January 20, 2014

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Hurt my foot end of last week. Finally feeling better which is good cause I have to do rounds at the plant today. I will workout tonight. Not doing even 10 mins means I'll never get where I want to be.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    13strong, glad your foot is getting better. You'll get there. A setback is just that--sets you back but doesn't stop you. :flowerforyou:

    Since I did my gym workouts over the weekend, my schedule dictates today to be a home workout day (after kids go to bed), or switch with tomorrow to do a run. For the first time in a long time, things are flowing nicely and I could've done the gym or run, or ANYthing because there are no interferences. I was tempted to go for a long run or go to the gym, but I think my body is telling me to take it easy, so I decided to stay home and let DH take son to lessons today. So resting today and will do my home workout (abs & glutes) tonight. I'm glad I'm sticking to my plan. Cheating a plan is no good, but disregarding a plan and overtraining can be just as bad too. I think this is where having a plan really comes in handy, to guide me when I've being overly ambitious (as well as when I'm being overly lazy :laugh: ). Also, my arms are SORE again! haha

    May sound strange, but I feel like I can see some changes in my body from my gym workouts already. Even if I'm imagining it, I think I really will see definitive change by the end of the month.

    Hope everyone has a great Monday!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Oh yeah, I do, on occasion, try to incorporate holidays into threadstarters, but I am not familiar with some holidays (like Canadian ones) and living abroad I sometimes miss some American ones. Hate it when that happens. Anyway, I was waiting for Dr. King's day for this, one of my favorites, but it slipped by me....so here it is. As I said, one of my favorites.

  • Worked out today with my husband at the gym since he had the day off, Federal Holiday. Today, I worked on the arm machines in the weight machine room.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Bonus saying today!

    I had my annual eye exam this morning. Was able to walk out the door 30 minutes later than usual so you'd think I would have had my act together, but I managed to forget my lunch in the refrigerator at home. Got soup & half a sandwich from a place down the street, but it wasn't very good. Now I'm having eaters remorse because it was probably a lot of calories and totally wasn't worth it.

    Trainer session tonight & I typically run on Mondays. I'm starting to feel like the antibiotics are helping my sinus infection, but they're making me pretty nauseated even taking them with food.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hi Cathhsmom!! How nice to workout with your husband today. :)

    Laura, glad the antibiotics are helping. I hate it when I end up eating something that was calorically expensive and not very good. But at least now you know not to get that again.

    Okay, after son's martial arts class, I got home late and ended up eating too late and my belly is too full to do my workout tonight. Poor planning. But in general, I feel like my Ab & Glute workout for home is "weak" (especially in comparison to my gym days, & because I schedule it at night after the kids are in bed, which is maybe unrealistic) and I'm not overly enthusiastic about it. I think I'm going to re-work it. Idk what I'll do, if I'll switch it to the gym, or just change the exercises, or change the day, or what, but I'll think of something. Hoping I can get lil girl to cooperate tomorrow morning to get it done, to stay caught up.

    Have a good one. Read y'all later.

    p.s.-for now, going to go with FitnessBlender Pilates for ab & glute. I have a feeling it will do the trick (he's a great Pilates teacher and I've always been sore when doing FB Pilates in the past). I can always re-adjust later or add my favorite exercises (weighted glute bridges & dumbbell good mornings) or add the gym's ab crunch and torso twist machines for good measure.