Just starting...kinda! Help!

I just started this new mindset of eating more because I really felt that the low cal fad was ridiculous (however I always seemed to fall into it!) I had my mind set on sticking to 1800-2000 calories once the new year hit, wasn't going to stress about any initial weight gain because I just ultimately expected it to happen after trying to survive on 1400-1600ish.

Anyway, I didn't really intend on following this "Eat more to weigh less" thing because I just kind of decided to start eating more on my own, but researching "eating more while lifting" led me to this! Once I figured out my TDEE(-10%) using an online calculator, it puts me at 1947cals. Here is my problem.....lately I have noticed my hunger being out of control! Especially on Leg days!

Here is my background: I'm 29 years old, 5'3", 135lbs...I do have fat to lose, would like to be in the 120's but the scale is not my indicator---I want to look good!
My workouts: I'm currently doing Lee Labrada's 12 week lean body trainer, which puts me in the gym daily (cardio days are rest days, ha! Crazy man!) The plan follows a 2 on, 1 off (cardio), repeated schedule; 2 day lifting, 1 day cardio, 2 day lifting, etc. It seems to break down to 5 lifting sessions and 3 30min cardio sessions per week (back/bicep day has cardio tacked onto it cause it's a short lifting session).

So like I said, lately I notice my hunger is out of control in the evening...even eating 1900ish cals! I guess I am confused when it comes to TDEE....can someone tell me what they consider my lifestyle? I figured it was moderately active because I have a desk job, so even working out daily (30-45 mins), I just figured it would be moderate...but now with this hunger issue, maybe I am underestimating? I know it's probably a silly question, but the lifting days don't seem intense to me, even though I lift as heavy as I can (like today I was leg pressing 200lbs easily) Am I thinking too much into this? Should I just "go with the flow" and eventually this hunger issue will die down??? Help!! :sad: (sorry for the long post, I'm a typer!!)


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    When you do lifting right, your are causing situation for the body to make improvements - which takes more food than you actually burn in they day.

    In other words - your body would love a surplus to actually build muscle since that's what the workout is asking.

    But you aren't giving it surplus, you aren't even giving it maintenance so it could slowly trade fat loss with muscle and LBM mass gain.

    You are at a deficit - and it's hungry.

    So you gotta decide, what's the stronger goal right now?

    Jack of all trades master of none.

    Body builders know from experience it is ultimately faster to bulk and cut. During the cut you cannot work out as hard, progress on the bar will have to stop.

    You are at that point.

    Now, if you haven't had a diet break in a while, you might eat on up to estimated TDEE and confirm what it is with your routine. Should be no weight gain or loss. Will indeed still lose fat slowly though.
    Stick there for 2-4 weeks enjoying the performance gains compared to eating at deficit.

    Then you can take a deficit from that tested TDEE, turn the workouts in to maintenance level, don't try to add weight, and let the fat and weight both drop.

    When you get the weight, or BF %, or look you are after, you can decide if you want to bulk to increase performance, because by that point, that'll be about the only way.

    And yes, your biggest muscles, legs, have the biggest potential for improvement, so body wants the most for them.
  • I have been lifting on and off thru the year and just started this 12 week lifting program last week, so I am still trying to find the weight for each exercise that makes my final rep difficult,. I feel like these first two weeks are a big guessing game with calories and lifting loads and it's driving me a bit crazy, but I want to finally get it all right...and the sooner in the program the better!

    Thanks for the info though, that makes sense to eat at TDEE for a couple weeks like you suggested and then do the deficit. I guess I should have known to do that but sometimes it takes another persons words to have it make sense haha! Thanks again!

    ...and I had a mini clean-binge yesterday on that leg day which helped me get closer to that maintenance TDEE without doing it intentionally haha Just hoping my estimates are right!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Always remember the math.

    If you were to eat truly 250 calories more daily than your real TDEE for a whole 2 weeks, you would only gain 1 lb.

    And while lifting - it wouldn't even be any fat probably, because it's such a minor surplus.

    That's the final test when you think you are eating at TDEE, 2 week test eating 250 more. Confirm or denies prior level really was TDEE.

    No gain over 2 weeks - not TDEE, test again.
    Fast gain within the week or more than 1 lb - not TDEE, test again.
    Slow gain over the 2 weeks - was TDEE. Take deficit from that prior level.
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    I just started this new mindset of eating more because I really felt that the low cal fad was ridiculous (however I always seemed to fall into it!) I had my mind set on sticking to 1800-2000 calories once the new year hit, wasn't going to stress about any initial weight gain because I just ultimately expected it to happen after trying to survive on 1400-1600ish.

    Anyway, I didn't really intend on following this "Eat more to weigh less" thing because I just kind of decided to start eating more on my own, but researching "eating more while lifting" led me to this! Once I figured out my TDEE(-10%) using an online calculator, it puts me at 1947cals. Here is my problem.....lately I have noticed my hunger being out of control! Especially on Leg days!

    Here is my background: I'm 29 years old, 5'3", 135lbs...I do have fat to lose, would like to be in the 120's but the scale is not my indicator---I want to look good!
    My workouts: I'm currently doing Lee Labrada's 12 week lean body trainer, which puts me in the gym daily (cardio days are rest days, ha! Crazy man!) The plan follows a 2 on, 1 off (cardio), repeated schedule; 2 day lifting, 1 day cardio, 2 day lifting, etc. It seems to break down to 5 lifting sessions and 3 30min cardio sessions per week (back/bicep day has cardio tacked onto it cause it's a short lifting session).

    So like I said, lately I notice my hunger is out of control in the evening...even eating 1900ish cals! I guess I am confused when it comes to TDEE....can someone tell me what they consider my lifestyle? I figured it was moderately active because I have a desk job, so even working out daily (30-45 mins), I just figured it would be moderate...but now with this hunger issue, maybe I am underestimating? I know it's probably a silly question, but the lifting days don't seem intense to me, even though I lift as heavy as I can (like today I was leg pressing 200lbs easily) Am I thinking too much into this? Should I just "go with the flow" and eventually this hunger issue will die down??? Help!! :sad: (sorry for the long post, I'm a typer!!)
    Hi Megan, and welcome!
    Listen to you body, feed it! How's your protein intake?? Keep your protein high (1-1.3g/lb of bw) and consistent. Are your macros set at 30% protein? Protein keeps you fuller longer! It could be what your eating, not how much! Just a thought!

    Leg day is brutal for me too! You may need to increase to 2000, just to test the waters! When in doubt, fuel your workout!
  • Thanks heybales! It all makes a lot of sense to me, I am really excited to do this! Crazy that I'm not scared to increase haha

    jaone: Thank you! Yep I get enough protein (I love it!)! I was shooting for 40%P (40%C, 20%F) and sometimes overshooting my protein haha. I eat protein and veggies at all of my 5 or 6 meals, so my body is probably just hungry after the big workouts.
    I adjusted to the suggested 40C/30P/30F and I'll try that out. But yeah leg days kill me hunger-wise; I'm just going with it and eating if I'm hungry. I'll just have to make sure to be patient with this process, but I learned to not give a crap about the scale number this past year---it's definitely been a learning process for me!
  • oops misspelled in previous post: jaeone* (was typing quickly at work at the time!)

    Just wanted to add: My hunger was wayyy better today, I guess those extra cals helped yesterday! Totally just blaming it on leg day and making note to eat more on those days! :)
  • What is your body craving? I find that some days my body is quite sensible, and is just hungry, and will be satisfied by eating good proteins and healthy fats, and other days where it's just being silly and asking for eight bags of crisps.

    If you're putting in good things to combat the extra hunger, you're probably fine. And even if your weight goes up, lifting will be helping develop muscle rather than fat, so you may lose inches anyway.
  • sunnydale anytime I crave something it's nuts or nut butters! I rarely crave junk-food (even though I'm starting to consider nut butters junk food since I eat it in excess Lol!) This has been going on for a while (random PB/almond butter cravings) and I am fairly certain I eat enough healthy fats, so I don't think my body "needs" it, but who knows. I cleared the kitchen of my remaining nuts/nut butters so we'll see if I crave other things....thank goodness I don't have bad food around my home to tempt me!

    Yeah I am hoping the measurements decrease even if I over-eat some days...but doing EM2LW makes an occasional "clean binge" less traumatic. It's funny because while I am personally okay with eating more, when I tell people what I am doing they think I'm nuts! I'm trying to not let the comments bother me so much that it makes me fall back into low-cal eating though. I've looked into EM2LW so much and it makes sense to me, so they are making comments based on what they "believe" is right when it comes to the body . UGH! lol Anyway, thanks for the encouraging words!