Help me decide on a CGW!

mojisha Posts: 36 Member
Just wondering since I joined the group late, how did you all decide on a challenge goal weight? I started at 162.5 and my ultimate goal is 136. That's the top end for my BMI (I'm 5' 1.5" but I've been a lot of weights and this suits me). So that's 26.5 lbs. The challenge is about 15 wks, so I think I should try for 15 lbs, or a CGW of 147.5. Does that sound good? I am currently 157-158 (yay!) which leaves me 11 wks to lose about 10 lbs. Most importantly, I'm a nursing mother so I can't loose weight too rapidly. Thanks!


  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    I just chose to lose a pound a week since it seemed the most realistic and manageable.
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 223 Member
    My original challenge goal was 10 lbs., but then my first week went REALLY well, so I adjusted my goal to be 10 lbs. from that new weight (which also takes me to my UGW). If you're nursing, I'd say aim for 1/2 to 1 lb./week. When I had been nursing, I never had an issue dropping the pounds - my problem came once I stopped nursing, but continued my nursing eating habits! :noway:
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    I need to figure out a challenge goal too. Guess I will think about it this week and post it at the next weigh in. *I came in late too*

    Good luck OP!
  • jls43
    jls43 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi - I am just joining too...hope you don't mind me jumping on the bandwagon...I like the discussion threads and sensible approach...I have been part of a weekly weigh in group since 1/1, but there seems to be more support here :smile:
    I am working on re-, re-, re-losing 12 lbs and hopefully adding a few ( and keeping them off, sheesh)
    When successful, I have always been a slow and steady type so my CGW is 5 lbs, ~0.5/week.
  • Ry04
    Ry04 Posts: 21 Member
    I joined this group very recently as well looking for more support, and I also joined a pound a week group. So far I have managed to loose my 1lb a week, so I felt 10 lbs in the remaining days for this challenge is achievable as I still have 80+ pounds to loose.
    I wanted to give myself a goal that was realistic.
    Good Luck! :)
  • mojisha
    mojisha Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks, all! A lb a week it is. I'm doing well, but losing weigh while bf has NOT been easy for me. And everyone said it would be! My body seems to be clinging to every lb. However I'm finally starting to see some progress! Tracking and exercising..who knew what has always worked would work again. Lol I will say when I started it was actually hard to keep it to 2000 calories. I must have bee eating 2500-2700 a day! Now that I've reigned it in and started exercising, I'm doing pretty good!

    Start weight: 162.5
    Current weight: 156!
    Challenge weight: 147.5
    Ultimate goal weight: 136