Ask Lynneta! (Binges - Gluten - Food Allergies)

_kimberly Posts: 57 Member
QUESTION: How do you stop the infrequent gluten (cereal) binges for those of us gluten intollerant and that live with family members who still eat cereal/gluten?


  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    I am no expert, but will share what I have learned through my journey and what works for me in this thread. so feel free to ask questions I will answer as best as I can,

    Kim, as far as avoiding gluten. planning ahead is key.. like the other day i got up and made bf cookies to grab.. CEREAL is a big trigger for me as well 'so planning is key.. failing to plan is planning to fail.

    i have been wanting pizza. my family eats pizza alot. so i looked online.. I found a amazing gf recipe so i made my own gf pizza. grant it its a little different, but eating plant based or even healthy you have to adjust your expectations of what food will be. once you do that you can enjoy some amazing new foods in your life.. my pizza was so good. 1.. i knew I was eating something really healthy and 2, I knew that pizza would not leave me sick and bloated after.

    something else .. this is mindset.. i put all MY food in the pantry on one shelf.. anything on the other shelves do not belong to me.. they are my family food.. the cereal goes on their shelf., chips, pastas, anything i shouldn't have.. it is NOT mine. just putting it on another shelf I see it as off limits. some can eat gluten, but there are some of us that cant have things in moderation.

    someday when i can eat cereal like a normal person i may buy a gf cereal.. if you can eat cereal and stop at one bowl.. that may be another option for you, but its not for I have to be prepared with foods I can have that nourish my body.

    if something is a trigger.. avoid it if you cant control it. if it makes you sick avoid it no food is worth putting your body through the pain and uncomfortableness gluten can cause. you know that bloating stomach feeling so out of sorts. your thinking WHY did i do this again.. that's where my next piece of advice comes in

    the second thing is write down on a card how gluten makes you feel.. BE SPECIFIC almost as if your feeling the symptoms right than.anytime your tempted to grab a bowl of that card.. than you have a choice.. do you want to feel healthy full of energy.. or do you want that brief moment to eat the cereal and than feel lethargic and bloated for days after.
    its all about making the best choices for your body, but if you are having to make a choice is.. the truth is you already know the answer.. its just accepting that answer but when you look at whats good for your body.. the choice becomes easier. I hope that sheds a little light on a few ideas that may work for you.
  • _kimberly
    _kimberly Posts: 57 Member
    all fantastic and great suggestions! thanks :)
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    anytime.. ask anything you like.. ill be happy to share what works for me.