2 week weigh-in

Ok, checking in. Just got on the scale for my 2nd week and I'm down 4 pounds this week for a total loss of 7 pounds! Hooray! And that's after letting myself have some wine and tiramisu for our anniversary date last night. Looking over this next week, it looks a little tough but I'm excited to see how much more I might lose. How is everyone else doing?


  • jobell2355
    jobell2355 Posts: 49 Member
    Way to go! Very happy for you. I am doing ok. Nervous about weighing in tomorrow because I started my TOM...ugh! Hope I am not retaining but the way I look at it, I am eating healthy & exercising so that is good for me no matter what the scale says. I feel like I am down something so we shall see. Still having some struggle with wine. I am definitely over the 3 a week limit but I am way down from what I was consuming. I bet you think I am an alchy...haha. I will touch base tomorrow and let you know how I did.
  • murph1777ca
    Congrats Sillygirl - that's wonderful progress for week 2. I'm finishing up W2D6 today; Monday WI. I'm hopeful of a good loss because I've been pretty rigorous following the plan, but for some reason I feel really "full" tonight. My husband's been struggling with hunger these past 2 days - today was really bad - so I fed him extra protein and veg, and yelled at him when he went for extra pudding, LOL. I'm confident he'll show a good loss at WI.

    I think W3 looks tough. Lots of liquid meals. And we have company coming for dinner Monday night. At least it's a protein meal, but I don't know what I'm going to do. I hate being a crummy hostess!

    Hang in there all. We got this.
  • Oh2BeMaintaining
    Oh2BeMaintaining Posts: 188 Member
    WTG!!! Thats a pretty good loss for week 2 and happy anniversary!

    I weigh in in the morning and start week 2 and have decided to follow the program this week but not expect much of a loss. I've seen the biggest loser enough not to expect much from the week 2 weigh in. Tomorrow I expect to see 5 pounds though, thats average for me at the end of the first week of any diet.
  • Sillygirl50703
    Sillygirl50703 Posts: 25 Member
    Yep I wasnt expecting anything too spectacular on my 2nd week because of what the book said so I was pretty suprised!