Week 2 of Reset Finished, Preliminary Results, Thoughts?

Week 2 of Reset Finished, Preliminary Results, Need to Change Something?

I've just finished week 2 of trying to reset metabolism by eating at TDEE (I'm going for 8 weeks as my body could probably use some consistency as I have a bad habit of being all over the place). I don't expect to have a whole lot of results already, but with the data I do I have, I am wondering if I should change something or just go on.

During these 2 weeks I have lost 4.4 lbs. I am using the IPOARM spreadsheet from heybales.
My LBM has gone from 119.9lbs to 118.7lbs while my FM has also gone down from 55.1lbs to 51.9 lbs. I'm not TOO worried as my FM is decreasing at a faster rate than the decrease of my LBM, but I am a bit annoyed by the loss of LBM as it has only increased ever since using the spreadsheet until these last 2 weeks.

My average calorie intake has been around 1930ish calories a day for the last 2 weeks which is way more than I eat on my own when not tracking (I have back tracked to see how I do on my own, and I tend to be scared of food and overestimate), so I'm a bit surprised by the decrease. In the passed when I lost weight before with IPOARM (which I gained back when I stopped logging out of laziness) I was eating less calories on average, somewhere around 1700 but my LBM never decreased.

I also have been having lots of abdominal pains and after several visits to the doctor and even the ER, it seems I may have to see a gastroenterologist for digestive issues. I may have a bigger problem where I'm not getting proper nutrients from my food or something. I don't know. I mention it only because it is the wrench in the works that may be screwing with my results (or not, I can't know).

So basically I am wondering if I should try to re-calculate TDEE (which I may do anyway later as I think I might be a little more active than I think despite the large amount of time I spend sitting on my butt and taking naps because I am always tired), or just keep going. Surely I don't mind losing weight while eating nearly 2k calories a day, but I am a bit bothered by the loss of LBM.

Perhaps it is also still too early to tell. Anyway any advice or anything is welcome :)

PS: there's my spreadsheet if anyone wants to take a look at things. I tried to keep track as much as possible, but it is true there are some lapses and missing info. I only use the first 2 tabs.


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Remember these calculators are in no way perfect. Many times we have to adjust a bit to get to "our" correct number.

    My suggestion would be to add 50 or 100 calories and see what happens over four weeks. If you continue to lose, then add another 100 etc. At point you start to gain, revert back to previous or cut by 50 at that point and see what happens.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    To early, you literally need a month of data, as your BMR as a woman literally does change through the month.

    Also, loss of LBM means everything not fat. It's winter, are you doing as much sweating and cardio? Body needs less blood volume then. Also if less cardio, less need for stored glucose, which stores with water. More LBM lost.

    So don't even worry about that, you should lose LBM as you lose fat. You just don't want it to be muscle mass, or earlier than needed.

    And yes, if you have a gut problem and not getting as much out of the calories as you would normally get, that means you could be logging perfectly, and have a TDEE perfectly known, but you'll always be actually absorbing less calories than you eat.

    So as recommended, just add more. The adding of more may have gotten you a whoosh effect too from some retained water. Almost to TDEE it seems.

    Logging is good too, like not inflating calorie counts "just in case"?
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    Logging is good too, like not inflating calorie counts "just in case"?

    MY BANE! I'm working better on this anyway because this is what killed me after October. I stopped logging, got paranoid and over estimate because "better to go under than over". So far I've been good about it.

    I will wait a bit more then and the maybe add more based off that and see how it goes. Thanks for reassuring me about the LBM thing, as it was the first time ever I saw it decrease I wasn't sure.