New to fitness, what if I get pregnant?

Homemaker57 Posts: 106 Member
So, hubby and I have been trying to start a family. I just started running this month, and started weight lifting (SL 5x5) this week. I want to know: how long should I have already been exercising at a certain level, before it's considered "continuing during pregnancy" (safe) vs "starting a new intense exercise plan" (not as safe?) in other words if I get a positive next week, would it be advisable to keep lifting and adding weight, slow down the progression, stop lifting...? Same with running? I don't know where the line is between safe pregnancy and staying fit, when I'm so new to physical exertion. I'd love advice so I have some knowledge already by the time I'm in the situation. I'd love to keep pursuing my fitness goals but want to be safe.

Fingers crossed for a pregnancy soon enough that this question is applicable... :)


  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Honestly, your body will tell you when enough is enough. That was my experience anyway. There were days I felt like a million bucks and it was business as usual, and other times when I was tired that walking for 30 minutes was the equivalent of running for an hour in terms of exertion levels.

    I know it's a cliché answer, but it holds true. I've had friends that were in total beast mode for the entire pregnancy, and others that literally did nothing once they got a positive. Do what you can, when you can, for as long as you can would be my advice. Good luck!!
  • Lisa_Rhodes
    Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
    Generally you can keep up with your exercising and you'll naturally slow down as you get further along. I have my on and off days (31 weeks). I was doing Insanity in my first month of pregnancy (I didn't know at the time) and only reason I stopped was bc of my bad back, but I would've stopped anyway when I found out bc I felt it was too much jumping around. Your best bet is to talk to your Dr and s/he will be able to determine if it's ok for ya :smile:
  • StephanieL14
    StephanieL14 Posts: 124 Member
    I played soccer until the end of my first trimester with my dr's blessing. He said only to stop because of the risk of getting hit by the ball, not because the actually running around was dangerous. I slowed down on my other activities because I was suuuuuper tired all the time, but now I've started using my elliptical regularly and doing a yoga class. My neighbour is a runner and she kept it up until she was 8 months pregnant with one pregnancy and gave it up after one month with her second. It all depends on your body and what you feel comfortable with.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I was doing Strong Lifts when I found out I was pregnant. I had been doing the program for about five months so I was pretty high up on weights (not as high as I would've liked to have been LOL). I stopped doing it when I found out I was pregnant because I can be kind of klutzy in the weight room was worried about walking into a bar or tripping and falling on a weight left on the floor, etc. I did machines (that room is a little easier to maneuver around) and elliptical. I did both the whole pregnancy. They are good because you can go at your own pace. I especially liked the elliptical because I could go slower and still talk to my work out buddy, who was still going fast.