By the first of June....



  • I've lost 6lbs since 2014 started and I hope to keep it going. By the beginning of June I want to be at 145-150lbs (currently 173 lbs). I'm going on vacation at the end of May so I'll hopefully reach my goal by then. My ultimate goal would be to reach 130-135 lbs by the end of the year. :)
  • sallyrees40
    sallyrees40 Posts: 4 Member
    Just started today. My parents have just gone on a 5 week cruise and I hope to lose 5 pounds while they are away. One lb a week, I can do it! Am going away with parents in June and would like to lose a total of 14lbs (1 stone) by then. Intend to keep an eye on the calories and be more active to achieve my goal. Intend to swim every morning, I started today and really enjoyed it! Aim to get down to about 130 lbs (9st 4 lbs). And stay there!
  • DebbieLaviolette
    DebbieLaviolette Posts: 89 Member
    I will celebrate the BIG 5-0 on May by June 1st I will be 170-175. CW = 206. Bring it on!!!!
  • To Tishgo-

    "There is no try-only do or do not." Yoda :laugh:
  • My goal by the first of June is to

    1) weigh 138lbs by losing 17lbs

    2) Have a toned body...not jiggly thighs, no flabby arms.

    I want to wear shorts and skirts in confidence (no leggings!) I CAN DO THIS!!!
  • Baileysmome
    Baileysmome Posts: 4 Member
    Goal of 140 by this summer and two pants sizes
  • Can you share some of the recipes you use for your smooties?
  • Bebeharden
    Bebeharden Posts: 76 Member
    Hi All,

    My intention is to fit into a size 16/18 dress by the beginning of June. I am currently a size 22/24, so that is 2-3 dress sizes. I have my little brother's high school graduation, which requires a 12 hour plane ride, so I am looking forward to fitting comfortably in my seat on the way there :)
  • summerbabe65
    summerbabe65 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey guys!

    My goal by the first of June is to be at my goal weight of 56kg (121lbs) and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and weight :) High school senior year so challenge accepted :D
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,516 Member
    ***Another new member here****

    By the first of June I WILL lose another 20 pounds. My 20th high school reunion is at the end of June, and I am ready to get these pounds off!

    BTW--is this challenge going to have a weekly weigh-in thread? I find that tracking weight loss is the best way to keep me motivated and on track!
  • Loser_Dad
    Loser_Dad Posts: 4 Member
    A new member here.

    By the first of June I will lose 40 pounds. I will be able run a 10K. I am ready to get these pounds off. I have more to lose, but this will be a good start.
  • jairoqdavis
    jairoqdavis Posts: 4 Member
    Hi There,
    My goal is to lose 30 lbs by June 1st. CW 214, LOOKING TO BE 185-190:smile:
  • Hi!
    By the first in June I am going to be 110...
    My current weight 143....
  • sallyrees40
    sallyrees40 Posts: 4 Member
    So 3 weeks into my new regime, swimming every day, being more active generally, including redecorating at home, sticking to my calorie allowance of 1200 a day, I have lost the grand total of .......1 pound :( ! This is going to be tougher than I thought. Where I am I going wrong? Want to get from 144 lbs to 134 lbs, it's not even that much!
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    my June 1st i hope to have lost 16 lbs by June 1st! that would be huge for me! :) good luck everyone! :)