clarifying my calculations and calorie goals

hi all,

i have just completed a metabolism reset and am about to start cutting. i just want to be sure that i have made my calculations correct before i continue. i have used the calculator at and have set it to desk job with no exercise. while i do exercise, i prefer to eat back all of my calories on a day-to-day basis rather than incorporating an average estimate into my calculations. is it ok to approach it in this way? with this is mind, my TDEE has been 1789. i eat back all of my exercise calories on top of this. now that i am about to attempt a 10% cut, i will be eating 1610 plus any extra exercise calories. have i approached this correctly?



  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    I also am a little confused.

    I've calculated my activity on Scooby with both "lightly active" and "moderately active" because my non-lifting days are practically sedentary, whereas the days I lift coincide with higher daily activity (about 1-2 hours of walking around with the baby I sit for).

    I'm tempted to just adopt the "control day" attitude and eat at the lower TDEE (2,100) on non-work out days, and the higher one (2,300) when I do, so essentially eating back the exercise calories. But does this not work for the reset? Should I just stick to one or the other?

    Haha, sorry I wasn't any help OP, but we're in the same boat!
  • ash_1986
    yep feeling you on the confusion! i'm also pretty much sedentary on non workout days. but i wonder if that's enough calories? i just go over if i'm hungry and have a light snack if need be, i'm not any rush to lose the weight. but it would be good to know if it's ok to just eat back my exercise calories as i work out, rather than averaging them across the week as an estimate as per the scooby's calculator.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So for both of you - remember that the TDEE method takes your weekly expected activity level and averages it out to a daily level.

    So the 2100 or whatever for 3-5 hrs weekly means obviously some days your TDEE is literally higher, some days lower.
    Some days your have a smaller deficit, some days bigger.
    But on average, it'll be some level.

    So if you try to take 2 different levels as to 2 different days, you are not accomplishing the same thing.

    If it's really that iffy of a routine, then indeed do it MFP style, just with reasonable deficit, eating back exercise calories. Of course, you'd take out the same 10% there too.
    Because if the exercise was included in your TDEE, 10% of it would be removed there also.
    (non-exercise activity + exercise) - 10% = (non-exercise - 10%) + (exercise - 10%)

    Also be aware, almost EVERY estimator of calorie burn, HRM, machine, database table like MFP - includes not only the calories burned in the activity, but also what you would have burned anyway, your BMR at the bare minimum if you were sleeping. So like 80-100 calories needs to be removed from your exercise burn, and then 10% taken off.

    If you exercise is different every day but consistent, who cares, use the TDEE deficit method and eat your set goal daily. It's easier to plan for, you learn where to put the calories, ect.

    If you need help getting a better estimate of activity level and TDEE, use the spreadsheet on my profile page.
    Stick on Simple Setup tab, fill in the stats you should have memorized or written down, fill in the Activity Calc with your normal expected routine, and there are your results.
    Use the Progress tab to log your stats.

    If you really want the exercise eat-back method, only fill in the Activity calc with increased daily activity (that burn with kids), and then go to the MFP Tweak tab, enter the Katch BMR shown and BMR multiplier shown, and there are your results to use. Bottom of page is place to put your calories burned and time for the workout, and that stuff I mentioned above is done automatically, telling you how much to log and eat-back.
  • ash_1986
    thankyou for taking the time to explain - it makes more sense now. i'm going to have a go at doing it as per the calculator, with the estimated activity averaged out across the week. thanks again!