New! Need friends!

Hi all! I'm 28 and 5'7". In February 2012, I weighed 157. I know that before that date I had been as high as 170. I gained weight after college, and I'm still trying to get back to where I was as a college athlete. Up to this point, I've lost almost 20 pounds - but kept getting stuck around 140.

I only have about 10 pounds that I'd still like to lose. At the moment, I am trying to really become a "runner." I've done weight training to get to this point, but I want a new challenge. I'm hoping running and tracking on MFP consistently can get me where I want to be.

Feel free to add me if you have similar goals or just want more friends!


  • mck6888
    mck6888 Posts: 9 Member

    I'm 25 and I'm aiming to lose around 15 lbs. I have a little too much flab for my liking, so my goal is basically to reduce the fat and gain lean muscle. I'm using the couch to 5k running program to up my level of cardio exercise; I plan to sign up for the color run in my city when tickets become available. I feel like that should keep me motivated.

    Feel free to add me, too!

  • Arankin1992
    Arankin1992 Posts: 8 Member
    I am 21, I am 5'6 and started at 155, now down to 40 and hoping to go another 10-15 pounds! I too am stuck in a rut. I prefer to workout at home and do a lot of Jillian Michaels but this is on top of playing volleyball twice a week, rugby indoor training once a week, and a soccer game once a week. feel free to add me
  • sofiawantstolose
    sofiawantstolose Posts: 46 Member
    Hi everyone!! I'm currently 18, 5'6, and I started 2013 at 149 pounds, on february or so I stopped logging on MFP. After that, I gained weight like crazy, and when I stepped on the scale on september, I was on 166, which means I had gained almost 18 pounds!! I hated myself and my body for getting so fat, and I had so many things to do that I couldn't get back to MFP. It's a great way to keep track of my food and excercise.
    I play volleyball at my local club, and we train 3 times a week. I've trained the entire year, so I knew that my problem was the food I had been eating. I managed to get down to 157, before getting back to MFP; now I'm 147,7, which means I'm 1.3 pounds lighter than a year ago.
    My goal is to weigh 128 pounds, and I aim to lose 2 pounds per week.
    Feel free to add me. I have an open diary and now I'm trying the 5:2 diet, to lose the 18 pounds left.
    Good luck!!
  • Hey! I'm 23, 5'7", about 135 pounds. It's all in my stomach, hips, butt, and thighs. I'd like to get back down to about 120 pounds and get in shape - I have a wedding to go to at the end of August! (A summer body is made in winter, right?) I am trying to eat healthier (I am so addicted to sugar..) and will be trying to record what I eat. I just started Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred level 1. Would any of you like to do that with me? I need someone to keep me going!
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    I'm doing 30 Day Shred as well. :) I've done it about 4 times now, I think. Haven't been doing it every day. I'm going to try and do it at least 3 times a week. I finally got some dumbbells, too! I'll add you. :)
  • Hey guys! New here too. I've always been into fitness! But there is one thing. I had an ED. I've been recovering for 2 months and I'm doing better than fantastic! Bulking up on muscle like CRAZY. I love love rock climbing hiking boating vacations in general and surfing. Add me! I'm great support and I swear I won't wine about eating :) I'm 5'7 138 lbs
  • TG683
    TG683 Posts: 41
    Hi all!!

    I'm 5"3, and currently weigh 145. I weighed 158 last September, and have been losing the weight by sticking to roughly 1200 cals a day and exercising. I have my goals set to lose 2 pounds a week and am exercising like crazy, but the weight only seems to be dropping by a half pound a week! Anyway, I'm determined to get down to 126-130, however long it takes me. :) Feel free to add me