
Hi All! I am Vickie in Western Nebraska and I had a gastric sleeve done 12/31. It has been a bit of a whirlwind as I started the introductory process at the end of October and was moseying along, only to find out my group coverage would undergo a change as of 1/1/14 and would no longer cover the surgery. My team and I kicked it in high gear to get all of the work done for approval to complete the surgery before the end of the year. We were able to obtain approval and the surgery was completed with hours to spare. Consequently, what I had envisioned as a leisurely process of education and lifestyle changes turned into more of a madcap road race. So, I am home, not feeling too terrible and working on making adjustments and understanding how to move forward. The bariatric team at the local hospital and my personal physician are pretty darned terrific and I have tons of support from that direction as well as from family, who are also pretty terrific. I am very lucky.

I am 53 years old and started at 269. As of this morning I weighed in at an even 259. At this rate, I will have disappeared completely by this time next year!

Going forward, I may need help and support from groups such as this who have been there and done that, and could maybe offer my own two cents, once I have earned some of it through experience.

Hoping to get to know you all!



  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Feel free to friend me. I have an open food diary. I had VSG 11/20/13. I have lost 44lbs. Your big priorities are your protein and hydration. Falling behind with either can often result in nausea and generally feeling like crap. The first 20 lbs lost are fairly automatic. After that it is all up to you. My best advice is don't reintroduce your Kryptonite foods into your new lifestyle and NO grazing. Anyone can out eat wt loss surgery if they choose. Good luck!
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    Hi Vickie,
    Feel free to friend me. I was sleeved on 7/8/13. Down over 100 lbs from my highest weight, and over 85 lbs since pre-op.
  • Hello! I am Desiree, from Colorado. I am 46 and am currently awaiting my insurance approval for my sleeve surgery. I hope to have my surgery by March 15th. I am currently 5'4", 239 lbs. My goal weight is 140-150. I'm excited to join this group and learn from all your experiences!
  • sue100194
    sue100194 Posts: 129
    My sleeve procedure is scheduled for Feb 12. Just started the pre-op diet today. so far so good but I know it's early.
  • Hi,

    My name is Rachel from NY...Im scheduled for gastric sleeve Feb 11. Im on day 5 of liquid diet. The first day was the hardest for me. Now im just getting closer and feeling a lot more motivated. Wishing you a happy journey.
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
  • Winefine86
    Winefine86 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi my name is Donnetta I'm set to be sleeved on March 17, I'm looking forward to this experience and all the new people I will meet on my journey. Please feel free to add me we can support each other.
  • DanniHejl
    DanniHejl Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, welcome. I am also new to the community forums.
  • ujuoba
    ujuoba Posts: 20 Member
    I'm scheduled for VSG in Mid March. I'm scared. How do you "friend" folks who offer themselves as support?
  • ujuoba
    ujuoba Posts: 20 Member
    Tell me how to "friend" you as I'm scheduled for sleeve in Mid March and I could use the support.
  • Just click on the person's user name (the blue text) and it will take you to a page that will allow you to send them a friend request :)
  • ujuoba
    ujuoba Posts: 20 Member
    Good morning! I love you all, you give me hope and alleviate my anxiety.
  • hi All! i'm new here and having VGS in 9 days. started my pre op diet yesterday. looking for friends to help support and inspire me along the way and with what is to come :) would love to hear anyone's story who is willing to share!
    thanks :)