What is YOUR goal for May 23rd?

The date is less than 4 months away, but I know I can do it!! 30 more pounds in that time frame. I will be weighing in tomorrow morning to see where I am starting at and I will post my goal as well.

I want to know what YOUR goals are for the next 4 month! Where are you starting and where do you want to be on May 23rd?

:drinker: Cheers to us!!

Kansas City, MO


  • pagraham1971
    pagraham1971 Posts: 37 Member
    My goal is a little less lofty. My birthday is may 14 and would like to be under 200 lbs by then. That means losing 13lbs by then
  • My goal is to lose 30-40 lbs by that date. If I fall anywhere between 30-40 lbs lost I will be one happy camper
  • tamara0969
    tamara0969 Posts: 2 Member
    My goal is to lose 25-30 lbs by May 23rd. Have been working hard at this for 1 month now and have lost 18 lbs total:happy:
  • 18lbs wow! Great job :smile:
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    My goal is get ready to work off the last dozen pounds by July 4th! I am breaking it down like this.

    Get my logging, water, and exercise habits back into play and lose 2lbs from mid January rejoining date to Ground Hog's day-->
    By the time I hear those tiny peepers chirping from vernal ponds deep in the woods I want to be down another 6lbs--> then another 4lbs by my April bday --> onto discarding 4lbs by May Day --> another 6lbs by end of my children's classes in mid June--> finally another 4lbs by the 4th of July and finally be free of 24lbs!
  • Hi there! brand new to this whole group thing. My goal is around 40 lbs, but at this point anything will do!
  • My goal is to lose 15 lbs and tone my body by May 23rd! Will post before and after photos.
  • emmaelisenl
    emmaelisenl Posts: 39 Member
    My goal is to lose 28 lbs and just feel healthier and have more energy!
  • LaurenPell123
    LaurenPell123 Posts: 42 Member
    My goal is to loose an inch off my stomach and another inch off each of my thighs :P I'm not really bothered what the scales say any more because my body composition has been changing a lot quicker than the scales :)
  • chownot
    chownot Posts: 46 Member
    Tone my abs and lose 17 pounds! I've been trying different exercise strategies to find out what I like.
  • I am extremely excited to do this with you all!! It's great to have goals but I think it will be harder for me to "fail" if I am in a group and I answer to people. Something weird about us humans...we can disappoint ourselves and let ourselves down left and right, but we try so hard to prove our worth to others.

    Here's to us!
  • heathmarie143
    heathmarie143 Posts: 38 Member
    My original goal was to by down 15 lbs by April 3, which is my birthday. However looking further down the road, I would like to be down a total of 20-25 lbs by June and toned enough to be confident in a bikini =)
  • awmack
    awmack Posts: 17 Member
    My goal is to lose 25-30 lbs by May 23rd. I'm definitely off to a good start and living healthy is a lifestyle that I choose each day. Let's stay committed everyone!
  • My goal is to go from 195 to 160 so 35 pounds! I'm turning 30 on June 17th and I want to be healthy and fit!!!
  • mrs9wilson
    mrs9wilson Posts: 8 Member
    I'm just getting started again, so I will be happy with any pounds lost. My ultimate goal is to lose 66 pounds this year (196 to 130). If I lose 15 pounds by May 23rd I will be so excited! I'm trying to not push myself too hard, because I always seem to fail and GAIN weight. So good luck to all you!!! WE CAN DO IT :)
  • jaisa2
    jaisa2 Posts: 2
    My goal is to take my children to the beach and wear a BIKINI! lol.
    I want to lose 15-20 pounds, tone up my body, and flatten my stomach.
    I'll be doing zumba 3-4 times a week and eating healthier meals (any great kid friendly recipes would be greatly appreciated)
  • kayte328_
    kayte328_ Posts: 5 Member
    My goal is to lose at least 16 lbs by then, so a pound a week. Preferably, I would like to lose twice as much weight as that, which I think I can totally do with the new job I work at, since they promote being physically/mentally healthy so much. Like there is gym equipment on every floor of the building. :) So that will definitely help boost my motivation.

    I'm also planning on going back on to phentermine again, I used that last year to prepare for a wedding where I was a bridesmaid and I lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks, so if I can get another big jump like that to begin with, I think I will do alright!

    Any motivation on here would be so greatly appreciated :)
  • In the next 4 months I would love to lose 20 lbs. I have been working out and eating healthy for 2 months now and I am only down 6 lbs. There are quite a few changes in my body and my strength but I still cannot figure out what I am doing wrong for me to not being losing weight! Total weight loss goal is 50 lbs but for now until May I would be very happy with 20 :-)
  • Lovingsumme
    Lovingsumme Posts: 2 Member
    Right now I weigh 163 and I want to be at 110 by May 23rd
  • graceisfree
    graceisfree Posts: 84 Member
    My goal is to lose 40 lbs by the end of May