Anyone else?

KendleX Posts: 275 Member
Getting a kick out of watching the rest of the country freeze and shovel for once?


  • ThineOwnselfBTrue
    ThineOwnselfBTrue Posts: 49 Member
    I get annoyed listening to people on FB who once were Minnesotans now living in FL or KY complain they got 1/2 inch or that 30 degrees is cold...I want to send them some thermals and a casserole with a note "Stop yer bickering now, don'tcha know it's not that cold."
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    I live and love Minnesota and am lucky to be in Florida this week to soak up sun, walk with ought fear of slipping. I laugh at the people I see wearing fur hats, with ear flaps due to the cold. There are flowers blooming green grass, and frankly it is wonderful. Next week I will be home and enjoying, traffic snarls, due to ice, wearing a winter jacket, and exercising at the gym.

    Forget the casseroles and tell them to buck up, it's not that bad!
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member
    After a cold snap that dips to -25 or so, isn't it funny how it warms up to -1 and we walk outside and think, "Hey, its pretty nice outside." If you had that thought this month, you might be in Minnesota.
  • kampshm
    kampshm Posts: 93 Member
    After a cold snap that dips to -25 or so, isn't it funny how it warms up to -1 and we walk outside and think, "Hey, its pretty nice outside." If you had that thought this month, you might be in Minnesota.

    HAHAHA I totally had this thought right after our -26 with -50 wind chills! It was like....hey my eyes aren't freezing shut and I can breathe again....this is nice!
  • nolanerinbryon
    nolanerinbryon Posts: 80 Member
    Yeah, I have my fair share of friends who live in the south and they are all complaining... I'm thinking you've got nothing to complain about... it's WAY colder in MN! But that's what makes the 30 degree temps and summer weather that much more awesome!
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    We traveled 'home' to IL for Christmas. The first day back it was in the 30s, everyone was all bundled up and complaining.
    We'd been having some darn cold days up here, and I was out in a fleece jacket only (no hat nor gloves). My husband asked where my coat was, and I replied with "I don't need it, its 30 out there!"
    The lady at the table next to us gaped at me. He just laughed and said my Minnesota was showing ;)
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    I have friends and family all over the country and they don't know how we do it. I agree these -25 degree temps are a little much to take but eventually the beautiful spring will return.
  • LizFo
    LizFo Posts: 34 Member
    Back to 30 degrees in my part of Minnesota. Feels like a heat wave!!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Looks like the wind chill in my part of MN is dropping to the -43 range again for all/most of Monday - wind chill warning from Sunday night to Tuesday midday. I can't remember the last time we've had a winter this brutal. I took up running in the spring so this is the first winter ever that I want to get outside on the weekends for my long runs, and this winter is testing my fortitude. I don't want to hear one more person complain about how cold it was because it was only in the 30's there. ABOVE zero.
  • wibamagirl
    wibamagirl Posts: 35 Member
    Okay I used to live in Wi. hated the cold,snow,evedrything winter related.Moved up here and lo and behold this transplant is seeing a whole new side of winter.Blizzards? I hunker down and stay home,everyone here goes to work.i'm learning though.i got a snowblower for the cub cadet and it's my idea of an old lady snowmobile.Slow and safe.I'm having a blast with my new found sport.I guess I'll stay.
  • Agate69
    Agate69 Posts: 349 Member
    Back from a week in Florida yesterday. Think I froze my tan off blowing snow today. If they don't quit canceling school for the cold, our kids will still be in class in July.
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    If they don't quit canceling school for the cold, our kids will still be in class in July.

    Ugh, I'm going insane here. The kids haven't had a full week of school since Xmas break.
  • ractrev
    ractrev Posts: 426
    My Dad lives in Bonita Springs Florida. I spoke with him on Saturday and he was telling me how he had to finish up painting the trim on his house that day because it had been too cold to finish the days before........WTF!! I told him unless it was cold enough for the paint to freeze in the can he could shut up. Now. lol
  • KendleX
    KendleX Posts: 275 Member
    Get your shorts and tank-tops ready, I see 23 in the forecast! BBQ time!
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    Get your shorts and tank-tops ready, I see 23 in the forecast! BBQ time!

    Woooh! Time to roll the windows down in the car weather.
  • wibamagirl
    wibamagirl Posts: 35 Member
    Sunny and supposed to be + digits this week.Hooray!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Was 12 degrees (wind chill zero) when I finished my run this afternoon, but I had the right layers on and it felt glorious to be out in the sun. I was running through the fresh snow we got this morning, but still I saw the sun.
  • nwingr
    nwingr Posts: 43 Member
    Was 12 degrees (wind chill zero) when I finished my run this afternoon, but I had the right layers on and it felt glorious to be out in the sun. I was running through the fresh snow we got this morning, but still I saw the sun.

    It was a great day to be out (x-skiing for me). Let's hope the winter is changing over to something we can play in now!