Just curious is it ok to be lifting weights while your doing the 60day program I'm down to day 50. I have for the most part seen some results but I didn't eat as clean as I wanted to or should I say as I should have. But I want to see more tone wondering if its ok to be lifting gonna repeat month 2 again as well. Or should I do the whole 60 days again?


  • heyitsadam
    heyitsadam Posts: 70 Member
    if you're not eating clean, you're doing a HUGE disservice to plan. Burning 500-750 cals a session does you no good if you if you're putting them back with 3 slices of pizza.
  • sikick123
    Very true they say your results come from 80% diet and 20% exercise!

    Ive wanted to start lifting some weights as I fear I will have little muscle left in my upper body. Partly due to previous muscle eating yo yo dieting.

    I cant seen a problem with adding weight lifting to the regime if you can find the extra energy, which so far I have
    not :) I had a play with some dumbells on my day off and do pull ups every other day.

    Does anyone else have experience with keeping upperbody muscle/weight training whils doing insanity?

    I would like to hear from heyistadam as you clearly managed to keep lots of muscle mass, do you feel as strong now as you did when you were heavier? Well done by the way cool results!!