
What do you do to stay motivated? Is there anything specific that you do for yourself, or give yourself as you progress towards your goal? How do you stay on track? Is there something you stay away from?

Personally, I like to look at pictures of myself (if I can find any!!!) from when I was smaller. Right now I have some jeans that I can't fit into in plain sight in my bedroom, I think that is a good motivator, knowing that I will soon be able to comfortably fit into those jeans. I also indulge in some foods or treats every once in a while. It is unrealistic to believe that we can survive long term without ever encountering our "enemy." We are all human, and we all have good days and bad days. That doesn't mean failure, it just means we get another day to prove to ourselves that we can do it, and that we love ourselves enough to make a change.

On another similar note, let's not consider this journey we are on as a weight loss endeavor. The term "lose weight" implies we will eventually find it again, I mean, that's what we do with things we have lost, right? And I don't know about you all, but I am not interested in ever finding any pounds I have miraculously rid myself of. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle. It's not losing weight, it's getting healthier. The more we can involve our psyche in our choice to become healthier, the better our outcome will be. Getting fit is not just a physical journey, it is a mental one too!!!! If I remain the same weight, but change my body, I am fine with that. Given my current make-up, that is unlikely, but the satisfaction would be the same regardless.

So, after all that. What do you do to keep yourself inspired to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Do you indulge in a sweet treat every now and again? Or are you a cheerleader for yourself or others? I'm sure we could all use some pointers on motivation!!!!

WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!


  • MistyRose0424
    MistyRose0424 Posts: 114 Member
    I just remember how awful I looked and felt at 320 lbs and also I have a saying tapped to my refrigerator that says "I'M NOT LOSING WEIGHT, I'M GETTING RID OF IT. I HAVE NO INTENTION OF FINDING IT AGAIN" I also have treats i just fit them in my calorie limit for the day.
  • Cyndesire
    Cyndesire Posts: 56 Member
    I read once a saying that has stuck with me. "Do you want the body you've wanted your whole life or the snack you have been craving for an hour?" Definitely put things in perspective for me.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    that's a good motivator..for me it's simply looking many over weight people. do I want that to be me again?
  • ceruleanjen
    What do you do to stay motivated? Is there anything specific that you do for yourself, or give yourself as you progress towards your goal? How do you stay on track? Is there something you stay away from?

    Personally, I like to look at pictures of myself (if I can find any!!!) from when I was smaller. Right now I have some jeans that I can't fit into in plain sight in my bedroom, I think that is a good motivator, knowing that I will soon be able to comfortably fit into those jeans. I also indulge in some foods or treats every once in a while. It is unrealistic to believe that we can survive long term without ever encountering our "enemy." We are all human, and we all have good days and bad days. That doesn't mean failure, it just means we get another day to prove to ourselves that we can do it, and that we love ourselves enough to make a change.

    On another similar note, let's not consider this journey we are on as a weight loss endeavor. The term "lose weight" implies we will eventually find it again, I mean, that's what we do with things we have lost, right? And I don't know about you all, but I am not interested in ever finding any pounds I have miraculously rid myself of. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle. It's not losing weight, it's getting healthier. The more we can involve our psyche in our choice to become healthier, the better our outcome will be. Getting fit is not just a physical journey, it is a mental one too!!!! If I remain the same weight, but change my body, I am fine with that. Given my current make-up, that is unlikely, but the satisfaction would be the same regardless.

    So, after all that. What do you do to keep yourself inspired to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Do you indulge in a sweet treat every now and again? Or are you a cheerleader for yourself or others? I'm sure we could all use some pointers on motivation!!!!

    WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!

    Imaging myself with a more positive view of my body image, clothes I want to wear but can no longer fit, and hoping to help my PCOS are main goals, though I am finding MFP to be pretty motivating even though I haven't been here long. In the past, being too strict with my diet has ALWAYS failed so I've decided to have weekends as my cheat days, at least for the time being. And if I do well, I may see how I do with one cheat day or so. But I've learned many times that denying myself just builds up into resentment of my journey, and I do not want that.

    Agree with the "losing" weight, but not finding it.

    I am going to try rewarding myself for my goals. Non-food rewards like a new Wii game, new TV season, new clothes. I do well with being rewarded in other areas of my life so I don't see why not in regards to fitness!
  • ceruleanjen
    I just remember how awful I looked and felt at 320 lbs and also I have a saying tapped to my refrigerator that says "I'M NOT LOSING WEIGHT, I'M GETTING RID OF IT. I HAVE NO INTENTION OF FINDING IT AGAIN" I also have treats i just fit them in my calorie limit for the day.

    Great! :)
  • azavala78
    azavala78 Posts: 74 Member
    One of the things I did was create an Inspiration Board on Pinterest - I look at it every few days. I add quotes, pictures, and things that keep me inspired and motivated. I've shared it with a few girlfriends who have similar goals, and we also motivate/comment/text each other throughout the week. I also registered for an event in October - which is motivating me to train!