Feeling hungry all the time

Today makes 4 weeks since I've started trying to lose the weight. My baby girl is 15 weeks and ebf. I started out at 165 pounds and as of yesterday I weighed 159, so 6 pound loss so far. My goal weight is 117 and at a weight loss of 1.5 pounds per week, the calorie goal mfp gave me was 1200, so I eat that plus the 500 breastfeeding calories and come out with 1700 calories. The thing is, I feel like I'm starving. All I want to eat is junk food, which up until 1 month ago was pretty much all I did. I didn't eat a lot during pregnancy, but I went from 120 to 180. I have two older kids, 5 & 3, but they were both bottle fed and with them I went from 140 to 180. Can anybody offer me some advice on the cravings, because this is getting hard. All I'm craving is sweets, such as peanut butter fudge and no bake chocolate oatmeal cookies... I can't have dairy at all bc it makes my baby gassy, and I am taking a prenatal vitamin, and a prenatal fiber calcium supplement also.


  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Hey there- I'm not sure that 1200 calories is enough when breastfeeding (even when you add in the 500 extra). Most of what I've seen over the past couple years with myself and friends is this: the more you eat- the more you lose. if you are hungry- you should be eating. Not highly processed foods, try to eat clean- but don't deny yourself (and baby) food if you're hungry and need it. It's your body's way of telling you that you need to eat more. Not eating enough puts your body into starvation mode and slows down your metabolism.

    I held on to 10 lbs (with my second) for a while- it doesn't melt off everyone while you're breastfeeding. But I did notice that when it finally did start coming off, it was because I had increased my caloric intake.

    Just my two cents! You're not alone:)