Introductions and Yoga Goal

Hi Everyone

Welcome to the 30 day yoga challenge, my name is Lisa (aka lise_anne on MFP)

I am married and a full time working mama who is intent on being fit for life and this month I was invited by a friend to do a yoga challenge and so hence the group so I can help others have a little challenge as well. One of the reasons I am doing this challenge is because a new runner and I believe that it will really go hand in hand with yoga and just because I love yoga and want to take myself farther than just being a beginnner.

My goal is either in the morning before I leave to work or before bed each day to do my morning (about 15 min) or evening (about 17 min) yoga dvd. Yoga for Beginners by Rodney Yee, I will enjoy getting used to the routines in the video. and I usually heat my room to about 28-30 degrees for my sessions.

What are your goals or plans for this 30 day challenge?

Good luck to you all on your yoga journey and Namaste :flowerforyou:


  • Bis4Bri
    This sounds like a fun challenge. It heating the room required to participate?
  • lise_anne
    Nope not required its just what I plan to do...whatever your goal is and how many minutes per you would like to do is up to you :smile:
  • chelleyve
    chelleyve Posts: 10 Member

    I hope you don't mind me joining in - I use to do yoga regularly but never got past beginner, in the last three years since having my son I haven't practiced, and one of my goals for 2014 is to reconnect with my old self as well as get fit and healthy.

    I have along way to go weight wise, but as I too am going to begin (interval) running I thought yoga would also be beneficial to help warm up my limbs.

    I will probably start off with basic sun salutation routine twice a day (like I said it's been a while) and a class once a week and then look into other routines. So I would love some suggestions... Bear in mind I am all boob and belly so they get in the way!
  • CoraNikol
    CoraNikol Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I would love to participate! I love yoga and used to be pretty good at it, but then stopped. I'm starting up again about 2 years later and 10lbs heavier. I do yoga every other day, but have thought about upping it to everyday. So this Challenge is perfect timing.
    I also joined another challenge to complete 200 miles during Feb & March so hopefully the two challenges together will help me get rid of the extra 10lbs (hopefully even the 20lbs I need to loose) and get me back to feeling stronger and healthier!
    Tip for everyone - don't stop!! ;-)
  • margueta562
    margueta562 Posts: 19 Member
    I love yoga and just started getting back into shape and yoga really helps get you toned.
  • ekhuffman
    ekhuffman Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I hope you don't mind if I join your group! I just bought a fitbit and was looking at the different groups. I'm looking for motivation to get me going. I need to loose about 15 lbs and need to exercise more! I work full-time plus especially this time of year because I'm an accountant. So I'm working 55 plus hours a week until April 15th, so I really need motivation to keep my diet on track & to exercise. I'm interested in yoga because I have back problems and I think that yoga might help.

    If you don't mind me joining: my name is Ellen Huffman. Thanks!!
  • nlpace02
    nlpace02 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I'd really like to join your group. I'm taking up running and would like to incorporate yoga into my day to help with flexibility and to just relax! I used to do yoga more often and am trying to get back into it. I think this group would really help me stay focused and motivated.
  • lise_anne

    I hope you don't mind me joining in - I use to do yoga regularly but never got past beginner, in the last three years since having my son I haven't practiced, and one of my goals for 2014 is to reconnect with my old self as well as get fit and healthy.

    I have along way to go weight wise, but as I too am going to begin (interval) running I thought yoga would also be beneficial to help warm up my limbs.

    I will probably start off with basic sun salutation routine twice a day (like I said it's been a while) and a class once a week and then look into other routines. So I would love some suggestions... Bear in mind I am all boob and belly so they get in the way!

    Hi and Welcome :smile:
    I have only gone to a handful of yoga classes but found I prefer the comfort of my own home, so I usually use yoga dvd's and I have also done some videos from sparkpeople checkout out the vids here maybe you might find something to out there. if I get bored of my current dvd this is where I plan to go
  • lise_anne
    Hi, I would love to participate! I love yoga and used to be pretty good at it, but then stopped. I'm starting up again about 2 years later and 10lbs heavier. I do yoga every other day, but have thought about upping it to everyday. So this Challenge is perfect timing.
    I also joined another challenge to complete 200 miles during Feb & March so hopefully the two challenges together will help me get rid of the extra 10lbs (hopefully even the 20lbs I need to loose) and get me back to feeling stronger and healthier!
    Tip for everyone - don't stop!! ;-)

    Hi Glad to have you join us :) I am really glad to have company and support on this challenge, good luck with your goals and challenges
  • lise_anne
    I love yoga and just started getting back into shape and yoga really helps get you toned.

    Yes I totally agree, and its always bonus to be more flexible and to relax our minds and body...took me awhile to warm to actually wanting to try yoga and when I finally did I loved it, can't wait to see the results after one month.
  • lise_anne
    Hi, I hope you don't mind if I join your group! I just bought a fitbit and was looking at the different groups. I'm looking for motivation to get me going. I need to loose about 15 lbs and need to exercise more! I work full-time plus especially this time of year because I'm an accountant. So I'm working 55 plus hours a week until April 15th, so I really need motivation to keep my diet on track & to exercise. I'm interested in yoga because I have back problems and I think that yoga might help.

    If you don't mind me joining: my name is Ellen Huffman. Thanks!!

    I don't mind at all the more the merrier...welcome. I hope this helps you get motivated and be careful with your back I found this article you might like and you could also talk to your doctor maybe he/she might have some resources for you as well :)
  • lise_anne
    Hi! I'd really like to join your group. I'm taking up running and would like to incorporate yoga into my day to help with flexibility and to just relax! I used to do yoga more often and am trying to get back into it. I think this group would really help me stay focused and motivated.

    I hope it helps too good luck :)
  • kfath
    kfath Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm about to turn 50 so I'm feeling old and stiff! what a great idea to help me gain strength and flexibility so that I can jump back onto the fitness bandwagon. I started last night doing 20 min. of yoga on wii fitness. It will be tough for me to make myself do it everyday. thanks for making this challenge. Now I have a goal to start with.
  • lise_anne
    Hi, I'm about to turn 50 so I'm feeling old and stiff! what a great idea to help me gain strength and flexibility so that I can jump back onto the fitness bandwagon. I started last night doing 20 min. of yoga on wii fitness. It will be tough for me to make myself do it everyday. thanks for making this challenge. Now I have a goal to start with.

    Your welcome and even if you can only do a couple poses per day it will count :) you can do it. and there is no minimum time to practice each day as long as you tried :) good luck
  • SadieLemonade
    SadieLemonade Posts: 4 Member
    Hello :) I'm hoping to join in too! I have practiced yoga on and off for years but whilst trying to lose weight and train for a 10k last year I sort of abandoned it. I'm at my goal weight now though so would love to get back to my practice. I love both Hatha Yoga and Kundalini so will probably do a mix and also incorporate some meditation too. More about me... I am a stay at home mum although I do work two evenings a week, am married and love wine and ale!! I don't have a car so am always walking with my son and hope this will help me burn calories alongside my yoga :)

    Good luck to everyone joining to challenge, I can't wait to see what benefits we all feel

    Sat Nam :) xxx
  • lise_anne
    Thanks for joining us, and good luck on your weight loss journey :) SadieLemonde

    I have already noticed a difference myself some of the moves will need much more practice for me but definately noticing slightly more flexibilty...keep us updated with your progress in the daily check in topics, think of them as a little yoga journal :) can't wait to hear how its going :)