
kathy4659 Posts: 7 Member
Hi everyone
I'm Kathy and starting with Mfp again, hopefully with some support. I've been up and down with my weight all my life, but would love to lose the weight for good. At the moment, I'm trying the 5:2 diet - 600 cals for two days a week, and 1850 cals for 5 days a week. I'm fairly active, but don't do a lot of exercise besides walking. I have a Fitbit (pedometer, basically) and try to get my 10,000 steps in but don't often succeed. Hopefully, with some support I will get there this time.


  • Frmvt
    Frmvt Posts: 15 Member
  • Kanndj
    Kanndj Posts: 25
    Hi Kathy,

    I am actually new to MFP and am hoping the support will help me lose weight and keep it off. At 51, I have found that, with diligence and counting every calorie and step, I can lose 6 pounds in 3 weeks. Unfortunately, the minute life gets a bit crazy and I stop writing down everything I eat, I gain the weight right back. Sigh! I am also a walker. My treadmill is not accessible currently, so I have recently been trying the Leslie Sansone program. I stopped any exercise at the holidays and have not started back. Again, I am hoping folks here can encourage me, even if it is just one of Leslie's 15-minute walks a day until I feel that is so easy I need to bump up to 30 minutes. My biggest problem is time/money. I actually work from home on production, and financially, we are struggling. Since time is actually money, it is hard to justify taking 30 minutes a day to work out or even take time to prepare a healthy salad over something you pop in the microwave. I am actually checking posts here while waiting on work to load/save. All encouragement is welcome!! It is good to have you here Kathy.
  • karleigh55
    Hello Ladies - new to this group as well. I have been on and off of MFP for a while but just started getting serous about getting healthy again. It's nice to have support to stay on track. Haven't quite gotten back to exercising yet but my energy is so low due to menopause. I've been getting bio-identical implants and am due. Going Thursday to get a pellet. It really does help so my goal is to start back to exercising this weekend.
  • sammycat1
    sammycat1 Posts: 56 Member
    Welcome Kathy!