What About the Weekends??

Happy Friday Ladies!! :bigsmile:

So question of the day...how do you guys handle the weekend temptations??

For me the weekends are full of go go go. Basketball games, laundry, house cleaning, spending time with the kids, etc...During the week it's really easy to keep myself on track. I have a routine developed but the weekends are another story altogether.

So what works for you guys to help keep you on track so you don't undo all of your work during the week on the weekends??


  • RandaRae16
    RandaRae16 Posts: 36 Member
    We are just ending a 5 day juice diet today and get to eat again tomorrow (YAY). We've been day-dreaming & planning out what we want to eat and I think that might be what we need to do going forward on ALL weekends. I have been making baby-food for our twins and we try to eat smart for our daughter and give her good food choices.

    Yes - there are times when we go out for pizza on Saturday night and indulge in some treats with our kiddo but we try to keep it in moderation. Where we struggle is weekend cocktails! Those need to be cut-out to keep our waistlines in check!
  • janiem1987
    janiem1987 Posts: 29 Member
    I try treat the weekends as any other day. I plan out my meals and workouts. I get my kids and hubby involved in food prep. The easiest way to stay on track is to plan! Put snacks in baggies so that you can grab and go. Double a week day recipe so that you have leftovers for busy afternoons. Or use your crockpot. I love putting something on in the morning and knowing it will be ready that evening for dinner.

    Allow a cheat day. We prefer to have cheat days during the week when we are busiest. A weekend cheat meal may work better for your schedule.
  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member
    I was actually just thinking about this topic:) I need to get more into the mindset that the weekend is just like every other day of the week. Meal planning ahead is key for our family. It's too easy on the weekend to just grab a pizza or some fast food instead of making nice meals like we do during the week. I have nothing against fast food...probably love it too much actually, but I'd rather have it be a "treat" than something we get because we were not prepared. Also, I eat breakfast at work fairly late (between 9-10 am) but on the weekends, during family time, we eat breaktast much earlier than I'm used to (6:30-7:30 am). I easily fall in to eating my meals much earlier so by the end of the night I'm "starving" without any calories left. It's kind of trial and error for me to stay satisfied during the day on a different schedule than the other 5 days in the week.

    I like the idea of putting snacks portioned in baggies to be able to just grab! Going to have to try that:)
  • lmhbuss
    lmhbuss Posts: 282 Member
    I work swing shift, so anytime I'm home at dinner time it's a treat to my husband and my daughter to have me cook! lol Apparently my husband won't be winning top chef anytime soon. I use my days off to prepare really good meals for my family and to pre-prep things I will need for the week to come. My biggest challenge is actually the two weekends a month when I work 32 hours with just enough down time to run home and sleep. That makes it really hard to plan my food.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    In the past I was a bad girl, now I am really not having any treats unless I do extra exercise. However I also have to be in a good mind frame where I know I will just have a set amount. Last night I had no treat as I was not 100% sure I would stop at a small amount. Usually this is an issue if I am down or celebrating some weight loss.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Oh I forgot to mention if I travel for the day I bring my own food like a salad and chicken etc. as I don't eat wheat
  • wshg
    wshg Posts: 6
    Planning ahead is the key, isn't it? We are so busy and if we don't have something planned, you can be pretty sure it will not be a healthy option. Plan, plan, plan....
  • ProjectYummyMummy
    ProjectYummyMummy Posts: 98 Member
    I stuff the house full of fruit, yogurt, rice cakes, and fun stuff to put of rice cakes. That way if I want to snack on something sweet or savoury, I'm covered. And if the kids want to eat out, there's always healthy alternatives. ALWAYS. Just this weekend, the boys wanted Burger King. I went to a food court in the mall where there was also a smoothie bar. Problem solved.