Introduction and Goals



  • BeckyS32
    BeckyS32 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Everyone! This is probably my second post-ever on MFP. Up until now I have been a lurker... :) I have decided that to be successful I need to use the support system along with the food tracking.

    >My goals for the next 4 weeks are:

    >Drink water! There are some days that I don't drink ANY! My ultimate goal is to drink 80 oz a day but over the next 4 weeks, if I at least drink 40, I will be happy.

    >Exercise at least 3 days a week.


    >Plan my food so I know exactly what I am going to eat everyday. No bad choices that way!!

    I don't really have a weight loss goal. If I can get these things listed above done, I know that the weight will come off. :)

    Good luck everyone!!

  • planetjen79
    planetjen79 Posts: 44 Member
    sw: 149
    gw: 142

    I'm pretty new to MFP, and to losing weight in general. This is the first time I've been unhappy with the body tot he point of being motivated to lose weight. I've gained 10lbs in the course of a year, and I'd love to lose that while adopting a healthier lifestyle that doesn't involve night time snacking.

    My goals:
    Keep working on the C25k, I have asthma and I really want to do this!
    Lose 7lbs
    Stay within calorie range.
  • Fitn50Grandma
    Fitn50Grandma Posts: 13 Member
    CW ~ 180 :noway:

    GW ~ 130 :heart:

    I'm new to MFP and really like it. I started out okay and then had two bad days of eating horribly. This is my typical MO. Eat well and am really motivated for a while...... then fall and eat junk.

    My Goals for the next four weeks:

    Eat clean food
    Stay on track.....and if I mess up don't let it ruin the WHOLE DAY and keep eating junk!
    Try intermittent fasting. eat 8 ~ fast 16
    Lose 8 pounds in 4 weeks!
    DRINK more water!
  • Cw-259

    Would like to lose 10lbs in this 4 weeks.

    *log in everyday and what i eat and drink
    *drink water
    *workout 3x a week

    If you would lime to add me as a friend and we can try and help each other out that would be great...
  • anupriyasin157
    anupriyasin157 Posts: 40 Member
    CW: 175
    GW: 165

    I aim to :
    1. Exercise 5 days a week for 25 mins
    2. Yoga 2 days a week
    3. Drink 2.5 litres of water a day
    4. Have 1200 net cals a day
    5. Log in food every day (even on weekends)
  • lebbyloses
    lebbyloses Posts: 133 Member
    This is my first four-week challenge.

    GW: 130-135 (I'm trying to maintain)


    Run 3 times per week. Yes, even in the cold.
    Walk to work three times per week.
    Log daily.
  • Only just back on the bandwagon. I will give this my very best

    For 4 weeks i will:

    - Log all foods and drinks. Also exercise. EVERYTHING! No lying!
    - Exercise 30 each morning
    - Lose 4kg (or close to)
    - Stick to my new diet as muchas I can.
    - Try the c25k challenge
  • curds
    curds Posts: 201 Member
    Hey Guys and Gals,

    CW: 72 kgs
    GW: 60 Kgs


    Be consistent with my workouts.
    Lose some inches off my thighs.
  • loveme76
    loveme76 Posts: 4 Member
    CW: 325.5
    GW: 165
    Goals: To drink more water, to move 20 minutes every day, to log every meal/snack
  • danigrly
    danigrly Posts: 5 Member

    My current weight is 205 lbs.

    My goal weight is 160-170 lbs.

    Ways I plan to improve myself: Drink A LOT less soda, & A LOT more water. Start walking again. Visit the gym at least 3 times a week. Dance more with my kids.

    I'd be happy losing 5 lbs a month, but I suppose 10 lbs would be a great challenge too.

    I want to lose most of my baby fat by the time we move in August 2014.
  • BookterAE12
    BookterAE12 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi, I'm Amanda. My goal is to not really lose weight (although it can't hurt), but rather to tone up and eat better. Ever since I got married in October, my workouts have suffered dramatically. I plan to get back in the swing of things without overdoing it. I hurt my back not too long ago paining, packing, moving boxes, and unpacking into our new house.

    CW: 127 lbs
    GW: 115 - 120 lbs

    My current daily plan of action:
    walk 30 minutes daily
    track what I'm eating
    100 sit-ups (back pain permitting)
    25 push-ups
    no soda (1 can weekly)
    no elevator (stairs only)
  • Su1ly
    Su1ly Posts: 14 Member
    Is it too late to join? If not here are my goals.

    Current weight:226
    Would like to lose 11 lbs
    Lose one jean size.
    Drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday.
    Yoga everyday (Working on handstand)
    At least 10 min on treadmill or walking everyday (even if I work!)
    Bike 10 min per day
    Weights 3x per week
    Track food everyday
    Take stairs BOTH WAYS at work.
  • CW 202
    GW in 4 weeks 189

    Drink 8 glasses of water daily
    Intense 30 exercise( Jillian Michaels 90day) 5 days
    Record everything, especially the small things.
    No soda
  • arios952013
    arios952013 Posts: 201 Member
    CW: 164
    GW 159 (at least) in 4 weeks
    Ultimate Goal: 130

    1) No alcohol
    2) Clean eating and counting calories 1,200
    3) Work out 6 days a week for 60 minutes alternating lifting weights and cardio
    4) Record meals and workouts
    5) Drink more water
    6) Starting Northern Shaolin Kung Fu in February (in addition - not instead of)
  • #1 Log into My Fitness Pal Daily
    #2 Visualization of desired lifestyle changes ( Visualize eating healthy, walking the dog, being active--wearing that swim suit I love--looking great on the beach)
    #3 Meditation Daily
    #4 Re-Stock my Kitchen to reflect a healthy diet.
    #5 Keep up on my vitamins and water intake

    Overall be consistent!
    The weight will come off with a proper lifestyle. It would be nice to loose at least 10 pounds this month and considering I am just starting I don't find that unreasonable but any weight loss is great for me! (:wink: secretly I would really love to drop it by :heart: Valentines Day:heart: )
  • Current weight 190
    Goal weight 145
    Goals for the next four weeks:
    -no eating out
    -work out everyday for at least 30 min
    -no sweets
    -no drinking alcohol
  • I'm so excited to be in in this group! My goal weight is to be at 155 by the end of four weeks. I had a my second baby exactly four months ago on Sept 27th, and am trying to lose the rest of the baby weight!
  • JayneLillian1
    JayneLillian1 Posts: 4 Member
    CW - 212
    GW (next 4 weeks) - 202

    My goals for the next 4 weeks:

    1) Do 45 minutes of cardio at least 3 x week
    2) Cut out all junk food snacking
    3) Drink more water and less soda
  • SW: 219.8
    GW (4 weeks) 209.8

    I can do 2.5 a week, I think, since it's so early in my weight loss journey!

    My other goals:

    *Net 1380 cals/day (averaged for the week)
    *Workout 3-4x per week for 30 minutes
    *Track ALL calories and foods
    *Increase water intake to 2.5L per day
  • HI Everyone, my name is Cheryl, please see below!

    CW: 243
    GW: 235

    My total goal is to lose 48 pounds however I am going to do this in 12 pound buckets so that I am not overwhelmed.

    My goals for this challenge are:

    - log my food honestly every day
    - drink 8-10 glasses of water per day
    - no alcohol
    - willingly and cheerfully complete the mini challenges
  • khemmyusa12
    khemmyusa12 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello group:
    I recently joined MFP when I decided to change my life this year.
    CW: 210
    DW: 200 (after this 4 week challenge)
    ODW: 167.

    My plan is to go the the gym at least 5 times a week
    Not be an emotional eater bcos when I'm sad, I think abt food.
    Drink more homemade fruits& veggie juices

    What I'm doing already
    1. Drinking 8 glasses of water
    2. Walking at least 10000 steps daily.
    3. Making juice with fruits nd veggie
    4. Going to the gym 3 times for an hour.
  • Hi. My name is DeAnna.

    CW 216

    My total weight lost for the 4 weeks will be 10 pounds.

    My goals for the challenge are:
    Water Only
    5 days of 30 min workout
    More Weightlifting
  • Hello all,
    I actually took a month off from work to focus on my health.
    this is exactly what i need.

    starting at 205 without even my socks and hope to get to 190 by end of four weeks.
    I hope that is not too ambitious.
  • aquiva33
    aquiva33 Posts: 85 Member
    Here are mine:

    height: 5'9'

    current weight: 214.4

    4 wk goal weight: 210

    My goals for this challenge are:

    log my food every daily

    drink 8-10 glasses of water daily

    destroy the mini challenges
  • hello all,

    Am new here, and this may help to start off:

    start the Runner World beginner running program
    Walk the dog down to the lake : Every. Single. Day. (lake is 1 km downhill - very steep...)
    increase swim pace and swim 3 times a week
    Replace breakfast with one big green juice at least 5 days a week
    eat fish 3 times a week
    cut down on cheese
    and hopefully loose 4 pounds (have about 50 to go but know by past experience than for me losing more than that means putting it back up - have lost 12 pds in one year and never seen them back....)
  • Turning 40 in December and want to be in the best shape of my life

    4 week goals
    Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.... Currently I drink way too little
    Complete t25alpha - week one down... 4 to go
    Lose 2 lbs
  • Winter in Idaho and the weight just keeps coming on. Starting today, be accountable for eating and exercise. The snow is falling, but I am determined to take off 10 pounds in this four week challenge. Starting at 136 pounds. Here we go. Any help is appreciated.
  • shannellose
    shannellose Posts: 6 Member
    CW 220
    GW 212-214
    UGW 126


    1) Log daily
    2)10,000 steps daily (fitbit)
    3) Eliminate need to eat just to use all daily calories (issues with this at the end of the night).
    4) Make smarter food choices
    5) Get back to the gym/working out.
  • Wildfire_Runner
    Wildfire_Runner Posts: 3 Member
    1- Log daily
    2-Exercise for 60 mins/day; 30 mins high intensity, 30 mins walking
    3-Drink 10 glasses of water/day
    4-10,000 steps/day on fitbit
    5- Lose 1 lb/week, hoping for 2 but trying to be realistic!
  • lovelylaura78
    lovelylaura78 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow! Your goals are almost identical to mine right now megankissick!! We can be trite together :)

    Ok...I am technically I was hoping this would show up under megankissick's post but it looks like it's just down at the megankissick I hope you see it!