Weigh In 01/16

I hope everyone had a great week! :smile: Here are my stats:
SW: 155
CW: 150
GW: 135


  • JesT23
    JesT23 Posts: 51 Member
    HW: 184
    UGW: 120

    Group stat:
    SW: 145.6
    CW: 140.8
    Spring Goal: 122

    Age 25, Height 4'9"
  • Nice week for me; 2.5 pounds lost this week (4 pounds total).

    SW: 158
    CW: 154
    GW: 138

    Best wishes to everyone :smile:
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Im going to plug it into the data sheet tomorrow. My scale wasnt working correctly earlier then by that time I had coffee..plus I got "it" this morning as well so right now I know I fluctuated a little
  • Narc_soda
    Narc_soda Posts: 181 Member
    Over the Christmas break my scale said 196.
    During the challenge I have been jogging on my breaks and at lunch. For about 13 minutes. M–F
    I have avoided eating out accept for last Sunday where I halved my burger for later and drank ice tea. I am getting back on track but that Christmas break might make me come up a bit short. Im still gunna try to get to 171.4!

    SW: 191.4
    CW: 190.2
    GW: 171.4
  • stormnv
    stormnv Posts: 10 Member
    SW: 159
    W1: 159.2 (Jan 2)
    W2: 156.6 (Jan 9th)
    W3: 156.2 (Jan 16th)
    GW:140(for this challenge)
  • GKSTcoach
    GKSTcoach Posts: 81 Member
    No joy on meeting the goal, but I did lose a pound.
    SW: 275
    Previous goal: 237
    CW: 239
    Next goal: 235
    Overall goal: 200

    Hoping that me being sick is the hold-up.
  • bunnylion
    bunnylion Posts: 265 Member
    SW: 184
    CW: 180
    W3: 177
    W4: 173.5
    W5: 173
    GW: 160

    Though I manage to work out at least every second day, my eating has been horribly off these days. A lot of dinner dates, brunches, birthdays... And the invites will continue for the rest of January. I have no idea how to deal with them and it completely sabotages my progress. :sad:
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    CSW: 215.8
    W1: 213.6
    W2: 212.6
    W3: 216.6 (This is water weight from eating out and holidays - I expect this all to resolve quickly with eating normally.)
    W4: 209.6
    W5: 209.6
    CGW : 195
  • tmp1of7
    tmp1of7 Posts: 23 Member

    I'm starting my 2nd week of Rocco Dispirito's -The Pound A Day Diet.

    From the title alone, I was skeptical. It seems too much, too fast to be safe, but after viewing the recipes, it follows a plant based, pretty clean way of eating which I've been trying to do anyway.

    I've given up most meat for three years now. I have fish and seafood.

    I lost 6.5 pounds this past week. 5.5 more to undo the holiday weight gain from poor choices and fast food splurges from Novemeber to January. I had put 12 lbs. back on :frown: ...then I'll be back to my16 pounds down and subtracting.

    I modify some of the recipes...leaving a few ingredients out and substituting the red meat and chicken options for fish and/or vegetables.

    Here comes week 2. I hope to keep up the weight loss. I'm hoping for 3-4 pounds this week.

    If I continue on this plan with steady weight loss, I could make it to 1-der-land by my birthday 3/21.
  • bunnylion
    bunnylion Posts: 265 Member
    Isnt' it time for the next weigh in? Is this group dead already? :cry:

    For me no change really. Still binge eating. Still exercising. No change in weight...

    SW: 184
    CW: 180
    W3: 177
    W4: 173.5
    W5: 173
    W6: 173.5
    GW: 160
  • ^^^Yes, time to post for this week. I guess I'll move this post to the new week when it has been created. Hopefully the group isn't dead. I'm just starting to do well :smile:

    Another good week 1.6 pounds down for this week! Yay!!
    I added strength training and I think it is really paying off!

    SW: 158
    CW: 152.4
    GW: 138