What cardio do you do?

mdivamuffin Posts: 164 Member
Hi Ladies,

I'm just wondering what cardio you do (if any) along with your strength programme.

I'm in my second week of SL 5X5 and usually do 20-25 mins on elliptical 2/3 times a week on lifting days. 10 mins as a warm up and then 15 hiit after lifting. I'm only starting so not sure if this is a good way to be doing it. Also I HATE the elliptical and all the gym cardio machines, I never look forward to doing it, whereas I look forward to the weights and challenging myself adding weight on. Are the cardio machines a necessary evil?

What do other people do? Have you found a system that works for you? I'm trying to lose fat and build lean muscle.



  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    I'm still searching for cardio nirvana. I like using a heavyweight bag, I would *really* like being able to do a kickboxing class a few times a week - but unfortunately cost for that stuff adds up quickly. When I don't want to think about it too much I just hop on a cardio machine, but if I have the motivation I sometimes will add in an insanity workout to shake things up a little. Also sometimes I split my cardio time between a few different machines so I don't get bored as quickly. (row for 10min, do 10min of sprints on treadmill and 10min on an elliptical / arc trainer)
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    Cardio is not at all evil, its good for the heart.

    I just don't like it as much as weight training. lol. If I do do any cardio its a HIIT workout for 10 minutes just to warm up.
    Otherwise Taebo or Zumba :smile: I try and make it fun. But not for very long intensity, usually about 20 minutes, MAYBE twice a week. Most often just once if at all lol.

    You don't need to get any cardio in if you dont want to.
    I find weight training is adequate for me :smile:
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    I walk, hike, and climb stairs. I do it to aid my digestion, burn excess carbs after big meals, for heart health, and because it's enjoyable and/or a challenge.

    Find something to do that you enjoy!
  • UpperBodyLowerBody
    UpperBodyLowerBody Posts: 44 Member
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    I really love running. Currently I just run to the gym (~14min) and after my workout, I run back (~14min). If I don't go to the gym, I'll still usually run about 25-35min. Once per week I run longer, currently about 50min, but I'm upping it by about 5min every week (adding about 1/2mile each week...yeah, I'm slow)--working towards 10mi and hopefully 13mi eventually. All my running is city running, which I love because it isn't boring. I don't tolerate tracks or treadmills very well.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    Hiit training at least once a week bit of running intervals, get out on my bike a bit too
  • birdiecs
    birdiecs Posts: 237 Member
    Oh I hate hate hate cardio, but secretly fear dropping dead of a heart attack now that I'm an oldster lol

    I run about 20-30 min 2x a week, should be 3x but never seem to get that one in. The weather here in AZ this time of year is perfect, so it doesnt feel to much like torture. I don't do cardio machines, I'm not a hamster damn it!
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    I seem to be the minority here, I LOVE cardio and hate lifting haha. I run 20-25ish miles a week including some hill and sprint intervals on top of lifting 2-3 times a week.
  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    I don't like cardio, max for me is 15 minute interval training on a stair climber or some ellipticalthingy. But I do get my pulse up when I do a bunch of low-weight oly lifts for example.
  • Jacqson84
    Jacqson84 Posts: 189 Member
    Step aerobics! Not a fan of cardio but an hour of high impact step aerobics is oodles of fun!
  • Sprints and jump rope are my favourite.

    I'm also currently (sort-of) training for a 10KM, but I hate long distance running.

    Tabata workouts are also quick and fun!
  • traceyjj
    traceyjj Posts: 406 Member
    Normally I hate gym cardio. My trainer has given me something he calls a triple decker. Row 200m, then 20 kettlebell swings, 200m row, 20 swings and 200 row. Each week/time you completed it successfully add 50m and 5 swings. I am "enjoying" that, as it combines cardio with light weights, and you arent on the machine long enough to get bored :)

    Most of my cardio is taken up by walking though. My gym is almost 2 miles from home, and I usually walk fast to get there (very fast if its raining/cold/windy)
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    Zumba! Or any other dance-based class- I love it all.

    I also don't mind the eliptical, I used to have one at home and could watch a 1 hour TV show while just trucking away. I don't really like running, but I do jump on a treadmill once in awhile.

    When I was a teenager, I rode my bike everywhere and I really miss that. I am hoping that one day, when the kids are older and we can all go together, that we will live in a bike-friendly neighborhood and can get back into that.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    When I was a teenager, I rode my bike everywhere and I really miss that. I am hoping that one day, when the kids are older and we can all go together, that we will live in a bike-friendly neighborhood and can get back into that.

    Me too! I was free to ride my bik all over town from like idk 9yo til I got a car at 16, and then picked it back up again in College. I really miss that now too.

    (Also, She-Ra?! :glasses: )
  • jasonsdragon
    jasonsdragon Posts: 21 Member
    Walk, Skate, Rake yard, Ride my horses, Bike on and off road swim, :happy:
  • dany_m
    dany_m Posts: 74 Member
    I cycle to work that's about 10-15min one way. I also cycle to the gym and back. Some evenings I do a 20-25 min kickboxing routine at home.

    If you hate cardio machines you could always do a barbell routine which is more of a cardio routine than strength training.
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member

    (Also, She-Ra?! :glasses: )

    I was a huge She-Ra fan as a kid. The day I decided to use it as my profile pic I was trying to psych myself up for an upcoming session at the gym with a trainer - needed some tough, girl-power inspiration!
  • AntnNicsMom
    AntnNicsMom Posts: 29 Member
    I think I love cardio and lifting equally. lol I'm a fan of the arc trainer and elliptical.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    I usually do cardio 1x or 2x/week. In the summer I love to bike ride. In the winter months it's usually the Spin bike, Boxing, or Jump Roping
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Jogging, really brisk walking, elliptical machine, recumbent bike. I'm a fan of both lifting and cardio.
  • I love doing either jumping jacks or jump rope between sets and if its a few sets, I go longer on the jj/jr to make out to about 15 mins a day. Otherwise running is nice and biking but I hardly have time so I like to fit cardio in so I dont notice it :)
  • MissB46
    MissB46 Posts: 143 Member
    bit of running on the treadmill (can only manage 25 minutes before the boredom sets in) sometimes a bit on the rowing machine but not done that ages.

    HIIT training, ususally two Les Mills Grit Classes per week and 2 Kettlebell Classes per week....
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    play football (soccer)
    volume box jumps
    sled drags / prowler push
    jump rope
  • soozey1
    soozey1 Posts: 102 Member
    I have ran on the treadmill for years and now I run around a lake by my home and find it a lot tougher, the sweat is pouring off me when I come home. Love it, working up to a 5k pb. Also Zumba is just great to mix up your exercise regime. A good variety is the key .
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Just Dance 2014! I love running too, but that's been limited thanks to winter. Volleyball. Love weightlifting so much more than all those things though :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    mainly running but also swimming, versaclimber and rowing
  • soozey1
    soozey1 Posts: 102 Member
    Running and body combat classes.
  • ars1300
    ars1300 Posts: 159 Member
    Yes I just feel better in general with cardio incorporated with my weight training regime. I love variety! I try and change it up all the time, spin bike, treadmill, elliptical, rowing machine, tabata, hiit. Hitt or tabata workouts I create my own -the possiblities can be endless with any variety of exercises.
  • Cockney365
    Cockney365 Posts: 52 Member
    I play netball once or twice a week depending on whether we have a match or not. I lift too, an adaptation of SL 5x5 and 36 minutes of cardio (12 minutes each on treadmill, XT and step machine) each gym session. 12-15 minutes is about my maximum before I get bored of that machine so I like to switch it up. I also do body pump and tabata once or twice a week so I hope I am getting enough different types of exercise in to keep me overall pretty healthy!
  • DStroyNKonker
    DStroyNKonker Posts: 19 Member
    I joined a team sport... ROLLER DERBY! I am held accountable to a team of women who keep me motivated to stay fit. It's an amazing workout and great stress reliever!