Progress & Motivation

MartaAnna84 Posts: 20 Member
I thought I'd start a new discussion topic where people can discuss their progress and motivate each other to continue on this 90 day challenge!


  • ramsx1991
    ramsx1991 Posts: 142 Member
    Oh great idea! :) what did everybody choose for Day 3 Cardio? I am pretty sore today so I'm happy we are doing cardio... It's a nice run for me today!
  • To help with soreness, add a 1/2" slice of ginger to a smoothie. It really helps! : )
  • MartaAnna84
    MartaAnna84 Posts: 20 Member
    I did the HIIT video because I didn't have time to go to the gym (it's really cold here in Canada). It killed me though! Felt great stretching after though.
  • MartaAnna84
    MartaAnna84 Posts: 20 Member
    Great to know about the ginger
  • mum2afew
    mum2afew Posts: 10 Member
    I just got back on MFP, and so glad to see a group for this program!!
    Thanks for the tip about the ginger, I will try that. as i'm feeling pretty sore all over.
    I did the HIIT too, probably will every time cause time is precious to me.

    Have any of you ladies done this challenge before? does the soreness go away?
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    I also did the HIIT. It felt like an awesome workout. I'm super sore all over now!
  • MartaAnna84
    MartaAnna84 Posts: 20 Member
    I've never done the challenge however, after Day 4 I feel less sore.. but probably going to regret saying that after Day 5 :S
  • olivia_june
    olivia_june Posts: 111 Member
    I started about a week and a half late, so I did Day 3 today. I did the HIIT because I'm not ready to commit to a gym membership and also our weather has been ridiculous here in Northern Alberta, our streets and walkways are pure ice and I'm not even exaggerating! Also, I suck at running so it will probably always be HIIT for me.

    Glad I found this group! :)
  • amywinkel32
    amywinkel32 Posts: 9 Member
    ate terrible yesterday!!! :( What do you do when you are super treatie? or out where you cannot control what you eat?

    but had a great workout. (Day 9) Did an old Cathe Step video... I'm nervous to try the HIIT!

    question- When we have the 10 minute workout days, do you do something else as well? I just don't see how only working out for 10 minutes is going to help me lose weight.
  • MartaAnna84
    MartaAnna84 Posts: 20 Member
    Check out other youtube 20 min HIIT videos. There are tons out there. I changed it up for the running stairs and only rested for 30 seconds instead of 1 minute in between reps.
  • ramsx1991
    ramsx1991 Posts: 142 Member
    ate terrible yesterday!!! :( What do you do when you are super treatie? or out where you cannot control what you eat?

    but had a great workout. (Day 9) Did an old Cathe Step video... I'm nervous to try the HIIT!

    question- When we have the 10 minute workout days, do you do something else as well? I just don't see how only working out for 10 minutes is going to help me lose weight.

    I have been doing about 30 mins of cardio as well! I think if you are beginning working out then it would be ideal, so you don't wear yourself out, but if you have been working out for a long time and don't think it'll wear you out then I would do extra!
  • Byerley79
    Byerley79 Posts: 7 Member
    Did anyone weigh in and do their measurements today? What was your progress? I'm on schedule with Day 15, but nervous about taking updating and not seeing any change. I haven't weighed in but plan to do that tomorrow morning. I'll take my measurements tonight afterwork. I completed the Day 15 work out with about 10 min. of warm up and cool down on the Treadmill on either end. Overall it felt good!
  • angel_marcelle
    angel_marcelle Posts: 101 Member
    Did anyone weigh in and do their measurements today? What was your progress? I'm on schedule with Day 15, but nervous about taking updating and not seeing any change. I haven't weighed in but plan to do that tomorrow morning. I'll take my measurements tonight afterwork. I completed the Day 15 work out with about 10 min. of warm up and cool down on the Treadmill on either end. Overall it felt good!

    I have lost 7.4 lbs and 7 inches total, so far. Pretty amazing results for two weeks!!! :)
  • MartaAnna84
    MartaAnna84 Posts: 20 Member
    Did anyone weigh in and do their measurements today? What was your progress? I'm on schedule with Day 15, but nervous about taking updating and not seeing any change. I haven't weighed in but plan to do that tomorrow morning. I'll take my measurements tonight afterwork. I completed the Day 15 work out with about 10 min. of warm up and cool down on the Treadmill on either end. Overall it felt good!

    I have lost 7.4 lbs and 7 inches total, so far. Pretty amazing results for two weeks!!! :)

    WOW! Great job! I did my weigh in this morning and lost 3lbs. Will be doing my measurements and photos after work
  • Byerley79
    Byerley79 Posts: 7 Member
    Wow that is amazing. I'm weighing in tomorrow...not feeling optimistic but I know I'm feeling stronger.
  • tiffalynn07
    tiffalynn07 Posts: 9 Member
    I never measured...but I have lost 4.6 pounds total. Feeling stronger though :)
  • ramsx1991
    ramsx1991 Posts: 142 Member
    oh wow you all have done SO great!
    I lost 2.5 lbs. Which is awesome for me! Lately I have only been losing .5 lbs a week or so. AND I lost 2 inches off of my waist! 1 inch off of my hips. I am very shocked that I lost 2 inches off of my waist. I feel so much more stronger in my core, which is something that I have struggled with after my c-section. I will post pictures as soon as I get them on my PC!

    Edit for spelling.
  • Byerley79
    Byerley79 Posts: 7 Member
    I finally weighed in and took measurements. Lost some inches but only .4 lbs. Hopefully I'll see more weight loss on day 30. I always struggle with how many calories to eat. MFP says 1300 before the addition of the calories from working out. I've had a dietician in the past tell me I need 1700! How are you all managing the food aspect? What are your calories? Is anyone using the BBM diet?

  • ramsx1991
    ramsx1991 Posts: 142 Member
    I finally weighed in and took measurements. Lost some inches but only .4 lbs. Hopefully I'll see more weight loss on day 30. I always struggle with how many calories to eat. MFP says 1300 before the addition of the calories from working out. I've had a dietician in the past tell me I need 1700! How are you all managing the food aspect? What are your calories? Is anyone using the BBM diet?


    I eat 1650 calories a day and I am on my feet for.. I would day 50%-70% of my day and I eat my exercise calories back. For me, the more I eat, the faster I lose. I would try eating a higher amount of calories for 2 weeks or so and see if you notice more loss.
    However, I will say that inches matter SO MUCH MORE than lbs lost. Because if you lost inches, you obviously lost fat and gained muscle. Which is what you want!
  • amywinkel32
    amywinkel32 Posts: 9 Member
    Since I'm behind I'm weighing in on Sunday and taking pictures. You girls weigh and inches loss is fantastic!
    I am using the MFP calories but my goal is only to lose .5 pounds a week because if I don't eat enough calories I get pretty cranky, frustrated, depressed... my intake ranges from 1600- 2000 a day. I cook daily and use a lot of Cooking Light recipes. good luck!