinavian people are much healthier/fitter than the typical north American, so I loved reading this...

    Good luck!
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    Everyone says that losing weight slowly is best etc. etc. I'm not one to debate that issue. When you start to diet and you have a lot more to lose you typically will lose weight faster at the beginning. You will lose a lot of water weight on restricted carb diet the first week. I had the same loss you experienced on the first week.

    My starting weight was 233 in this late October and now I am at 193. My goal when I started is to lose 100 lbs, since I have so much too lose I am not concerned with the fast weight loss, because I already accepted that a low carb lifestyle is the way I will eat the rest of my life. Since the weight loss my running has been improved and I have less aches and pains.

    At 233lbs my blood work was all jacked up also -- in 2 weeks I am getting my 3 month follow up blood work and hope to see huge improvements.

    Once you get lower in weight your losses will slow down. I was averaging 3 to 4 lbs a week in the beginning and for the last 2 weeks I hit a stall but this morning saw a little movement down on the scale.

    Enjoy the big losses while you can, because your body will resist and adjust once you get smaller.

    Best of luck
  • irish606
    irish606 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you!
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Your fast loss at the beginning is mostly due to glycogen and water loss, as opposed to fat loss. It will slow down. So don't get disappointed when it does, because that's when the REAL loss starts happening. Meanwhile, make sure you drink lots of water and get your electrolytes restored by drinking broth or bouillon. Good luck!

    You have a good chiro by the way.
  • cdgirl
    cdgirl Posts: 158 Member
    So that's why they say to drink broth:smile: I didn't understand before.Thank you for that information,fruttibiscotti.