Checking in 01/29/14

Hey guys, just doing my usual weekly check in! Time is going pretty fast, as we are just about 1/3 into the challenge.

How's everyone doing overall? Are you all optimistic about reaching your CGW by 04/16/14?

Also, has anyone taken their measurements prior to the challenge?


  • Worthy2justdoit
    Hello All, I am doing wonderful if you could update me again about the we have weekly Check In's and what does :CGW that..still learning! Also 04/16/14 is the 90 day.. so do I need to give you my starting weight or post it for all can see; if so I dont mind..but just update me on what is expected with this 90 day Challenge.. I am super excited and the challenge makes it that more fun! Hope all is well with everyone!!!!:grumble: :drinker:
  • kblount10
    What a roller coaster already! First week I was super motivated, lost 7 lbs, then two weeks later and I gained back a pound and am catching myself over eat and eat way too many sweets! However if you fall you have to pick yourself up. I started Day 1 of turbofire today and I set alarms on my phone to record what I eat. If only losing weight was as easy as gaining it!
  • kikalique
    kikalique Posts: 52 Member
    It's been going pretty well here. I've been doing what I said I wouldn't do: weighing every day. It's driving me nuts to see that I've gained 1 lb since Sunday. I have to remember A- it's not about 1 day on the scale B- I'm doing exactly what I need to be in terms of food and exercise C- put the dang scale away!!! Otherwise, I'm feeling good! Hope everyone else is doing well.
  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    I have been a little more laid back this week because of being snowed in. Nothing too crazy, but maybe enough to mess up my weekly totals. I just have to take it a day at a time. I have to remember that one day of bad eating is not going to ruin my progress just like one day of good eating isn't going to fix everything. Gotta keep the end game in mind. Now off to shovel more snow!
  • lilmidnightwolf
    lilmidnightwolf Posts: 39 Member
    Like everyone else, it's been a journey! I can say though in a month I have lost 7 lbs and I'm proud of myself! Motivation is high and I'm looking forward to see what happens next month! :happy:
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 223 Member
    This week has been a bit of a struggle calorie goal-wise. Work has been nuts this week, so too often by the time I get to eat dinner, I'm failing the HALT test. (If you're too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired, you're more likely to overeat or make bad food choices.) I'm doing okay on exercise though, so that's a bright spot. Water intake is on target, but sleep is not, so that's my mini-goal over the next few days.
  • JoyLaine
    JoyLaine Posts: 110 Member
    Work has been nuts for me too. Either I'm eating whatever (mostly) healthy snacks I can find in my desk AND not leaving my desk to eat or running out around 2 o'clock to grab something to bring back to eat at my desk. One of my goals is to not to dinner after 7 o'clock but it hasn't been easy with my midday meal being so late. Somewhere I read you shouldn't eat to late into the evening.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    I feel like I'm doing okay, but MFP prompted me that I have had a significant enough loss that I needed to change my goals. So I'm adding in about 200 more calories a day. I'm a little nervous about it, but hopefully it will be a good thing, and fueling my body.

    I'm really hoping for a weight loss this week, but I will also do my measurements too.
  • jls43
    jls43 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm feeling good this week. I've been on my food plan, bringing breakfast, lunch and snacks to work anf not eating after dinner. (Although I have not been great about logging ).

    I noticed MFP has some snazzy interfaces with activity devices like fitbit and was thinking about getting one but realized I could just start wearing my pedometer again! (Keep it simple!!) Been doing that and had a couple of days below 10k steps...It has been frigid here so I have not been walking home from the train too often although I did so last night - must be getting used to 15 degrees!

    This morning I'm On my way to a strength training class I have not attended in a while...with my favorite trainer (serious crush) so I'm psyched!

    Oh, and the scale moved this am (in the right direction) - I also weigh myself every morning it helps set my intention for the day
  • meek277
    meek277 Posts: 16 Member
    I did not meet my Jan goal of being out of the 3's. It has been a week of unexpectedness. My week has been thrown off starting with that flash I storm that had me stuck in gridlock traffic for 3 &1/2 hour. I didn't get home but had to abandon my car and walk to my brother's home, which was the closest option. At least I got a burn that day :). Finally made it home Wed. night weighing 300.2 I didn't eat much at my bros, nerves shoot. My dad went to the ER late Thurs night ( he is going food now). And I had my scheduled surgery early this morn. My goal this month was set around this surgery. I know that I lost inches BC my pants aren't as tight as they were at the beginning of this month. As soon as I recover from the surgery, I will be back at it.! Im not stopping. I made a lot of progress this month and dang near kicked my sweet addiction. Still eat and occasional sweet but I don't NEED them morning, noon and night . Now, I need a goal for next month.
  • JoyLaine
    JoyLaine Posts: 110 Member
    I did not meet my Jan goal of being out of the 3's. It has been a week of unexpectedness. My week has been thrown off starting with that flash I storm that had me stuck in gridlock traffic for 3 &1/2 hour. I didn't get home but had to abandon my car and walk to my brother's home, which was the closest option. At least I got a burn that day :). Finally made it home Wed. night weighing 300.2 I didn't eat much at my bros, nerves shoot. My dad went to the ER late Thurs night ( he is going food now). And I had my scheduled surgery early this morn. My goal this month was set around this surgery. I know that I lost inches BC my pants aren't as tight as they were at the beginning of this month. As soon as I recover from the surgery, I will be back at it.! Im not stopping. I made a lot of progress this month and dang near kicked my sweet addiction. Still eat and occasional sweet but I don't NEED them morning, noon and night . Now, I need a goal for next month.

    You've got a great attitude and seem to have handled life's unexpectedness this past week quite well. I wish you a swift recovery from your surgery ~ hang in there!
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    I did not meet my Jan goal of being out of the 3's. It has been a week of unexpectedness. My week has been thrown off starting with that flash I storm that had me stuck in gridlock traffic for 3 &1/2 hour. I didn't get home but had to abandon my car and walk to my brother's home, which was the closest option. At least I got a burn that day :). Finally made it home Wed. night weighing 300.2 I didn't eat much at my bros, nerves shoot. My dad went to the ER late Thurs night ( he is going food now). And I had my scheduled surgery early this morn. My goal this month was set around this surgery. I know that I lost inches BC my pants aren't as tight as they were at the beginning of this month. As soon as I recover from the surgery, I will be back at it.! Im not stopping. I made a lot of progress this month and dang near kicked my sweet addiction. Still eat and occasional sweet but I don't NEED them morning, noon and night . Now, I need a goal for next month.

    Love your attitude, darling!