New to Super Shred

eilea73 Posts: 34 Member
Hello! I just started Super Shred today! I'm very excited about it since it seems like it will be easier for me to follow than other plans! I have at LEAST 50 lbs to lose so I'm looking forward to seeing how this works out for me.

I have a question: I have a few events coming up that may require dining out. Do any of you have any tips on this? Thanks for your input!


  • murph1777ca
    Hi Eilea73 and welcome. I haven't faced that particular dining out demon yet so don't have any wisdom to offer, I'm afraid, though I do have an at-home dinner guest tonight that I'm struggling a bit with. I'll let you know how we make out.

    There's a FB group "Super Shredders' that you can join and there's a LOT of chatter on there about all kinds of things - you might find some assistance there.

    Good luck with SS. Planning is the key to success.

  • Oh2BeMaintaining
    Oh2BeMaintaining Posts: 188 Member
    Welcome to Super Shred! I found the first few days really tough but after that as long as I planned ahead it has been fairly easy to do. The super shredder FB page is really busy and a great resource.

    I haven't had to dine out during this so I'm afraid I'm no help with that.
  • eilea73
    eilea73 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks!!! I'm going to check out that FB page.