How long did it take you to reach 140/100/180? (300/225/400)



  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    I've never done SL, but have been weight training on and off for a few decades. Those goals seem really weird to me. I just recently started going back to the gym in September, and based on nothing more than muscle memory and general fitness stuff was able to bench 225 for 3 reps having not benched at all for more than five years. However, there is no way I could have hit 300 on a squat or 400 on a deadlift. Even now, five months in, I'm approaching those numbers but I don't see them as goals, per se. I am not comfortable using a belt so I don't really push for max weights on either squat or deadlift. I usually stay in the 9 rep range on both movements. Still, I'd think it was kind of weird if I saw someone doing 400lb dead lifts and they could only bench 225.
  • RockWarrior84
    RockWarrior84 Posts: 840 Member
    I am about 6 weeks into SL and have yet to not complete a day, I have never done a 1 rep max

    currently at

    squat 235lb (not counting maxing out machine at 300lb :tongue: )
    bench 190lb
    deadlift 205lb
    OHP 125lb
    barbell row 115lb (did a max at 165lb)

    bench is where it will hit my first wall I am thinking.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I've never done SL, but have been weight training on and off for a few decades. Those goals seem really weird to me. I just recently started going back to the gym in September, and based on nothing more than muscle memory and general fitness stuff was able to bench 225 for 3 reps having not benched at all for more than five years. However, there is no way I could have hit 300 on a squat or 400 on a deadlift. Even now, five months in, I'm approaching those numbers but I don't see them as goals, per se. I am not comfortable using a belt so I don't really push for max weights on either squat or deadlift. I usually stay in the 9 rep range on both movements. Still, I'd think it was kind of weird if I saw someone doing 400lb dead lifts and they could only bench 225.

    PAUSED on chest bench press. Not half rep, half lockouts style.

    I deadlift 530lbs but can only bench 230. Leverages make a big difference also.

    I think it's weird when people can bench 300 but only squat 400 or deadlift 500 :tongue:
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member

    I dead 385lbs pretty easy last time. I think I can get 400lbs on the dead. But the best I can do with the 225lb bench is 2 reps and a 3rd with assistance.
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    I've never done SL, but have been weight training on and off for a few decades. Those goals seem really weird to me. I just recently started going back to the gym in September, and based on nothing more than muscle memory and general fitness stuff was able to bench 225 for 3 reps having not benched at all for more than five years. However, there is no way I could have hit 300 on a squat or 400 on a deadlift. Even now, five months in, I'm approaching those numbers but I don't see them as goals, per se. I am not comfortable using a belt so I don't really push for max weights on either squat or deadlift. I usually stay in the 9 rep range on both movements. Still, I'd think it was kind of weird if I saw someone doing 400lb dead lifts and they could only bench 225.

    PAUSED on chest bench press. Not half rep, half lockouts style.

    I deadlift 530lbs but can only bench 230. Leverages make a big difference also.

    I think it's weird when people can bench 300 but only squat 400 or deadlift 500 :tongue:

    That's really interesting. You just assume that I must be doing it wrong because I don't look like you think I should look? I never have, and never will, do half reps, half lockouts, or chest bounces. I don't lift for numbers. It's not an ego thing for me, which is why I haven't done a 1 rep max on anything in over a decade. I'm sorry that you can DL 530 but only bench 230. One the one hand, that's an awesome DL!!! On the other, unless by "PAUSE" you mean hang out and eat a sandwich with a bar sitting on your chest I think I'm ok with what I said before. As I said, I don't go heavier than a weight I can handle 9 reps with on a squat or DL so my numbers there are going to be low. If I'm taking your tone wrong I apologize. Somehow I don't think I did.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Nah, man wasn't attacking you just clarifying. (didn't even look at your pics until now but yes, big chest, big arms should be able to bench :tongue:)

    And it's not direclty comparable but you can get a theoretical 1rm by (weightxrepsx.0333) + weight if you wanted to get an estimate.

    And yep, I know my bench sucks! I think some people are naturally better at pulling (sounds stupid haha) than pressing. Possibly levers come into play as well. I've never been good at pressing in any direction but can do chinups with 50kg hanging off me. Strong back, not strong chest and arms. Unfortunately, they don't have weighted chins in powerlifting comps :laugh:

    And paused generally means that the bar is motionless on the chest. Normally is about .5 of a second so not long but it's not touch and go either.
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    No worries. And I fully agree on pullers vs pressers. Another way to look at it is explosive strength vs endurance strength. For as explosive as a dead lift or squat can be, it's actually a pretty long distance to travel and folks without endurance will be weaker on those. Whereas is someone is more dominant with explosive strength the short track of a bench is an easier place to make gains. I know that for myself, when I was really trying to bench heavy many years ago, every time I got stuck it wasn't because I lacked the strength to do a rep at that weight. It was because I lacked the stamina to finish the rep. I was plenty strong enough to get through the first 2 / 3 of the rep but gassed before I could lock out.
  • bradzahringer
    I was hitting them numbers about the time I started shredding my weight. I have started competing strongman now and have been runnning the 5/3/1 program which has brought huge gain. Current numbers are at 241 body weight are. 525 deadlift, 210 Military Press, 365 low bar squat, and a 265 bench. Those are atleast for single and multiples on some. 5/3/1 is remarkable. I am currently training for a contest on march 22 and yesterday I hit a 120lb one arm dumbell press and cleaned a 2.5 inch axle and pressed it 3 time at 185lbs.