Introduction and Goals



  • cohenida
    cohenida Posts: 20 Member
    Ida Cohen

    My goals:
    1. to break the plateau I have suffered for two months. I'm at 156lbs. I would like to lose 3 lbs in the 4 weeks.
    2. to not eat anything sweet just before I go to bed. That is a tremendous challenge.
    3. to exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
    4. to log in my diary every day during the week. (Weekends I go to NY sometimes and there is no computer there. I don't have a smart phone).
  • drewg4463
    drewg4463 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Drew- my goal is to lose 96 lbs by New Years 2015
    3 years ago I lost 120lbs and over 3 years I found my way up near 66lbs and very disgusted with myself over that.
    I am committing to this challenge.
    Four weeks-
    I will post every day
    I will log my food and exercise everyday
    I will work out 4 days a week- including 10000 steps on Fitbit 5 days per week, 30 mins Treadmill 30 mins Recumbent Biking and Free Weight Work outs inbetween- workout with the Wii Person Trainer.

    Glad to be apart of this group!! I am ready!! Best of Luck to everyone...
  • CW: 149
    GW(4wk): 135


    1. Daily calorie deficit of 1,000 calories or more on exercise days, 500 calories on days off.
    2. Stick to my calorie goal for the day, no excess snacking.
    3. At least 15,000 Fitbit steps a day, including weekends!
    4. Cut drinking back to once per week.
    5. Drink 3L-4L of water per day.
  • PhaKer
    PhaKer Posts: 4

    CW: 151
    4 week GW: anywhere in the mid to low 140 pound range
    Ultimate GW: 120 by August 2014 for 15 year wedding anniversary vow renewals

    4 week goals:
    1. Eat 1200 calories/daily
    2. Log in every single item daily
    3. No booze for the next month! (this was my stress reliever, exercising will have to replace it now!)
    4. Work out 4-5 times a week for 30+ minutes
    5. Wear actual pants with no elastic AND be able to fit into my "fat jeans" when I weighed in around the 140-149 pound range


    Best to you all!

  • Hi! First group on MFP I will be active in!!

    CW: 242.6
    GW: 232

    10.6 pounds is doable.

    I plan to log every thing...EVERY THING!
    I will do cardio 3x per week and strength (crossfit) twice a week
  • dcsnow99
    dcsnow99 Posts: 13 Member
    My goals for the 4 week challenge:

    1) Lose 4 lbs CW: 145 GW for challenge: 141
    2) Log and track my diet and exercise everyday on MFP
    3) Do January fit workout 3x wk
    4) Log 20 miles by the end of the challenge.
  • xMermaidx
    xMermaidx Posts: 142 Member
    Hi everyone! Excited to join you!

    CW: 180
    GW: 165

    I was down to 168lbs in December, so I feel my goal is very achievable. I've been working out hard everyday doing the 30 day Shred workout and Pilates, and will get back to logging my meals. I would encourage everyone to try the 30 day Shred, it's an amazing program, it's easy and you will see amazing change fast (here is the level 1:

    This is my first time joining a challenge group and I am super ready to smash this!

    (Edited to add the workouts!)
  • mystian
    mystian Posts: 14

    Need to lose the nine pounds I gained over the holidays due to alcohol and sugar - could not avoid eggnog and cookies. Gingerbread is a weakness of mine. I have a goal of 140 by mid-april

    Log all food for the month.
    Drink Water- have not even had any today
    Drink Green Tea-
    Walk at least 10K steps daily
    Three cardio workouts a week
    Avoid as much sugar/bread as possible
    Go to bed at the same time as kids to get more sleep
  • hi everyone
    im gonna aim for a stone aim high and me work harder

    log all my food
    stay in cal range
    eat healthy choices
    exercise aleast twice a week
  • Spankrez
    Spankrez Posts: 1 Member
    I am new to My Fitness Pal. My name is Shanen.

    Log all food
    Stay within calorie range
    Exercise (any exercise would be an improvement)
  • BeckyS32
    BeckyS32 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Everyone! This is probably my second post-ever on MFP. Up until now I have been a lurker... :) I have decided that to be successful I need to use the support system along with the food tracking.

    >My goals for the next 4 weeks are:

    >Drink water! There are some days that I don't drink ANY! My ultimate goal is to drink 80 oz a day but over the next 4 weeks, if I at least drink 40, I will be happy.

    >Exercise at least 3 days a week.


    >Plan my food so I know exactly what I am going to eat everyday. No bad choices that way!!

    I don't really have a weight loss goal. If I can get these things listed above done, I know that the weight will come off. :)

    Good luck everyone!!

  • planetjen79
    planetjen79 Posts: 44 Member
    sw: 149
    gw: 142

    I'm pretty new to MFP, and to losing weight in general. This is the first time I've been unhappy with the body tot he point of being motivated to lose weight. I've gained 10lbs in the course of a year, and I'd love to lose that while adopting a healthier lifestyle that doesn't involve night time snacking.

    My goals:
    Keep working on the C25k, I have asthma and I really want to do this!
    Lose 7lbs
    Stay within calorie range.
  • Fitn50Grandma
    Fitn50Grandma Posts: 13 Member
    CW ~ 180 :noway:

    GW ~ 130 :heart:

    I'm new to MFP and really like it. I started out okay and then had two bad days of eating horribly. This is my typical MO. Eat well and am really motivated for a while...... then fall and eat junk.

    My Goals for the next four weeks:

    Eat clean food
    Stay on track.....and if I mess up don't let it ruin the WHOLE DAY and keep eating junk!
    Try intermittent fasting. eat 8 ~ fast 16
    Lose 8 pounds in 4 weeks!
    DRINK more water!
  • Cw-259

    Would like to lose 10lbs in this 4 weeks.

    *log in everyday and what i eat and drink
    *drink water
    *workout 3x a week

    If you would lime to add me as a friend and we can try and help each other out that would be great...
  • anupriyasin157
    anupriyasin157 Posts: 40 Member
    CW: 175
    GW: 165

    I aim to :
    1. Exercise 5 days a week for 25 mins
    2. Yoga 2 days a week
    3. Drink 2.5 litres of water a day
    4. Have 1200 net cals a day
    5. Log in food every day (even on weekends)
  • lebbyloses
    lebbyloses Posts: 133 Member
    This is my first four-week challenge.

    GW: 130-135 (I'm trying to maintain)


    Run 3 times per week. Yes, even in the cold.
    Walk to work three times per week.
    Log daily.
  • Only just back on the bandwagon. I will give this my very best

    For 4 weeks i will:

    - Log all foods and drinks. Also exercise. EVERYTHING! No lying!
    - Exercise 30 each morning
    - Lose 4kg (or close to)
    - Stick to my new diet as muchas I can.
    - Try the c25k challenge
  • curds
    curds Posts: 201 Member
    Hey Guys and Gals,

    CW: 72 kgs
    GW: 60 Kgs


    Be consistent with my workouts.
    Lose some inches off my thighs.
  • loveme76
    loveme76 Posts: 4 Member
    CW: 325.5
    GW: 165
    Goals: To drink more water, to move 20 minutes every day, to log every meal/snack
  • danigrly
    danigrly Posts: 5 Member

    My current weight is 205 lbs.

    My goal weight is 160-170 lbs.

    Ways I plan to improve myself: Drink A LOT less soda, & A LOT more water. Start walking again. Visit the gym at least 3 times a week. Dance more with my kids.

    I'd be happy losing 5 lbs a month, but I suppose 10 lbs would be a great challenge too.

    I want to lose most of my baby fat by the time we move in August 2014.