New, lost and a little confused?

FauxAngel13 Posts: 156 Member
Hi, I guess a mini introduction is the easiest place to start... My name is Sarah, I'm 23, I live in Sydney Australia. I was sick a lot as a child and was tested for food allergies etc with no resolution. As a teenager it got worse, a lot worse. After being in and out of hospital three times in 8 months I was diagnosed as gluten intolerant. This didn't help as even eating gluten free I wasn't any better. Finally January last year at 22 I had a gastroenerologist actually listen to me and run full tests confirming I have IBS. I have worked with a nutritionist on a low fodmap diet which has helped but not solved my problems. I have identified certain foods I am very sensitive to including gluten, dairy, and certain fruits and vegetables, and legumes. But even without eating these things I find I am still not quite right? I believe in being holistic and that my mind cannot be at ease or function properly while my body is not at peace. I would like to try paleo or a variation on it to see if this will help to restore the balance and eventually energy and peace to my life. I've just read through the recommended thread and reserved several of the books from my uni library but any and all advice would be most welcome.

Kind regards and thank you in advance, Sarah.


  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    Welcome Sarah, there is plenty of advice in these forums, the books you are reading will carry a lot of the ideals as well. As you are more aware of your health than any of us please take away what you can from us. As for Gluten intolerance, from what I have read in Wheat Belly, there is no one alive that should be eating it in anything but the smallest quantities. The Doctor that wrote it has his research all in order and is a good writer as well, I recommend it highly.
  • FauxAngel13
    FauxAngel13 Posts: 156 Member
    Thank you!
  • kts1988
    kts1988 Posts: 108 Member
    I had very similar symptoms and sensitivities, and I think you really have to find what works for you in terms of feeling better. This involved a lot of experimentation for me and has been frustrating, but I'm getting there :)

    For me, I felt about 70% better when I cut out gluten, dairy, soy, and eggs. However, my GI issues never went away and would get worse when I ate certain inflammatory foods (i.e., too much coffee or refined sugar). This summer, I did my first Whole30. After 2 weeks of Paleo eating, I felt SO much better. I still limit certain foods within the Paleo diet (eggs, nuts, sugar) to feel my best.

    I think reading about the subject is great, but if you can find a holistic professional (a doctor or dietician) who is Paleo friendly, I think that is even more helpful.

    Good luck!
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    Hi Sarah,
    much sympathy. I've spent a lifetime, and some very serious health problems, trying to figure out how to get quite right. The bad is that it's taken me a few decades, th good is, my clients get the benefit of me knowing ar having intlligent guesses and referring them.

    As kts1988 said, its a jigsaw puzzle that needs figuring out. What is more, you figure it out- well- and then there is a bit of emotional stress, or sleeplessness, or you have an injury or over exercise, and your bodies needs can change a little for a bit.

    I just had an emergency appendectomy 4 weeks ago. Normally I can use bandaids - but the whole process (and anaesthetic, antibiotics, pain meds etc) have so confornted my body, that we can't find a tape (to hold the dressings on) that doesn't give a rash then sores. It's all pretty minor and short term compared to allergies and a body just not right.. but its an example of how the body's tolerance and needs can change.

    I hope you find a fantastic functional medicine practioner in your area as the others suggested. I am also loving Chris Kessler's The Paleo Code that Akimajuktuq sugested. It's given me some clues about what to fine tune.

    He also mentions some of the gene tests that might be useful to understand the problems. For example, if you have a MTHFR gene mutation (as I do), you will need extra folate . There are a range of other slight gene mutations which can play havoc with our mind and body, yet, can be addressed fairly simply with specific nutritional support. A great Functional medicine doctor or naturopath or the like will help with these. Makes a huge difference. Good luck
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    I think a gut healing protocol like GAPS or the Specific Carbohydrate diet may be a good idea for you to start with, then work on re-introducing the other foods.
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    I would look into the Auto Immune Protocol
    here are a few links to get you started
    The last link has loads of links to articles on the subject of Auto Immunity.
    Hope some of that helps
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    I tend to preach, "never eat gluten free, just don't eat gluten".
    Anything with gluten free on it is more than likely crap.
    Go for whole foods. Read It starts with food.
    My basic rule is I don't like to eat anything with a nutritional label on it.
  • tanya8707
    tanya8707 Posts: 2 Member
    I recommend reading "primal body - primal mind". Loaded with information that would help you significantly :)