MINI CHALLENGE #1 - Wednesday Jan 29th

NanzyBoek Posts: 151 Member
So glad we have a huge group to support each other and keep us accountable! 2 More and we will be 100 :)

If you havent logged your goals and weights do it now! If you dont want to make it public, make sure you right it down for yourself somewhere. Seeing it on paper helps turn the dream into an actual goal. 4 weeks can make a huge change!

With people logging on at different times I'll post the mini challenges a day ahead so you wont miss it. Keep in mind we have all sorts of different fitness levels and goals so you have a choice! If you accept the challenge you have to pick at least one of the following to do tomorrow. When you completed your mini challenge, reply "Done!" to this link. If your amazing you'll try 2 or more :bigsmile:


Drink 10 Glass' of water. 2 extra than the normal 8 because your going to move more than you usually do, or exercise more intensity and you'll need the extra 2
Do the plank for 2 minutes strait plank1.jpg
Do 100 squats. You dont have to do them all at once squat.jpeg

Good Luck, Cant wait to see how many people can get it Done!!


  • Coffeybljhs
    Did the plank. The 2 minutes is Not something I had tried for before. Hard but feel successful. Hope to do the squats this afternoon.
  • BookterAE12
    BookterAE12 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm up for the challenge! I'll post again once it's completed for the day :tongue:
  • belovedlynda
    belovedlynda Posts: 2 Member
    I joined My Fitness Pal yesterday and will take the challenge. Already I am surprised at what I have found in keeping track for just one day. So my personal goal is to keep track everyday for the next four weeks. I will attempt the squats and the plank and drink the water.
  • strong2021
    I will accept the challenge and will report what and when it is complete. Thank you!!!
  • khemmyusa12
    khemmyusa12 Posts: 16 Member
    Nice. I would gladly do it. I already find drinking 8 glasses of water easy so 2 more should be easy. So is the challenge doing one of it or all 3 challenges?
  • shalome36
    I accept the challenge and will complete 10 glasses of water today and do the plank for 2 minutes... I've never done the plank so this will be a first.

    Yesterday I took the stair to the 6th floor of our hospital, now that was a challenge, but I plan on doing it again today. Hopefully I don't get out of breath by the 3rd floor like I did yesterday.

    I will keep you posted.

  • danigrly
    danigrly Posts: 5 Member
    I did the 2 minute planking, but man am I out of shape! I did horrible honestly, but I'm glad I finished it, even if I had to take a mini 30 second break. I plan to do the squats soon, & maybe I'll hit the gym later too!
  • Teri_71
    Teri_71 Posts: 14 Member
    I'll take the 100 squats challenge. Might have to do a few reps in the office bathroom with heeled boots on though and finish the rest tonight at home. I have NOT been drinking 8 glasses of water a day so I'm still working my way up to six and then hopefully 8 by the end of the week. It's hard! I had to get up and pee at 1:30 a.m. this morning. I'm sooo not used to it.
  • Tonirae1986
    Is this every day or just for tomorrow? Thanks a bunch!
  • danigrly
    danigrly Posts: 5 Member
    So I'm happy to announce I did the squats a few minutes after completing the plank, & now I'm working on my water intake. I'm on 2 cups so far. I'm more than sure I'll have finished 10 by the time I go to bed. :)
  • drewg4463
    drewg4463 Posts: 29 Member
    Gonna try the planks.. but the water is a definite! I am in!
  • khemmyusa12
    khemmyusa12 Posts: 16 Member
    2 mins plank - DONE
    8 cups of water - DONE
    100 squats and 2 more cups of water after dinner:happy:
  • Jinny53
    100 squats done
  • Coffeybljhs
    I got the 100 squats in but not the deep knee benders. A little out of breath but accomplished!
  • NanzyBoek
    NanzyBoek Posts: 151 Member
    Is this every day or just for tomorrow? Thanks a bunch!

    Just for tomorrow but I like where your going with that ;)
  • NanzyBoek
    NanzyBoek Posts: 151 Member
    Nice. I would gladly do it. I already find drinking 8 glasses of water easy so 2 more should be easy. So is the challenge doing one of it or all 3 challenges?

    Its up to you ... remember you joined this group to challenge yourself so if your already in shape, Id say go for all 3 :glasses:
  • planetjen79
    planetjen79 Posts: 44 Member
    I thought it said 200 squats, so I've done 150!
    Working on the water :)
  • Teri_71
    Teri_71 Posts: 14 Member

    100 squats - Check!
    10 glasses of water - Check!!! :drinker:

    I am going to be soooo sore tomorrow. I did the majority of the squats after 30 min of walking with jog sprints on the treadmill. Did not think I could even come close to the water, but after getting on the treadmill and then the squats I've pretty much chugged down four more glasses.

    Imma go soak in the tub now.
  • Su1ly
    Su1ly Posts: 14 Member
    I thought you were supposed to do water and one of the exercises :) I did the two minute plank. It was pretty shakey. The water is another story. I am up to 6 so far.
  • dcsnow99
    dcsnow99 Posts: 13 Member
    Plank callenge complete, with some breaks in the second minute. I'll try for the squats tomorrow.