Is Society A Bully?

I recently had a conversation with a few of my colleagues, friends, and others about whether society is a bully in the realm of weight loss. The conversation stemmed from the question, "Does society as a whole treat people who have lost weight differently then before they lost the weight?" Then, comes the question, "Why? Aren't those individuals still the same individual on the inside as they were before they lost the weight?" "Who says that a person needs to be a certain weight and look a certain way to be treated a certain way?" So, the bottom-line question as we all are striving to maintain these New Year's Resolutions (or lifestyle changes), is society the bully? If so, how? If not, what makes individuals treat "normal weighted" individuals differently then "over-weighted" individuals?


  • deego14
    deego14 Posts: 79 Member
    For sure society treats overweight people differently. I experienced it when I was at my highest and I see it all the time. In my opinion I think its a loss of respect for the lperson. They figure if the overweight person didnt respect their body and care for themselves then why should they care about them.. I also think people are turned off by it and therefore dont know how to act. Just my opinion.

    What do you think?
  • Dragonslayer183
    Dragonslayer183 Posts: 70 Member
    Definitly! I've always heard that overweight people are less likely to get hired when compared to skinny people. They are also looked at as lazy, weak, dumb, unclean, ect. We just need to overcome this obstacle and realize the person inside before and after weight loss is the same. People gain weight for all different kinds of reasons, wether it be heartbreak, loss of a loved one, freshman 15, having a new baby, ect. Gaining weight doesn't mean you're lazy and can't take care of yourself! Also, I hear people that have lost weight say that losing weight didn't solve all of their problem with image issues, and that they look at their body the same way. Just because you're smaller, doesn't mean you're any different, and I wish other people would understand that.
  • Glens_Life
    Glens_Life Posts: 32 Member
    Definitly! I've always heard that overweight people are less likely to get hired when compared to skinny people. They are also looked at as lazy, weak, dumb, unclean, ect. We just need to overcome this obstacle and realize the person inside before and after weight loss is the same. People gain weight for all different kinds of reasons, wether it be heartbreak, loss of a loved one, freshman 15, having a new baby, ect. Gaining weight doesn't mean you're lazy and can't take care of yourself! Also, I hear people that have lost weight say that losing weight didn't solve all of their problem with image issues, and that they look at their body the same way. Just because you're smaller, doesn't mean you're any different, and I wish other people would understand that.
